Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Obama Republican

For those who concluded that Chuck Hagel is thee dumbest ass to come out of the central United States, think again as there is a candidate that makes Chuck Hagel look like a brainster.

Yes the spawn of deaf mutants, Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota has awoken from his sleep to announce a policy for that cow chip ravine.

Is it oil development like North Dakota? No my silly children.

Is it jobs? No my silly children.

Is it a way to lower taxes? No my silly babes.

No Dennis Daugaard after years of doing nothing, after this blog started the exposure of what an Obama Republican this feudal piss ant is, announced this week a most earth shaking plan.

Dumb as a Post Daugaard (We have changed his name here due too Dudley Dooright smeared Canucks and they have enough problems with eastern liberals..............

I digress.....

So Dumb as a Post Daugaard.........we call him DAAP Daugaard now as it matches his inbred Norwegain double A rating for double arsehole, his big plan it to reward criminals addicts by releasing them earlier, so they can get addicted sooner, and terrorize the people of the region sooner.

Is that not a great plan or what?????

Sounds like Obama or is Obama in reality.

Yes siree Bob, DAAP Daugaard, has decided that if dopers will behave for a little bit in confinement that he will release them a month earlier. Never mind in this the medical science that we are dealiing the addictive personalities that require TIME to be conditioned to new patterns, be separated from old criminal dope heads and to simply get that poison out of their demon laden systems......
No never mind any of that, as DAAP is on the move and his ideas are about getting that dope market going as he can not have them incarcerated stopping commerce.

Take this out a bit in DAAP's reasoning.........well what comes next, releasing pedophiles for behaving?
Who would not want rapists released early?
How about murderers, not being in prison in giving them another chance?

I have no idea which relative of Daugaard's or if it is Daugaard hisself who is a dope head, that has lurched him into coddling dope heads, but this FEUDALCRAT is what is wrong with America.
Yes that is the new name for Daugaard and his Obama types, FEUDALCRAT.

DAAP though can find loads of money for dope heads in restricted budgets. This quote was one I just was flabbergasted by in a state address:

Fewer than 20% of the graduates of South Dakota drug courts and DUI courts over the last five years have committed new felonies. That is a remarkable success rate, because these offenders are repeat offenders.

Daugaard reasons that 20 out of 100 criminals, COMMITTING CRIMES, BECAUSE HE HAS THEM LURKING IN THE PUBLIC is acceptable, because 80 out of the 100 supposedly are "reformed".

Tell that to the people beaten, robbed, raped or murdered in these 20 felonies.

The reality is that kind of number is too many in ONE criminal committing one crime, as Daugaard thinks this is "cost effective" as he lies to the cow chips.

Do you for a moment think that these 80 other criminals, suddenly become beacons of the community as going to college, taking up trades, getting jobs?

Hell no!!!!!! You know exactly what this trash is, it is the trash existing in government housing, screwing and making more government wards, living on welfare and taking Obamacare.....

Oh but wait, here is Dennis Daugaard's compassion.......

Dennis Daugaard
Dennis Daugaard (R) opposes providing health benefits to more than 40,000 "able-bodied" poor people by expanding the state's Medicai...

Yes, Dennis Daugaard as a feudal lord could not give a spit about literally 1/10th of his states population as group of fiefdom autocrats piss on the poor with contempt in this Obama Super Depression.
Well why the hell not piss on the poor due to Daugaard's policies of no job development as Dennis and his crew of political welfare thugs are living high while the people of South Dakota languish.


As stated this spawn of mutants, I do not know if it is him, his old lady, his children or what that prompted this reward felons program, but that is the reality of Dennis Daugaard. He is the poster boy for all that is wrong in Washington DC and the Republican party.

Yeah let's not take care of law abiding Citizens, but instead let's reward dope heads to prey on society in welfare and future crimes.

Dennis Daugaard, what a f*ckhead.

I just saw he was raised on a dairy farm......figures, he has that look of someone who was having sex with the bovines in the barn.

agtG 246Y