Friday, September 27, 2013

The Rape of Ecstasy

With Regards to Vietnam Veterans and the modern Islamic Terrorist

The problem with Americans is they are a self deluded lot of sinners who pine away at their goodness while in ignorance and arrogance support the very internal and external forces arrayed to their genocide.

Lame Cherry

The following is a historical reality of Frederic Remington on the murder of a Trooper in the US Army in Lt. E. W. Casey who he had just left a few days previous on the wastes of Dakota territory.
I preface this with Remington's words to educate the public  on the past 50 year history which is not anything new, but is as old as the empires of Europe coddling and endabling the aboriginal American immigrants from Asia to rapine and murder through terrorism.


Three days later I had eaten my breakfast on the dining-car, and had settled down to a cigar and a Chicago morning paper. The big leads at the top of the column said, “Lieutenant E. W. Casey Shot.” Casey shot! I look again. Yes; despatches from head-quarters— a fact beyond question. A nasty little BrulĂ© Sioux had made his coup, and shot away the life of a man who would have gained his stars in modern war as naturally as most of his fellows would their eagles. He had shot away the life of an accomplished man; the best friend the Indians had; a man who did not know “fear”; a young man beloved by his comrades, respected by his generals and by the Secretary of War. The squaws of another race will sing the death-song of their benefactor, and woe to the Sioux if the Northern Cheyennes get a chance to coup!

“Try to avoid bloodshed,” comes over the wires from Washington. “Poor savages!” comes the plaintive wail of the sentimentalist from his place of security; but who is to weep for the men who hold up a row of brass buttons for any hater of the United States to fire a gun at? Are the squaws of another race to do the mourning for American soldiers? Are the men of another race to hope for vengeance? Bah! I sometimes think Americans lack a virtue which the military races of Europe possess. Possibly they may never need it. I hope not.

American soldiers of our frontier days have learned not to expect sympathy in the East, but where one like Casey goes down there are many places where Sorrow will spread her dusky pinions and the light grow dim.

Frederic Remington. Pony Tracks (Kindle Locations 499-511).

The reality is the American Indian had three benefactors. The financier selling them weapons to create a war for commerce. The religious sects who sought to turn the savages into collection plate donors and the feudalists who sought to rule the Injun with white faces growing rich in ivory towers.

Nothing has changed in any of this as Remington pegs this on "eastern patricians" who were fed a propaganda about the noble savage from Last of the Mohicans and other such nonsense, about peoples who were eating other people they tortured to death.

There was a reason the Indians were killed off and made to move west, and that was real Americans from the earliest times were murdered, enslaved, tortured and raped by these savages as that is what they were is savages.

The same interests appeared again in another war for profit 80 years later and coddled the Vietnamese terrorists while spitting on the American Veteran as a baby killer. Yes Americans having their eyelids cut off, tobacco juice spit in the eyes, joints broken all night and then castrated to bleed to death in the morning were the reality of Vietnam, but it was this same group of financier children enabled by a financier media which championed the terrorist, and one of the worst is the Sec. of State, John Kerry in his display of political intrigue.

The modern Islamist is the same creation as the Indian of America. It was funded, educated and armed by interests seeking their own power through money and politics. Yet it was the American murdered and blamed, while the terrorist gained sympathy in not even being termed a terrorist by Barack Hussein Obama.

Yes it was the bad terrorist which Obama and Kerry with all the left demanded a police action against while out of the White House castigating George W. Bush, but when in power, the police arrest vanished and it was a Predator missile warrant murdering the "bad" terrorist as the Obama good terrorist was handed over nations like Libya and Egypt.

The worst mistake of the end of the 19th century was that Gen. Miles on Washington's direction of "new warfare" did not obliterate the Sioux to the numbers of the Iroquois terrorists of the previous century. Their ward status and the occupation of lands in the west has been nothing but a liberal vote fraud and finance skimming operation impoverishing Indian and American alike.

As Ronald Reagan stated of the Vietnam War, "America could have paved over that entire country with concrete and been ahead for what that war cost".......and baby sister ain't that the fact.

History has proven that one can make a people of savage behavior fat and lazy, but they are still that same malevolent force waiting to rise up and perpetuate their sins. Some of the greatest racists in the world war the Sioux Indians in their mistreatment of other peoples. It would have been far better to have reduced their numbers to 10 percent of population, and put them on a postage stamp lot, awaiting their tolls to sound for them.

The mistake has always been in not using extinction as a means of dealing with terrorists, and not just the savage alone, but the savage enablers in the ivory towers who hate Americans and yet glean them to millions and billions of dollars, should also face the same extinction under the reality of being called traitors and terrorist enablers, as it is their policy which murdered George Custer's command as  certain as it murdered the Navy SEALS in mass.
The American Warrior's life is always expendable, but the terrorist gains luxury by illegal trade in contraband and their benefactors grow rich on the war and the trade.

It is such the state of this rabid race which now rules the world in every corner that no one is allowed to voice the reality of Frederic Remington as the master voices are championed if a Patrick Buchanan of the Nixon Era simply points out that white people are an endangered specie.

Ignorance and arrogance murdered America. Ignorance that the enemy was from within and arrogance that Americans were not dupes in trusting the traitors wearing little flag pins.

The reality is nuclear winter should have reduced the Sioux numbers, meaning a winter campaign deprived of food and shelter with no solar warmth would have ended the Sioux problem still festering  today and awaiting a time to once again become a terror state in America.
That nuclear sun should have been utilized upon the asphalt and concrete of Vietnam in frying the Vietcom to a sunnyside up as they were cooked upon that pavement having neither jungle nor tunnel to hide in.

The same is fact in the reality that on September 12th, 2001, 1000 neutron warheads should have rained down upon the Muslim lands, with the promise that 1000 more plutonium scorched earth would follow on any nation enabling these terrorists in calling for sympathy for them, in that plutonium to forever polute and humanicide the progenitors who benefit from all of these terrorists of every age.

The feudal elite of 1880 should have been rope strung over a light pole, pulled to the top by mule and as they strangled, Libby Custer should have shot them in the chest, sometimes missing in first shooting their testicles off. If that would have taken place to Ulysses Grant, God would not have had to eat his throat out in cancer for murdering the 7th Cavalry in retribution.
Yes Libby Custer's prayer was answered in that reckoning in not even a United States President is immune to a balancing of accounts by God.

The same should have been the case in Vietnam with all that pagen mob who at the beginning of the 21st century infested the federal to the utter ruin of America.

There is nothing but righteous sentence in trying traitors and terrorists swiftly, leashing them about the neck with a rope, hauling them up with a GMC pick up to the top of a light post, shooting them as they strangle, and then allowing the mob to lynch anyone who dares weep a tear for such just treatment of the terrorists of the world and their sentimental benefactors whose Wall Street portfolios overflow with money from these fiends in global warming scams in rationing abundant crude oil to the wars they prosecute.

The hemp necktie and the unseen atomic frying of this sort is the only sortie to tie this feudal rapine to the grave where it belongs as it binds the world to a grave gulag buried in an abysmal grave.

It is all this same black commerce ilk from Hong Kong, Istanbul, Cairo, Beirut to New York. They feed on the body of humanity in contraband made illegal for their monopoly profit while using terrorists of the age to secure those profits.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. I do not ask you to wake up, as it is best you slumber for when the grim reaper comes as why should you donate large sums you richtards when that money will fill a cartel members account as a dozen of their terrorists pin your wife down and rape her to ecstasy.

nuff said
