Monday, October 7, 2013

Fyres of the Screen

I desired to sit about the screen fire of this internet camp and assure some of the children of late as you need that.

For Richard, all is good for us. Miscommunications happen and life is not about remembering the past, but looking forward to the future in Christ. Some might say my jibberish miscommunicatates proficiently here, but while the regime puts me on block lists, that is not the case among family in Christ.

William, it was nice to hear from you and thank you.

Mary it was good of you, thank you too.

Kathleen, thank you too for your kindness. God bless you for this

The Professor dropped us a note and he is always most interesting around the fyres of the screen.

It may or may not be vanity to pray with such hope to perhaps effect the 
outcome in the dimension where it is now, as it verges on bursting out 
into the physical for everyone.

Our Viking prays a great deal also and TL was mentioning to me, that even in the things I make known in things being put off, how it all still in interaction is on God's clock in the appointed time. As King David said in his child's death by God, "Who knows if God will be merciful or not", meaning perhaps sometimes God will relent, and perhaps if God will not leave the entire world unpunished, He might save one soul from the breaking point.

I make mention again about that post about time and that date being set. That was very important as I mentioned to Terry about it here. Everyone missed it, and if this took place then the pendulum is in motion and will not stop for a little over 1006 years.
Yes I am being cryptic as it must be. I also butchered some chickens today the size of turkeys and there was something else I was going to mention which slips my mind of eventful things which will come back to me if important.

John Boehner as president eh? If he has the balls, he could grab that brass ring.

That was not what I was thinking about addressing.

I will address this instead in intestinal health is most important, as stress is a great bother, and so are all those chemicals in foods. The Hebrew diet did have "fastings" and Daniel did such a one in not eating things sweet as such.
I feel like I have been hit by phaser stun today and not in the 23rd century. Grilled non preservative meats, brown rice and other such home cooked things as the recipes I have posted here tend to help. If I could, I would go blast a deer, as while they are not huge piles of meat, things like wild things do indeed benefit as do freshwater fishes.....all takes money though on those government licenses.

I figured that at 18,000 corn plants per acre, that with my corn, if I have a crop next year, I would have enough for perhaps two acres of corn if all went well, and then in the 3rd year I would have enough for my planting for seed......granted if I had land then to plant those rare kernals into which do indeed produce seed which makes seed unlike Monsanto corps.

On potatoes, my Purple Viking and Yukon Gold did well.........if they do not make me sick eating them, but my Agria did produce so if I shepherd those tubers, I will have better seed for next year.
I plant spuds in trenches now, as it marks the row and I can water more effectively.
Tractor again would help.

This of course just meandering thoughts of million dollar knowledge.

Oh I heard from the person who those ducks I featured in they spoke to the Ag department and it was figured out that hatchery was selling hybrid crap of Khaki Campbell and Muscovy ducks, if not some Blue Swedish too. The hatchery was rude and the Ag people a bit dense, as the mystery ducks are false advertising and the government is too ignorant in college degrees to know what the crooks are selling.
Muscovy ducks are still a great homestead deal, providing some jerk is selling you the someone selling you a Ford and you find a Kia motor welded inside.

Kia drivers I have noticed really are angry those Prius drivers with Obama stickers are all asses.

Will just be a quatraine tomorrow, as I was posting for filler in things like how Darius would have beat Alexander if I was Field Marshallette of the Persians. Well enough of this, God bless the Good with His Goodness in Jesus Name Amen and Amen.

I honestly pray for Jesus return as will most enjoy Him giving the world a good toilet flush as it needs it. I would pray for my family and my safety in having Jesus Light upon you in the coming darkness so it will pass without fears.

As people are always offended in if I missed you, I did not and pay attention to you. Sometimes is better not to have teacher observing too close.......the brats should learn that lesson and bring teacher an apple to bribe her....golden apple that is, as you are not getting off with fruit.
