Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Bat Stink of Cover Up

This story smells of cover ups as it is standard protocol to "trigger" those individuals who know things, like the Chechen boys to make them bolt, make them try and obtain money, shoot at them to get them to fire back, and then run over them with hummers and stun grenades.

When one "questions" an unsub, one can brush them, speak IRS rudely to them, trample on their rights, and trigger a response where the unsub reacts in having their American Rights Space violated, whereby being unsettled one can trigger a frightened person to pick up their legal weapon, which the federal police know they have.........and then "murder them legally while resisting arrest".

The person who was then murdered, is smeared in the press, whereby the dead tell no tales, and that information they did have is silenced, and all the other Muslims know to shut up and carry around grudges to of course perpetuate other acts which the federal police will act upon.

As a reminder, North Korea was behind this Boston bombing with the Holder cell at NSA, and the North Koreans screwed the regime over, so this other bombing overlay was burned. Hence we hear nothing of North Korea which the regime was going after in regime change, and instead the Muslim dolts who like being made targets of by Brzezinski militantism, keep making the press in being "difficult" and have to be shot.

I'm broke, I'm exhausted and get smeared by moles warning that people should not believe what is posted here as "there is no evidence". I suppose it is not evidence when you have your head up your ass with Obama shit for brains, as anyone who has worked intelligence knows when things stink and when they have that stench of clean up operations in cover ups.
Just look at Obama's eyes sometime. You can see the narcotics there in the stare in a mix of coke and weed.

The trouble with being an asshole is the evidence that even assholes do not want to be around you as you are such a big asshole.

Lame Cherry

The trouble with being a thieving rich asshole who quotes this blog and relies on poor people to wipe your asshole is you still smell like shit in every turdy word you post.

Lame Cherry

I asked the Holy Ghost if there were 10 rich people who could donate 50,000 to the blog, as you know I had car trouble, and things are expensive, and the Holy Ghost said YES. So God knows who you are and what you are in robbing the poor and making the poor donate their widow's mites as they have consciences and should not ever be donating.

I have no idea how it feels to be rich and stupid, that I ever had to go on other people's sites and steal their Inspiration from God, and then repeat it  before others trying to impress them about "how smart my stolen information is as I pretend it was my own".

A poor person can steal all they want, print up piles of past blogs and I could care less, but it is your rich people that have my ire, as you thieving spiritual bastards not only steal from me, but other poor people and then are so shiftless you can not type in a search engine or more to the point so Godless you can not figure a thing out........but in jealousy and regime smears, you run around posting about this blog, revealing what deadbeats you are and how damned stupid, head up the regime's arse you are.

I will so enjoy the day in Christ's Judgment when I get to hear him say, "Depart from me you workers of iniquity".

nuff said

agtG 259

FBI: Man fatally shot in Boston bombing probe

May 22, 10:09 AM (ET)

(AP) Investigators stand outside an apartment complex where a man was fatally shot when a team of FBI...
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ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - A man being questioned by authorities in the Boston bombing probe was fatally shot when he initiated a violent confrontation, FBI officials said Wednesday.
The shooting early Wednesday took place in Orlando, Fla., where an FBI agent along with other law enforcement personnel were interviewing the man, identified as 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev.
In a statement, FBI spokesman Paul Bresson said the FBI agent acted on an imminent threat and shot Todashev.
The FBI agent was transported to a hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
An FBI team was dispatched from Washington to review the shooting, a standard step that is taken in such incidents. Even before his encounter with the FBI, Todashev, a mixed martial arts fighter, had a recent run-in with law enforcement.
He was arrested earlier this month on a charge of aggravated battery after getting into a fight over a parking spot with a 54-year-old man and his 35-year-old son over a parking spot at an Orlando shopping mall. The 35-year-old man was hospitalized with a split upper lip and several teeth knocked out, according to a report from the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
"Also by his own admission Todashev was recently a former mixed martial arts fighter," the arresting deputy said in his report. "This skill puts his fighting ability way above that of a normal person."
Todashev was released on $3,500 bond after his May 4 arrest. His attorney, Alain Rivas, didn't immediately respond to a phone inquiry Wednesday.
Police tape blocked off the complex of townhomes near Universal Studios where Todashev was shot.
Jared Morse, who lives in the next building from Todashev's unit, said he had been watching an NBA game when he heard loud bangs that sounded like gunfire.
"It's crazy, especially in this neighborhood," Morse said as he walked his dog. "Nothing like this ever happens here."
Associated Press writers Pete Yost in Washington and Mike Schneider in Orlando contributed to this report.