Friday, July 19, 2013

The Brier Patch

I was pondering the Young and the Restless, because I do such things. I used to be bogged down in all the Soaps and as a child that is what I did all the day long in Edge of Night, Search of Tomorrow, Secret Storm, As the World Turns, Young and the Restless........mostly CBS fodder.

But first, our friend Sherry has a question.........

I love reading your prophecies and it truly hurts my heart to imagine your sufferings.wish I were wealthy, just a retired teacher. I'm sure you have a reason, but could you explain the sometimes ungodly pics and sometime ungodly vocabulary. Doesnt the Bibl

Do not be concerned in those who want to hear about soap operas as the Holy Ghost will tie this all in.....I was going to put it into drafts, but Sherry is a kind soul and it will be her featured today, instead of all of that boring stuff on is really boring.

I do not as a rule explain what the Holy Ghost is doing on this blog, as sometimes I am clueless and sometimes one can not get the result God is working for if the children and the brats know the clues in the maze.

Sherry, I have discovered that people are going to bitch about things. If you are perfect they bitch about that. If you are an idiot, they bitch about that. If you do John the Baptist moral things, they say you are nuts, and if you are Jesus drinking with the sinners, you are a man whore.
That is what the Bible teaches in Christ, in "the children of this world can justify their sins, but always find the speck in your eye to complain about".

As the pictures of women or men often comes up here in a bitch question the sexual perverts seize upon, as that is what is generating in them, those photos are utilized for a number of reasons. Sometimes they reveal just how degraded the American Virgin has become as nothing shocks people any more. Sometimes they are posted for effect in highlighting some lost soul wanting attention and then punishing people who look.
I fully realize about the not handing alcohol to a drunk, but we are in a sodom bar now, and Americans who are moral, have deluded themselves into thinking America is Beaver Cleaver yet when all is filth.

I can discern Sherry that you are legitimate in your asking and not being judgmental in damning the work like many who take the bait do.

I would like you to comprehend though something you and others have perhaps not noticed in what has been accomplished in liberating you.

For the past forty years, racism and perverseness, has been used as a license by the left in excusing heinous misbehavior in blacks and minorities, and damning moral people, while the left butchers babies and rapes women.
This goes unnoticed but it must be repeated, in Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin etc... were not able to say anything in 2008 with Obama. I was the one who defined Obama as a a cover, and in reality he is a feudal colonialist. It took Levin over a year to start using that world Marxist as he was so Mockingbird penned in.
When this started, the left tried to label me racist blah blah did not work, as I was the one calling for more blacks in the Obama cabinet and I was warning blacks of the problems of Obama, who is literally a product of Asian birth to be their black poster boy.

By my taking point, all of you can now blurt out things, and the left no longer tries that racism card or any of that other judgmental propaganda. By God's Grace, I opened a front and led all of you through, by using words and vocabulary the left uses, and made it common, desensitized the masses, and now we all can engage in a conversation which had the regime roll back the lynching of George Zimmerman to a higher plane.

Sherry, I do not when speaking with my Pastor say, "How the f*ck are you!" I do though in vocabulary word war, utilize it here for effect, as selective use of some language salts it to a level that people pay attention to.
I am not in a Church. I am on point so far ahead of all of you, that the fire I take and expose by taking fire in the enemy's positions, allows for the latitude of civility.
In history, the people in nice houses always like to extol their virtues like the modern person can kill cabbage and chicken at the market, and deem themselves superior to the slaughterhouse workers gutting chickens. People in cities like to deem themselves superior in condemning those on the frontier, but fail to note that their cities are built on the graveyards of a struggle where there was an American genocide taking place against white people for one hundred years in America by an Asian race called Indians mixed with Mideastern peoples who landed here.
Both races could not win, one did, and it was the civilized one, using the exact warfare they were being exterminated by.
People are not taught that George Rogers Clarke and Andrew Jackson were fighting against the genocide of Americans by European foreign empire and their Indian agents.

Long ago on a soap opera, there was a character called Roger Thorpe. I adored watching his work, as he was so amoral. Roger Thorpe in that era of Beaver Cleaver, was raping women, stealing money, doing all sorts of heinous things, and he got away with it every  time.
Michael Zaslow, I believe was the actor. He was before all the evil people who are common now, but his effect was perfect as he was the Charlie Manson of that era on television.

Look what America is in the highlighting of the gang political rape of women which women did not rise up against nor condemn in Sarah Palin, and this blog was forced to draw the line in the sand. America is a nation of Roger Thorpes.
That entire conglomerate whoredom which is government in America, has overthrown the Constitution, installed a foreigner in Obama, a Jinn has now taken it's place.....and with all the evidence pointing to those realities, there is not one pundit, columnist, politician or American noting that things are not adding up in America.

What this dovetails into is the Young and Restless. My Mom watches that show, and I pick up pieces of it as I work here, and a month ago, I literally was thrilled in they had two black men actually not fairytale pie in the sky walking on water, but one actually who is a real ass, was taken down a peg by another black man who knew what creep he was.
The creep is still running around trying to break up a marriage and has blonde candy, but for a moment  the reality was before the world, that blacks are just a big as bastards as any other people.

