Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Corn Spider of my very Own

I am so excited in a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive, as I was talking with TL on the phone and had my sandal off, rubbing my foot on a pumpkin so rare, that I am thee only human on the planet who grew this variety this year, and as the seed was old as Noah off the boat, it was a grande adventure.

The exciting part though was about my guest I noticed as I was feeling the pumpkin with my foot, all sexy like.....

I looked down and noticed a corn spider, which are those rugged looking immense black and yellow predators adorning garden and corn fields with their webs of protection and imposing forms.
As I had just moved this pumpkin up for safe keeping, I knew it had not been there too long, and it puzzled me why it was scrunched up like it was, as corn spiders are always on display as I do not think anything on the planet is going to take on these splendid creations.

It was then that I noticed that ugly off brown thing in the center. I first thought it must have been an insect captured and cocooned, but the colors was not right as I have seen them capture locusts to feed on and this looked nothing like it.

Then the Holy Ghost said, "That must be an egg sack".

Wow that was an incredible find, as my grand daddy long legs have them, but they are just the size of a pea. This though was larger than the spider in being about as you can see bigger than an American quarter.

I examined it visually and it looks like the eggs are there and baby spiders are forming.

The weather is to be mild and warm, so I am really excited by this discover to watch the process as she is obviously a mothering spider like the grand daddy type in she mates, stays with her clutch and hatches them.
I do so hope that I am able to see the babies as I never saw a miniature version of these big spiders.
I still am having a hard time with the reality that this spider lays such an immense egg sack, and suspends it in the middle of her web for protection.

This is a rare treat for me, and am so very pleased I was shown this. I am very pleased with God for this gift and hopefully baby spiders to examine, as these are one of my favorites in being so beneficial and we did not have these in my locality when I was a child, and only arrived here in the past years.

This has been a very good day for a naturalist in being able to witness this miracle of nature. I am so very pleased.
