Friday, October 4, 2013
Signature of HAARP
I was observing from my vantage point something unique yesterday as to what caught my attention over the American Midwest was pink lightning strikes.
Lightning in it's normal coloration is blue white. Color comes from heat in situations of the red category. Green atmospheric conditions appear when tornadoes are present in the super storm category.
Heat lightning though appears only in the July to August sultry super temperatures, when it is literally too hot to rain, and one just has lightning storms as the temperatures are in the 90 to 110 range.
Yesterday the temperature was around 60 degrees. That is 30 to 40 degrees too cold to start such activity, especially when 45 degrees was the morning temperature.
That pink lightning is what caught my attention, and as I watched it develop, I noted it was particularily violent in repeat strikes in exact locations, and there were numerous strikes.
As the bands of moisture appeared, I saw hail sweeps moving through, which again is a signature of severe updrafts.
This was a miniature super storm which could not have generated and yet did. It moved from southwest to northeast which is normal, but then it decided to move from north to south in the river valley I was watching it generate in, and then it backed up and moved from southeast to norhtwest., as if someone was directing it.
Which of course they are in HAARP.
There is a massive HAARP super storm like the one in Colorado being generated over the western plains of America at this moment. This storm precursor I was observing several hundred miles on the front of this cyclone storm, is tell tale and it is a signature of HAARP.
This storm was in the Minnesota region and the pink lightning revealed something beyond the sun was generating intense heat in the upper atmosphere, which is exactly what HAARP does.
The hail meant a super updraft, and in observing the hail bands, I did note a sort of vertigo in them in much of it seemed to be almost like snow in melting before it reached the ground.
This is one more Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as while the huckster is running around with their deceptions on Coast to Coast, I have provided absolute visual scientific evidence of a signature of a HAARP event. Pink lightning in autumn season reveals a super heating in a cold region, this in turn produces before a cyclone front apparent hot spots necessary for the generation of the cyclone.
As of this moment I was logged out of blogger and some spider asshole literally wiped out the closing of this post in leaving only a blank page. As this time I wrote this on a Word program, most of it survived, except I have had enough of this scientific stuff as the pony just does not want to go anymore as none of this interests me.
Have made the artwork and with that is closes and more Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives in more worthless information upon the wall.