Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Obamaneurism

Further inquiry into the Obama aneurysm in Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.....

In reality the Birther medical condition was congenital in Obama was born with this from conception. The source of this was Anna Chin. She was an opium addict to get through her days. The opium she ingested was tainted in processing with a petrochemical, and this is the genetic source for the Barry Chin vein cluster inside his cranial structure.

Birther Obama Chin has a condition of a vein mass inside his brain. There are 4 aneurysms involved in this structure. It is not in a primary pulmonary route, but it is inoperable, due to the reality it is volatile in weakened state.
It sits in the brain stem region and when it does rupture it will decapitate this region.

The current replacement medicines are weakening this structure further. It was what was behind the original eye twitches and the latest reporter questioning when Obama Chin had his head tilted for most of question in a diagnostic act that pressure is increasing in his cranial structure.
This pressure is not affecting his emotional or memory structure, but it does affect motor functions.

Mrs. Robinson Obama's planned extended stay from the White House at Martha's Vineyard has nothing to do with this condition. Her primary concern is impeachment and she desires to milk the public cow of all it's entitlements "just in case".
In reality, Muchelle knows nothing of this medical condition. Obama Chin is informed and this is a closely guarded secret in the medical team is aware of this aneurysm cluster, and in political circles, Aaron Burr Biden knows of this as did former Sec. of State Clinton. Leon Panetta, and the political team of Val_erie Jarrett, David Plouffe and David Axelrod were all kept in the dark, as this would have ended Obama's political career before he was installed at 1600 Penn Avenue.

The reason Mrs. Clinton stayed on as long as she did, was in knowing the condition was supposed to be terminal years ago, she had political aspirations to rise quickly to the seat of power she deemed as her's.

It is a fact that more foreign leaders are aware of the Birther medical condition than in American government. No one in Congress is aware of these medical facts, but leaders such as Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladamir Putin and David Cameron with superior intelligence gathering know of the Obama condition.

The  weakest point in this aneurysm will cause it when rupturing to "blow downward" at the brain stem.

This though is not B. Hussein's only medical problem apparently in inquiry as if this hamburger clump of veins in the central brain was not enough. While Obama did not have cancer several years ago when the  Drudge Report focused on the Obama weight loss. It was this weight loss which attempted to take pressure off of this cluster of bloated veins.

Obama has 3 other medical conditions which are of grave concern. Obama is a Type II diabetic. That is a food diabetic and the condition is weakening his veins and arteries compounding the  other condition.
He is prone to stroke. He has cholesterol problems in the veins are constricting in his neck and cranial region.

He also interestingly suffers from a Sheik bin Laden type manifesting kidney problem. The smoking of cigarettes and marijuana in the heavy metals they include in inhaling have filled up his kidneys and they are under stress. Obama Chin is not under dialysis for this condition, but he is not a healthy individual.

That is enough of this in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

agtG 240y