Monday, January 13, 2014


I came across this ancient recipe, which proves so much is apparently being wasted for food....and at this point I am quite pleased, as the following recipe has things in it which make even me wince.

When you come to the parts about "pallates", yes that is talking about the roof of the mouth of an animal as part of this dish. Sweetbreads are animal glands which are quite large in some stock.
The lamb stones I did not want to check if they were testicles or kidneys or something else I was not interested in eating.
As for the cocks they are not in the herb section, I doubt it is flowers, so they must be the plumage of roosters. I suppose they taste like chicken and probably are tender being a cartiledge type soft tissue.

It is a rather large recipe, made larger by the beef steaks, and hosts of young chickens, pigeons and rabbits, with the other tasty bits of animal glands and head parts.

To make a Tureiner:—Take a china pot or bowl, and fill it as follows: at the bottom lay some fresh butter; then put in three or four beef-steaks larded with bacon; then cut some veal-steaks from the leg; hack them, and wash them over with the yolk of an egg, and afterwards lay it over with forc'd-meat, and roll it up, and lay it in with young chickens, pigeons and rabbets, some in quarters, some in halves; sweet-breads, lamb-stones, cocks-combs, palates after they are boiled, peeled, and cut in slices: tongues, either hogs or calves, sliced, and some larded with bacon: whole yolks of hard eggs, pistachia-nuts peeled, forced balls, some round, some like an olive, lemon sliced, some with the rind on, barberries and oysters: season all these with pepper, salt, nutmeg, and sweet-herbs, mix'd together after they are cut very small, and strew it on every thing as you put it in your pot: then put in a quart of gravy, and some butter on the top, and cover it close with a lid of puff-paste, pretty thick. Eight hours will bake it.

As I did not have internet when this was being written, I could not look up what forced balls were or some round,  but must be something absolutely exotic and delightful.

I do think I would have a tough time eating the above in the delicacies part. Just probably better that stuff goes into things which people do not know that time I was eating hamburger and it had these blue bits in it, which I later ascertained was parts of eyeballs.

Amazing thing in eats in what is one man's profit is another man's delicacy is another man's unsettled stomach.
