Monday, October 7, 2013

How John Boehner could be President

By instinct in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

If John Boehner wants to be President, he has within his grasp now of defacto leader of America to do that. The political elements are all there. Americans are on edge. Americans are experiencing the Obama Jinn Jihad in America against Veterans and Patriots at memorials.

All Boehner has to do is allow the regime to implode on the "shut down".

Boehner should come out with a statement as this:

My fellow Americans, we have before us the reality of what America has been brought to by Barack Hussein Obama. The liberals in Congress and the Executive have rammed through laws making you criminals without reading them in Obamacare. America has been acting like a third world despot or your children let loose with your credit cards bringing your ruin.

If you will stand with me on this, I will lead the effort to fix this as what has been going on has done nothing but degrade all of your lives.

If Boehner would do this, hold on, get rid of Obamacare, only implement select spending bills, he will be the GOP nominee, providing he keeps a tight reign on this into the primaries, along with running his own blackmail machine of the fagsexuals to stop Jeb Bush.

That is the reality of them moment. Speaker Boehner can become the most powerful man in America and when he wipes out the regime, and wipes out his leftist enemies who are Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, he will be patrician President in 2016.
I would suggest Niki Haley of the Caronlinas as VP.

Boehner can perform a palace coup if he gets some balls and convinces MIC to use him more than in the Edward Snowden mode.

To be frank, Americans love being political and glam cannibals. They love building them up and they love tearing them down. They built the Clintons crooks and then helped Birther Hussein bend Hillary over for a 2008 gang rape of her nethers and Maureen Dowd and Peggy Noonan cheered it......just like they did in the gang rape of Sarah Palin.

Americans are ready for a lynching of the Fang Jinn. They would relish it with a passion. The Mexicans would love having the ire of America shifted to those cocky blacks. The whites would love to take that smart boy to the Clinton woodshed as that group has been waiting for an old fashioned lynching.
The political reality is Boehner could do it and to use the Letterman cocktail crowd verbiage, "Americans would enjoy giving it to those Nigger lovers too who propped up this regime".

A revolution is brewing in America, and Boehner could tap into it and turn it loose, so all you would see is Al Sharpton's white eyes in the dark under his bed.
The Obama shapeshifter is worse than Obama in being flat on it's feet. If this Jinn is left to it's offices the malevolence will go off the scale as the regime denying people to "look at Mt. Rushmore" from the road into real murder on select American allies.

Boehner has a chance in this to really bring Obama to heal and give Americans what they lust for most in Chris Matthews memories, and that is to make the pet Nig rub massahs feet.
It is what the Afroid desires in having a white think for them, and is why Obama played the roll in having Reid and Pelosi think for that Designer Negro.

John Boehner can be President and tadpole the Rovians up the ass.

Richard Nixon would do it and be the hero of America.

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