Monday, January 13, 2014

The Germania Thought

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

It will perplex the mind of the entire readership to learn that all thought in this world is Semetic. This is not a racial cogitation, but instead the reality that when the Israelites were exiled, followed by the Phoenicians and later the Assyrians, they incorporated their corporeal thought process upon the world from the infusion of India with the Aryan or China with these same Scythians.

This all came to a climax in Germany with the Israelite Germani led by the Great Reformer Martin Luther in 1500 devolved by 1700 to the Psychological group led by such minds trending from Goethe to Nietzche.
In this, we would find Sir Isaac Newton, both Christian and scientist, later divided into the religious arts and sciences, as the two manifestations became at odds in what would form the separation of Church and State, bastardizing what Thomas Jefferson had stated.

As Christianity was corrupted by religion, the world was pushed into an intellectual realm which became completely Germanic Assyrian in scope. It would be these Israelite Saxons in north Germany and England and opposite the Assyrian Germans of greater Germany who would for 500 years flourish a religious, artistic and scientific outlook which would mould the entire world, supplanting eastern philosophy for this new order.
Immanuel Kant would as much as the Struggle of Adolf Hitler transform Islam in it's first reformations into what modern militant Islam is. In an amazing seed of corrupted thought, the camel trader Muhammed heard the Law of the Bible without any Redemption and brought that iron fist to a hot blooded people to rule them. By the 20th century Islam was growing for the first time in hundreds of years, but under a new bastardized thought of the Bana Nazi of the Muslim Brotherhood and under the direction of Kant in the Islamocommunist order.
Modern Islam as this blog exclusively revealed is a melding of bastardized Christianity with Assyrian German philosophy of the ends justify the means in a world of absolutes where religion gives carte blanche to immoral misbehavior.

This degradation has as much reached into America in the same philosophy of the German Semite Assyrians has created a Barack Hussein Obama foreigner usurping the White House in the same black revolution and Marxist dogma which festered all from that Ashkenaz Germanic dogma of Karl Marx meant to overthrow the masses to exploit them by financiers and aristocrats who were not seated upon the one throne of a family line.

The Assyrian German thought is mankind has Subjective and Objective thought, meaning all thought is confined to the person initiating the thought and the object being thought of.
In Freudian ego or id psychology as much a Jung, it places man as the beginning and end of thought. This "religion" has permeated the entire western and eastern philosophical outlook as it is appealing to the base human in it creates in them a god, in, "I think therefore I am", to quote the earlier Greek.

It is a thought though that has corrupted the entire of humanity, as by satanic deception it denudes the human of the Knowledge of Good and evil for it negates God and makes satan vanish from the human mind.
If a person is good, then it is the person taking credit and if the person is bad, then the "devil" made them do it, but in all the credit and diversion, it removes from humans that Breath of Life which is a soul, who is very much under the influence of other souls, animal and plant auras, thoughts of others, satan and God.

For the humanist, the wind blows as it simply is like a person. It denies the fact that it is uneven heating and cooling which produces that wind, which science will accept, but it denies that unless blame is assessed that humans could influence that wind, when the Bible would note that wind is from God's treasuries and that satan might produce a storm to be quelled.

The human is not a contained thought. The human is constantly influenced for good or bad by outside forces, which are constantly attempting to influence those thoughts, either to destruction or to life.

The world influences you when you get up and you decide it is cold. That thought is not in your mind, but is influenced by the world. People excited at a sporting event whether winning or losing are not a thought in your mind, but affects your thoughts as to whether you have joy or sadness by the influence of others.
Exactly in that same negative of positive, the human thought is influenced by the pleasantness of God or the hurt of satan. It might be physical, emotional, mental or soulful, but that spark of thought is generated not of mind and objects, but of the reality of some force in motion creating that thought inside the person.

Humans have a preponderance for repeating like psychosis. You never hear of someone rising to be a slave, for the natural drive in a human is to attain power and control. The Germanic philosophy is that trend in it places inside the human the thought, instead of making the human what they are in being thoughtless.
That is why people make note and gush about people being thoughtful in all are thoughtless.

There is no great wonder in a chemical reaction electrically charging and discharging the pangs of hunger or fulness, but the wonder is a thought Inspired or given which transforms the human from vacuous dolts to something above a rock.

The mania has always been in making people more than they are. They had not idea of good or evil until it was taken. Before that they were Inspired by God to name the creatures of the world being in God's image.
The division of man is as they have always been in they are clay formed into a body completely void and influenced by all or the clay with the Breath of Life breathed into them. It is baseness or Spiritualness which is the human condition. Baseness states the human is a god generating all thought, but the Spiritual examines the thought and discerns whether it is a good or bad command.

God answered the world with Martin Luther. satan answered with German philosophy, all steeped in the most brilliant minds in history to provide the illusion it was correct.

The world was divided at Babel when humans tried to become God and the world was divided again in Neo Assyria by the corruption of Martin Luther's Reformation into the reforming of the old philosophical order as humans a dieties of base id.

Patterns point to another arisen Nimrod to lord over the peoples who have formed to not many thoughts, but to one thought in lock step. It has always been that either one is a Spiritual individual or one is a combined thought.

It does not take a village to raise a child, for a village indoctrinates that child with the combined thought, and not the individual thought, all influenced by either goodness or evil, based upon environment or higher Thought or thought processes influencing the person or the mob.

nuff said
