Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Backburner GATE

So You children comprehend all of this, the reality is simple in the IRS scandal was known by democrats and republicans for over 1 YEAR. They did absolutely nothing on this, even when outed by Tea Party Congressmen from California.

Why focus on it now?

This was a backburner gate, a fodder to the masses in which an "agency" with nameless scapegoats could be goated, in the event that really heinous things started bursting forth like ANALGATE in Benghazi and the White House as in Gun Runner, walked two bombs to North Korean bombers in Boston to try and set up Kim Jong Un who was the focus that week, but now all has changed.


Agency Fails to Comply With Congressional Demand for All Communications With WH...

Armed 'Homeland' Guards Protect IRS From Tea Party Protesters...

Top Dems blame scandal on tax code...

SCANDAL TIMELINE: Who knew what, when?

The IRS is the focus, because the IRS is absolutely nothing.



Nothing compared to Obama stoned out of his gourd on September 11 and dancing with boys naked in the Grunge Room.
Nothing compared to a kidnapping attempt in Benghazi for an Obama hostage rescue which got 4 Americans murdered.
Nothing compared to the regime instigating a false flag operation in Boston to prosecute another Obama war and more Americans were slaughtered just like in Fast and Furious.

See all the other Obama crimes were known, and Andrew Breitbart found out about bin Laden's corpse, and it got him and other Diaspora dead, but it never marked Obama.

This IRS bone now is to deflect from the crimes of Obama that can not be deflected from, in crimes that would have the frauds in this regime facing Jodi Aria death penalty convections in how heinous all this is.

This is a last ditch attempt in igniting a backfire to save this regime from it's worst crimes being exposed which would bring on a revolution.

As the rich pirates who will not donate the big bucks know so much.......just ask them what comes next as they of course have it all figured out while smearing this blog.

Birther had this lit to save hisself, but someone else struck these matches in the control, and Obama is pleased to be fanning the flames away from the real crimes.

Allot of people playing with fire who should not be in the tinder keg.

nuff said

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