Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Obama Horn of Africa

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........

The problem is you see and do not see a thing. That child Andy Dean of Ohio though blundered onto the gruel when he figured out that Kenya was a practice run for something big, as they did it before. Yes it is about patterns.
If Andy can see it, then you should be able to, but then he has red headed Miranda or something to help is brain functions.

I told you about Kenya terrorism in it was Arab al Qaeda running it. The Somali's were peppered in to give it cover. The Kenyans have always had problem with Somali land pirates. They are a spry people. Some have said their horn tooted in a Chinawoman's auditorium and produced a Birther.

The dim witted should read that last sentence again so you get it. So you get why Birther Hussein refused to shoot those Muslim Somali pirates in 2009 and the Navy had to make the call, as that was Obama's Nig family group he was protecting.

It was Queen Victoria, the grande Mum, who with the Kaiser were blood Israelite colonial parents to the Africans, if you toss in the Italians, Belguims and Boers. It was about all of this in keeping Africa a plunder hole and not a place Queen Vic was transforming it into, that put the feudal presses into overdrive in belittling the world Colonialism.
Colonialism is what made America, Canada, New Zealand and Oz. Colonialism started South Africa, Kenya, Rhodesia and that could not be tolerated in these successes as it meant competitors. It is why the Marxists went after Rhodesia and murdered the people out of there. It is why it was all turned over to these Marxist Negroids, it was all a triumverate of North Africa, West Africa and East Africa, with East Africa run out of communist Kenya and their thumpers were to be Somalians as it was in their blood to be mercenary pirates.

Is why they brought them in by the loads and sowed them into Marxist Minnesota. It was to condition them to be Americanized Islamocommunist terrorists who would return to the Horn and start a religicide against those competing black Christians in Kenya and Uganda for a start.
Is why that dude in Uganda has become a target, as he is not on the bowing at the knee group. It is why the Somalis showed up in Kenya  to be blamed, is because these Minnesota educated terrorists ARE NOT BENDING AT THE WAIST as Obama showed them.

The Somalians, instead of becoming the thumpers of Africa, in the same way the Arabs are the Pan Arabian thumpers who blew up Libya and are blowing up Syria, are not taking orders very well. They were allowed to become pirates of the sea and given all kinds of lucrative accounts, but they are not fulfilling the contract, and now have to be made a target..
Not so complicated stuff really, but the reason you yawners who think you know everything should be paying attention is, because this is in a process of coming to America now, as this blog first pointed to in a double blind inquiry.
New Jersey is the discussed target and it is February with several thousand dead. That is what Kenya was auditioning for. I keep telling you there are multiple levels in this.....and I keep telling you rich non donors that you are the ones who will be the target in dead.
Yes I place my life at risk in this and all I have begged for is the money for a place to live so I can do a more effective job, and yet none of you rich people have come through, and that really disgusts me. You expect the poor to do everything for you as you think God loves you more........well who is God talking to in warning you of things and stopping things to keep your privileged asses safe but this poor person.

At this point, I know exactly where the event will take place and when. Not going to reveal it though as it is obvious at least to me.

This is not some Islamist lock step group. Benghazi proved that as those attracted to Islam desire Sado Masochism and Bondage, to control their psychotic emotions. The Somalians are the same hot blooded group and they do not take orders well.......sort of like having a pet wild cat in your house. They look pretty, get petted when they want, but will chew on you when they decide in their domestication.

Ask yourself in this why it was Minnesota, in that odd little billionaire enclave, of Vice President Walter Mondale, that all this terror excrement got started there in the flow of all these Africans and Asians were dumped into white Vikingland to homogenize them in order to create a race of terrorists?
Raise a tiger in your home, and chances are that tiger will not kill you, but it will kill other people.

Psychologically, wild 3rd world peoples being raised by whites tend to associate in imprint that they are of that group, and will not then strike that group, but will strike the people they look like in revenge for being born of another race.

Oh there was method to this madness and Minnesota in the Twin Cities was one of thee psyops training grounds as all those Democrat Farmer Labor party of Mark Dayton preened in how superior they were, but thee entire time they were the nanny goats giving suck to the lions, tigers and bears oh my, being set loose on the world.

Somali terrorism has been known before 9 11, and it was never shut down, because like the CHECHEN KINGS OF BOSTON, they were being groomed for Afro Asian terrorism.

Yes another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter you are not donating those hundreds of thousands of dollars to, to save your asses.......and guess who as in Boston are they going to be targetting but your Yuppie asses as they always target the people with money as you are the competitors.
Oh and Andy Dean.........GONG!!!!! No pardner the Mall of America is not the target as the Somali or the regime is not going to shit in their own backyard in despoiling their little terror training camp in Minneapolis............what it is not just Libya, Jordan and Turkey running al Qaeda terror camps, but there is an immense network of numerous ethnics being run in the heart of white folks central?

Yeah, get the boobie prize as I already figured that out for you.

Now I have tied Boston, Barry Chin's Horn, Kenya malls for future mauling in in the future my children is where I am at on point. I tell you what the plans and thoughts are in their beds as you like prostituting me, or you would be paying me a wage I deserve.
Then again why the rich do not donate the 350,00 dollars is deep down they know their lives are not worth a the little mirror mirror reality slap for today to awaken them to why they do not donate in they know deep down they have no value.
If they had value they would donate the large sums.

Rich little things and all you are is terror targets and you will not pay the bill to save yourselves......sounds like you people are suicidal, but too cowardly to slit the wrist.

Oh well got the Somalians to take the plame.....I mean blame for that.

nuffer said pilgrims........

Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg - The Power Of Gold (Live) - YouTube
Dec 23, 2007 - Uploaded by fogelbergvideos
Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg Perform "The Power Of Gold" Live At The Fox Theatre In St. Louis, Missouri ...


Editor's Note: The Time Stamp shows this was posted at 12:00 AM on Wednesday, but it was still sitting in drafts until I manually published this exclusive at 3:37 PM eastern.
Once again the cartel Murder Inc. who is going to murder all of your richtards does not want this information out.
I sit here amused at this, because one day when you are going to turn into a corpse from some terror event, it is going to be due to the spiders denying publication of piece which would have published to save your precious life, if I had received the big donation and had not had to have been off trying to manage things in other things I am not paid for either, but need getting done.
I hope the people you leave your money and property too at least show up for your funeral.
The feudalists will have you dead. I try to keep you alive to repent, but you do nothing to save yourselves in donating here.