Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Accidental Exorcist

Jesus stated that a demonic house divided against itself can not stand, and yet Cardinal George, hereafter referred to as the "Pope who Protests too Much", was seen with much fanfare laying on the hands on Pentecost Sunday and an invalid shuddering and convulsing, as the Vatican now states George performed and accidental exorcism.

If Pope Francis the last Pope, the Pater of Rome, then something must be amiss here as how could the False Prophet cast out a demon from an invalid and still be the one about to install the anti Christ.

As a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, the answer of course a tangled web woven, that is quite simple.
Upon inquiry, George knew of this and planned this event. There was a demon there, and that demon did leave, but it was not cast out, and that demon is back where it was.

What took place was a bona fides for Cardinal George, the Pope who Protests too much in a litany of warnings that sound more a dichtomy or double edged meaning every time he speaks of satan.

Fueling the speculation is Francis' obsession with Satan, a frequent subject of his homilies, and an apparent surge in demand for exorcisms among the faithful despite the irreverent treatment the rite often receives from Hollywood.

He has since mentioned the devil on a handful of occasions, most recently in a May 4 homily when in his morning Mass in the Vatican hotel chapel he spoke of the need for dialogue - except with Satan.

"With the prince of this world you can't have dialogue: let this be clear!" he warned.

Upon further inquire exclusive here, this Cardinal has now given himself over, where he had not upon the last inquiry. He has now become the conduit for what will come in becoming the False Prophet.
This Cardinal in the time since last posted here, has met the anti Christ.

The fundamentals are all in place then. The stage theater to make this Cardinal appear he is a man of miracles with power over demons, is an illusion, but the Bible predicts he will perform even greater miracles as time proceeds and his power grows.

The question has been swirling ever since Francis laid his hands Sunday on the head of a young man after celebrating Mass in St. Peter's Square. The young man heaved deeply a half-dozen times, shook, and he then slumped in his wheelchair as Francis prayed over him.

The television station of the Italian bishops' conference said it had surveyed exorcists, who agreed there was "no doubt" that Francis either performed an exorcism or a prayer to free the man from the devil.

It has started, Pater Francis has taken the step and is now in possession of satan for what Judas things are to come.

Interesting times the end times are.

agtG 261

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

 Behold, I have told you before.

Matthew 24:24,25

The pope and the devil: Is Francis an exorcist?

May 21, 10:08 AM (ET)

(AP) In this image made from video provided by APTN, Pope Francis lays his hands on the head of a young...
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VATICAN CITY (AP) - Is Pope Francis an exorcist?
The question has been swirling ever since Francis laid his hands Sunday on the head of a young man after celebrating Mass in St. Peter's Square. The young man heaved deeply a half-dozen times, shook, and he then slumped in his wheelchair as Francis prayed over him.
The television station of the Italian bishops' conference said it had surveyed exorcists, who agreed there was "no doubt" that Francis either performed an exorcism or a prayer to free the man from the devil.
The Vatican was more cautious Tuesday. In a statement, it said Francis "didn't intend to perform any exorcism. But as he often does for the sick or suffering, he simply intended to pray for someone who was suffering who was presented to him."
Fueling the speculation is Francis' obsession with Satan, a frequent subject of his homilies, and an apparent surge in demand for exorcisms among the faithful despite the irreverent treatment the rite often receives from Hollywood. Who can forget the green vomit and the spinning head of the possessed girl in the 1973 cult classic "The Exorcist?"
In his very first homily as pope on March 14, Francis warned cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel the day after he was elected that "he who doesn't pray to the Lord prays to the devil."
He has since mentioned the devil on a handful of occasions, most recently in a May 4 homily when in his morning Mass in the Vatican hotel chapel he spoke of the need for dialogue - except with Satan.
"With the prince of this world you can't have dialogue: let this be clear!" he warned.
(AP) In this image made from video provided by APTN, Pope Francis lays his hands on the head of a young...
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Experts said Francis' frequent invocation of the devil is a reflection both of his Jesuit spirituality, his Latin American roots - and a reflection of a Catholic Church weakened by secularization. "The devil's influence and presence in the world seems to fluctuate in quantity inversely proportionate to the presence of Christian faith," said the Rev. Robert Gahl, a theologian at Rome's Pontifical Holy Cross University. "So, one would expect an upswing in his malicious activity in the wake of de-Christianization and secularization" in the world and a surge in things like drug use, pornography and superstition.
In recent years, Rome's pontifical universities have hosted several courses for would-be exorcists on the rite, updated in 1998 and contained in a little red leather-bound booklet. The rite is relatively brief, consisting of blessings with holy water, prayers and an interrogation of the devil in which the exorcist demands to know the devil's name and when it will leave the possessed person.
Only a priest authorized by a bishop can perform an exorcism, and canon law specifies that the exorcist must be "endowed with piety, knowledge, prudence and integrity."
While belief in the devil is consistent with church teaching, the Holy See does urge prudence, particularly to ensure that the afflicted person isn't merely psychologically ill.
The Rev. Giulio Maspero, a Rome-based systematic theologian who has witnessed or participated in more than a dozen exorcisms, says he's certain that Francis' prayer on Sunday was either a full-fledged exorcism or a prayer to "liberate" the young man from a demonic possession. He noted that the placement of the pope's hands on the man's head was the "typical position" for an exorcist to use.
"When you witness something like that - for me it was shocking - I could feel the power of prayer," he said in a phone interview, speaking of his own experiences.
Maspero said it was particularly symbolic that Francis' purported exorcism occurred on Pentecost, an important feast day for the church when the faithful believe Jesus' apostles received the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
"The Holy Spirit is connected to the exorcism because ... it is the manifestation of how God is present among us and in our world," he said.
While the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, sought to tamper suggestions that what occurred was a full-fledged exorcism, he didn't deny it either, saying merely that Francis hadn't "intended" to perform one.
Italian newspapers noted that the late Pope John Paul II performed an exorcism in 1982 - near the same spot where Francis prayed over the young disabled man on Sunday.