Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bohemian Plough

There is an amazing region in the world in central Europe which has a history of oracles and seers, which have proven profound. I believe I noted the blind man from Prague, as his first half of prophetic visions have come true.
His focus was on Bohemia and the Czechoslovakia region.

The fascination in this, is this region is destined by numbers of seers to be in World War III or IV as it is defined here state this place will be utterly wiped out by war.
That great city of Prague will one day be ploughed by farmers. Literally, the number of Czechs left will be counted on one hand.

The first series of prophecies from the 14th century have come to be.

1) One and one more and a half time there will be foreign rulers over Bohemia. [This is not clear.]

    2) At a time when one ruler is over Bohemia for more than 60 years, a big war will start after a regicide. [Ed., this seems to refer to the First World War, which started with the assassination of the Austrian crown prince.]

    3) Then, the crowned heads will fall like ripe apples from the trees. [Ed., this happened in the last months of the First World War, starting with Russia in 1917, spreading to Germany and Austria-Hungary in 1918.]

    4) The Bohemian lion will rule himself and won't be subordinated any more. [Ed., this is a clear reference to Czechoslovakia.]

    5) Two peoples will be in Bohemia.

    6) The first (or ruling) people will persecute second people, and give them no freedom. [Mistreatment of the German minority.]

    7) Until a powerful one comes. [Hitler]

    8) Then, the lords in Prague will throw freedom to the second people, but too late.

    9) There will come another war between all the peoples of the world. [Ed., this is the Second World War, which began after Czechoslovakia was dismembered.]

    10) Germany will become a large heap of rubble and only the region of the blue stones will be spared. [Ed., the "blue stones" are the Alps.]

    11) The big war will come to an end when the cherries blossom. [Ed., Hitler was defeated in May.]

    12) As long as the cherries grow, I wouldn't want to be a German.

    13) But when the cherries are harvested, I wouldn't want to be a Czech. [Ed., the Communists quickly took over the country.]

    14) Twice the Bohemian land will be sieved: the first time only as many Germans will remain as there is place under an oak.

    15) Again the Czech lion will rule over Bohemia, but it's brilliance is over.

    16) Then there will be still only one people in Bohemia.

The second series of prophecies are the following and are yet to take place.

  17) A new war will break out and this will be the shortest of all. (a) The people will destroy the world and the world will destroy the people. (b) And Bavaria has to suffer much. (c) This happens because mankind will leave God, and God will purify them. (d) When people attempt to take the creator's place the end is near.

    18) The people in Bohemia will be destroyed by the war, and everything in the country will be buried.

    19) Twice the Bohemian land will be sieved: the second time only as many Czechs will remain as there is space on one hand.

    20) There won't be peace in Europe until Prague is a heap of rubble.

    23) The revenge comes from across the large water.

    21) At the [time of the] cherry blossom Prague will be destroyed.

    24) When for the second time the cherries mature, the refugees from Bohemia sadly return again to their their looms and fields.

    25) But it won't be many.

    26) And these few will ask each other: Where did you hide, and where you?

    27) The farmers will crack the whip behind the plow and say: Here was Prague.

    28.) All over the world will be a new age, which will be called the Golden One.

In a future time when people attempt to become God, as in the anti Christ as the Bible predicts a war will start in May as that is when the cherry blossoms bloom.
This war which appears to be Russia invading Europe in a blitz, does not last very long. Some hints are 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months.
While Prague is wiped out, the Rhine flows with blood in fighting there, and there is an enclave in Switzerland and France fighting, as the "revenge from across the water" appears to be a reference to a massive strike by America.

That strike in other seers references involves what has been focused on here in a sort of chemical bio nuclear hybrid weapon which kills everything that comes into contact with it.

What has always struck me is a reality, that the Bible calls the revived Roman Empire, Babylon the Great. The southern Italians are Babylonian exiles and the Germans are Assyrians of that empire.
In Jeremiah 50 and 51, Babylon is detailed in being destroyed as a haunt of owls. That is a dual prophecy which was already accomplished and will be repeated in the next cycle of 7 years.

As evidenced by the Bohemian seers, that region of central Europe is going to be the haunt of the foreboding animals that inhabit the wastes when wars vanquish humans from the region.

Babylon rose, will rise again, and Babylon will be wiped from the earth a last time in Europe.

The whore of Babylon has her false prophet. Time is now moving when satan possesses the unholy trinity and all of this comes to be.

agtG 231