Just a few realities to the Fang Jinn comments on one of the dead demonic influenced children of satan in Trayvon Martin.
President calls for 'soul-searching' and 'national conversation' -- but warns politicians to butt out...
Recalls suffering racial profiling...
Could Trayvon have 'stood his ground on that sidewalk?'
If teen had been white, 'outcome and the aftermath might have been different'...

Recalls suffering racial profiling...
Could Trayvon have 'stood his ground on that sidewalk?'
If teen had been white, 'outcome and the aftermath might have been different'...
Soul searching in Trayvon Martin is like going to a whorehouse, exposing your wife to sexual disease and the going home and asking her why you did it.
I personally do not want a national conversation about a Niggazi Hoodie Obama voter thug, who should have been in a Florida penitentiary, tried as an adult for all dope and burglary he had been engaged in.
If the liberal school system, black parents and law enforcement had done their job, Trayvon Martin would be alive in prison where this homicidal sociopath belonged, instead of being hopped up on Obama's power and Eric Holder protecting Black Panther thugs in Philadelphia for threatening people.
What would a stupid Afroid conclude in Obama goes global murdering people, and people cheer and let him get away with it....so why would Trayvon Martin not conclude that murdering a "white Hispanic" was the way to go as Obama has been going beasty on white people from Lawrence Sinclair to Sheriff Joe in Arizona from Day One.
The one truth out of the Jinn's mouth was that politicians should butt out....as a Jinn supplanter to a foreign agent named Barry Chin, the Jinn is not a politician, so it could speak freely or lyingly.
It is a reality that if Barack Obama was American, was black in the majority of his bloodlines and not Chinese, was teenage thug attacking armed men with Skittles that I suppose Fang Jinn could have been Trayvon Martin......I suppose Obama could have been Obama and not Chin too, if he were not a product of Mockingbird Berlin Kremlin fiction.
Recalls suffering racial profiling...
This might be a reach, but when Barry Chin was on this planet, one could conclude that wearing a pimp hat in college, hanging around with Muslim queers in pimp cars, smoking dope and looking like a fagsexual that one does draw attention to themselves, but that has nothing to do with race as in that era, being a sodomite, hanging around with Muslims who were invading American embassies and holding hostages, being a communist and doing dope, were things got one arrested and deported......not on race, but on crimes.
Perhaps the Jinn is equating being a sodomite as a race of humans now.....as that is the liberal talking point.
Could Trayvon have 'stood his ground on that sidewalk?'
It is a legitimate question if Trayvon Martin could have stood his ground on the sidewalk, if he actually had stood his ground, instead of running away to the shadows, circling back and then stalking George Zimmerman.
There is a vast difference between rightly standing one's ground because they are innocent, compared to breaking another person's nose, getting on top of them and then beating their head into the concrete.
If teen had been white, 'outcome and the aftermath might have been different'...
If Fang Jinn desires to look at this in race terms of what a white teenager would have done.....then so be it. The aftermath of course would have been different if this was an Asian teenager too, as the reality is a white or Asian teenager would have had parents who would have told them to stay the hell home as they did not need a sugar and caffeine fix in the middle of the night, as skulking around in gated neighborhoods gets parents phoned by the police who catch the child and then the parent has to get up and get lectured at in the middle of the night....and those parents do not appreciate it, as they have jobs and not welfare checks the next day waiting for them.
A white or Asian child, would not be this type of stupid. They are not infused with an idiotness that Obama in the White House or a Jinn supplanter somehow makes the Afroid all supermen and that other races are just going to allow themselves to be murdered....as Obama went global murdering piles of people.
The reason Trayvon Martin is dead, is because that is what the American Afroid is. It is what the American Afroid votes in lock step at 98% in Obama vote theft.
Trayvon Martin is dead, because Barack Obama, Muchelle Obama, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Val-erie Jarrett and Eric Holder for the 2012 election theft had produced political operation plans to exploit the death of a black youth at the hands of a "white" American, all to intimidate white voters from going to the polls in numbers so Obama could not flip the election.
This is what Obama did in 2008 in his race card playing, and in all of this, it is time the mic heads on the left and right start making the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter the talking point, in not ignoring it as Mark Levin does or going brown bag like Rush Limbaugh. Trayvon Martin was killed, because Birther Hussein Obama needed an Afroid dead as a political wedge against a Mitt Romney.
It is what Benghazi in that White House produced digital blamed on Christian whites to intimidate them from voting, and it is the reality that no one except here has brought out.\
Trayvon Martin is dead because of Birther Obama, and Trayvon Martin is being dragged around the block in his hoodie corpse for the 2014 election spread.
It is not about racism in America. It is about NECROVOTING intimidation.
nuff said