Friday, May 24, 2013

The Eclipse of Hussein Obama

There has been a story which has absolutely received no play time nor focus, and it is telling in all it means, because before the staged event of the Boston bombing in the Holder cell working in league with the North Koreans, there was an event which signaled a change in the way the globalists were thinking on Obama.

You wilYou will recall the event of events of the 2000 period where right before 2008, that Barack Obama blew into Kenya and had signs made up about his running for President of Kenya. That was Obama auditioning for his designated role he was bred for in 1961, until Bill Clinton infuriated the cartel over that "stan uranium deal" which cost Hillary the 2008 election.

It was in the following period as Obama was the joke from the European elite in imposing one of their darkie breeders of the blood onto 1600 Penn Avenue to teach America a lesson for that 1776 mishap, that cousin Riala Odinga rioted, raped, ruined and murdered his way to the leadership of Kenya when he lost that election.
See Kenya does not have electronic voting machines to rig and not enough Marxists to stuff ballot boxes so he would get more votes than voters like Al Franken stealing an election in Minnesota from the GOP Norm Coleman.

In spring 2013, Odinga once again attempted to usurp the Kenyan elections, but once again he was defeated.
Odinga once gain rioted and raised hell, but this time, someone else is going to be installed to the Presidency who actually won the election.

So Uhuru Kenyatta is the prize stud for the cartel and they chose him over the cousin of Barack Hussein Obama.....and if you have not noticed as it has not been brought up once, in Obama unlike previous times, did not illegally raise millions for Odinga nor did he send in Eric Holder and all of the lawyers of America to sue Odinga into power...and if you have not noticed, no SEALS were sent in to save Odinga.

Odinga did a riot and Odinga faded to black. Odinga simply disappeared not into the bowels of Kenya, but was caught by the BBC in London.

Birther Hussein Obama does not raise one threat, does not try to intercede with the United Nations, but simply acts as if cousin Odinga the former Prime Minister does not exist, but Odinga does show up in London, apparently gland handing in looking for permission from the British for another vocation.

Yes Riala Odinga has been "mentioned" as head of the United Nations in what is typical self posted fiction like the Obama clan all do, but there is a reality in this, that the evidence is in, that the Berliner boys could not give a damn about what Brither Obama is about not, and when it came time for events, Obama could not and would not save Odinga as he did before illegally, and the cartel sent the word, that it was President Kenyatta and not Obama's need object nor apply for a Prime Minister of Riots.

That all points to the board has shifted as Obama is of no consequence to the cartel on trivial matters in Kenya. Think of that in, Kenya is now the worthless pit of the world, and where Obama could raise millions before and allow murderous riots for "family", in 2013, Obama can do absolutely nothing......and has not mentioned one word about the nativity of his Obama family.......and most importantly, MOST IMPORTANTLY, is the puppy cartel feudal press, including the Mic Heads of Limbaugh, have not mentioned that the Obama family has suffered an immense political setback in Africans have rejected these Marxists.

Barack Obama has been eclipsed. The moon of Obama is a crescent waning by the cartel's own actions. The cartel would not save an Obama legacy and Obama could do nothing about any of it.
That is a telling and chilling point, which points to other realities in what will the cartel now not support Obama on as he is being blackmailed and shown the door by everyone from Egyptians, Libyans, North Koreans, Japanese and Russians.

The Obama luv is gone with the cartel. They appear to bringing up new champions to fulfill things in Eurasia now that the pirate Obama has plundered America of her last penny debt.

Missed all that didn't ya.

Yeah, we'll get back to you on that, what not eh.......

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