Friday, October 4, 2013
Remembering America's Future
In surfing for photos for the blog, I came upon something that called up memories of peoples lives destroyed by all the things Birther Obama was designed for.
The tale is one of immigrants who on trek forged north through the wilderness out of South Africa, and founded a colony there called Rhodesia after Cecil Rhodes, the legendary Anglo rule the world dominator, who the world did right civilly by.
As Queen Victoria was a pleasant Mum to the wogs, they benefited greatly in being civilized unless it was Dutch having diamonds who needed a Boer War to relieve them of those profits for De Beers.
Like in America and Austalasia, the natives were incapable of making the land civilized nor developed, so on those parts not used, the European created colonies to civil the savages and the barbarians. All of this was undone though in the 1950's when the cartel decided that making Africa into an America, would mean competitors they would have to destroy, so it was just easier to commit genocide on whites there and pack the remnant off, and leave the despotry to the Mandela and Mugabe butchers for streamlined profits.
I found a site as stated which is in the same satire of this blog in being an Afrikaaner exile from Rhodesia, producing the humor only a heart raped of their home which was promised them if they just made the land produce for the powers back home.
It saddens me greatly in these fine white people of Rhodesia and all of Africa were exiled and all they had was taken from them, all for this Obama global rapine now creating an entire slave plantation of the world.
The Kenyans and Rhodesians were really fine people, of the highest quality. There was just more of them than the Belgiums, Italians and Germans in their parts of colonial Africa, and they were like the Americans in they liked adventure, taming wilderness, drinking and guns for hunting.
They were a peaceful people, and no one ever speaks for them or has given any voice to them, no more than the Israelite Germans ravaged in mother Russia or the Israelite Prussians driven out of what is now Poland.
For Ashkenaz reasons, whenever these lost 10 tribe peoples ever get the murmured end of the stick, it is they always deserve it and the world is better off they are Americans are viewed now and will face their own exile and genocide again as they did centuries ago all across Asia and Europe until God planted them in America and the colonies.
I have pity for the Rhodesians as this communist feudal group even took the name of their nation away in it is now Zimbabwe, and Robert Mugabe that butcher worked a deal so now you never hear of him being hauled up before any world court to answer for his murderous crimes.
It is horrid to think people left a Europe they felt imprisoned by, made it their life work to build a home in Africa, and then had that life obliterated in racism, because those people were white.
They had no home to return to in England as they did not want that, and the consolation prize was being a Rhodesian exiled to Australia.
Sorry about that mate, but the people of Oz are nice enough, but they are not Afrikaaners. It is why Finn Aaggard appeared for his dying days in Texas, as America was what the white Afrikaan had in common with, and it was why President Theodore Roosevelt went on safari there among those nesters, as those were people he understood and had affinity with.
It all makes me very sad, because I know behind the humor is a wrenching heart longing for home, and the best that can be done is to take a few shots, make some wise ass comments, and laugh it off as your Spirit bleeds for a home which the new world order obliterated.
Yes the Serbians and Slavs are my pets as are the fiery crescent Asians, but I have an affinity with the Rhodesians in what was done to them was worse than anything any Negroids or Jews ever claim to have happened to them. The Rhodesian was a fire which was scattered to the dark earth to die in isolated embers of a generation dying out in remembering what it was like to be in the land of mopane, with the cough of the leopard, the bark of the antelope and that laugh of the hyena coming a bit too close to the porch, and that is what the rifle was for to remind them of etiquette as the gin flowed to an empty bottle and all was good, even in remembering that day that Papa was killed when an elephant decided to be an elephant that day.
They deserved better than they got and for their part, this blog remembers them.
This is your future America. It is only a matter of time.