Y & R though has an Italian stalking a red headed wife he seduced, and that is being overdone in the Italians are bad eggs, but why is it that people just accept bad behavior now, instead of rejecting it. It is because bad behavior has been institutionalized by the elite who are above the law.

There was one tea tax in the mid 1700's in America, which the British rightly put on Americans, because it was British armies sent out protecting Americans from European and Indian Empires.
As the colonists revolted over one tax, the clergy was speaking out, and Pastors were being whipped to death on the streets.

Andrew Breitbart and numbers of people have been murdered by the regime that rules America. This Obama regime has literally taken electric bills from 50 dollars in 2008 to 150 dollars in 2012, along with gas doubled in price, inflation at 10 percent, and Americans do absolutely nothing as Limbaugh and Levin tell all to KCCO, just talk it to death, and trust in vote fraud elections and that some new group in DC is going to undo the blackmail which drove Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin from doing their jobs.

America is dead. She is a 3rd world despotry and in all of this I endure threats, attacks, hacking and smears as that is my Prophet's job at this moment. I appreciate you Sherry as the other kind people who do make contact and honestly ask for explanations of things. I can not explain a great deal, as God has other purposes working out and this Witness is about not saving people, but evidence for their Judgment.

I am thankful to all the poor people who have donated as well as those who have tried to donate more. I never desire money from the poor, as it is a matter you are taxed enough. I realize that God moves people to donate so they will be blessed in God's Way, but I do feel for each of you, as I am in a position now of uncertainty and great pressures on me.
Consider this Sherry in I am on a street corner called Lame Cherry. I am laying here ill at times, wearing dead people's clothes or I am sitting here in a pair of "trash shorts" something that would have been thrown away in a laundry, but God provided. The same rich people who put their photos in media for being generous. The same rich people who have it all and make certain they tell you how generous they are as they only donate to charities for TAX DEDUCTIONS you are paying for, are the same rich people who do not just drive by and act like they ignore me, but stop, take the things out of my pockets for their own and then splash me with the rain in the gutters as they speed off.

They will be judged for this as that is what the Good Samaritan story and God commanding He desires goodness to others more than offerings to Him. The poor do not have a voice. I am their voice.
I speak of the real poor. The poor who like me do not qualify for one government handout and that is what America is designed now for to deny Americans the things that are supposed to be there to protect them.

I do sincerely hope that this explains a little bit. The prophecies will continue, but today was a day when satan struck back in the literal war I am stuck in and I have more scars to remember as does TL as we are being honed to an even more sharp edge.

I the picture of woman enticing sexual attention a photo of that, or a revelation of a woman so denuded by America, that she has to cheat in not developing her personality, her mind, her talents?
Is the look in her eyes one of Joy in a God Who created her, or is it one which exposes a vacuous misery in a frightened little child who just can not figure out why people do not love her, and she has to strike first in internet poses to keep the upper hand?

Pictures reveal a great deal more of the person than they care to reveal. American women have been raped in so many ways from institutionalized rape at colleges to the doping of a woman at some party, while males are degrading them in the revenge for other women who cut their testicles off.
It is a vicious cycle which is what the uncivilization scoundrels taught.

I have written of luxury. I have never had the luxury of licking my wounds in mourning my dead as the Spiritual battle I am in does not afford such things. Luxury Sherry, is Billy Graham on a stage in a stadium filled with people gleaned there by the faceless Christians in those cities doing the hard work. I am on a stage where a good soul like yourself views the world as herself in being moral and there is hope. I though like Joan of Arc, know the traitors amongst us who are rapists literally, child molesters, backstabbers, murderers and filled with lies and treachery.
These people want you dead literally along with the extermination of the western Israelite race of the lost 10 tribes. The situation in this is going to degrade to the worst in history. In part, I am affording you some room to move about in so you are not all zombies just taking the abuse. 

You now are aware of a little bit of what I am up to in what God is accomplishing in the brier patch. Numbers of people always think they know how to do what God is doing here better. I do not deceive myself in thinking I can do better than God.......that is why God has me as His servant and all the rest are reading from the sidelines and thinking all of this is their idea.

I will not give up on the rich donating. They will either donate now for their life or pay later with their eternal death. This is Spiritual warfare, and not the braggadocios of those who think parading around announcing such things is warfare. In what I am stuck doing, people die, people go to hell, people are heinous, people hate me and curse me and people are the beasts of Canaan in their being no remedy.

The point is calling and I have miles to go today as you will be here in the months ahead not realizing that God cleared the way.

II Samuel 24:16  And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, the LORD repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed the people, It is enough: stay now thine hand. And the angel of the LORD was by the threshingplace of Araunah the Jebusite.

Sometimes ungodly things do happen to teach the point.

I am not the definition in a time of morality. I am a weapon sharpened for the Great Tribulation putting an edge upon you.

Lame Cherry

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