Thursday, February 20, 2014

Messiah Presidency

In 1820, the British sociological author Charles Sealsfeld embarked upon a tour of the American interior, examining the cities of the "Mississippi Drainage" with an interesting slant of providing information in book form to immigrants....yes the Europeans were already then using America as a dumping ground if it's refuse to be rid of the malcontents of the feudal state who naturally were disposed to attempt to rise up from their station in life.

Mr. Sealsfeld notes the National Bank having lent a great deal of money to builders of expensive mansions in Cincinnati which were now in the bank's possession due to bankruptcy. This was the speculative period of America in the west, and which rose General Andrew Jackson to the Presidency and the removal of the National Bank, and the federal money it housed, in a massive money dump, which caused the first massive speculation bubble followed by the first depression in America.

In this, Mr. Sealsfeld states with a shrouded joy, the reality that America was about to pass away it's Constitutional system for a Monarchy, and that candidate would be Andrew Jackson.

Mr. Jackson was a man of the mob, a "Republican" or in the modern democratic party, against the quasi socialist Whig party of the Federalists. The President though was most interesting in being a democrat, he soon gutted the mechanisms for imperial control in the National Bank, went to political war against the secessionist John C. Calhoun, who was his own Vice President, in threatening to send in the federal troops to South Carolina to preserve........the Constitution protecting the Union.

The interesting dichotomy was that Andrew Jackson, the very imperial President who could have established a Monarchy, when vested with that power, sought to protect the very institution over his own mob interest, personal interest, and party interest.

The reason I bring up this point in history is Rush Limbaugh and others as of late use the term Imperial President when attempting to describe, Birther Hussein Obama Chin and his Fang Jinn image which has occupied the White House since June of 2013.
I will remind readers that since June 2013, when Barry Chin, was removed from this life, and subsequently housed in the executive doomsday bunker one mile from the White House in a chicken entree box in cold storage, that thee entire Obama regime has lost every political situation from Syria to Obamacare. That is proof the image is in the White House and not Obama as patterns indicate something has changed.

The reality in this though is Obama is not some Imperial President. He is not even a tyrant. What this blog noted from Day One is that Birther Hussein and his Fang Jinn image, is a despot and nothing more.

One must examine the context of this in Barack Hussein Obama Chin was never a political force. Barack Hussein Obama Chin was forced instead on the American Politic.

I will quote that in: Barack Hussein Obama Chin was never a political force. Barack Hussein Obama Chin was forced instead on the American Politic: so you comprehend it as a Lame Cherry defining quote.

Obama has had everything from illegal immigrant citizenship birthed into Hawaii as an adoptive son of Stan Ann Dunham. He repeated it as a child of Indonesia when Stan Ann dumped him back into America. The same Obamachurian had his college and university appointments handed to him as a foreign student. A Pakistani wife was handed to him when he was going through the Soetoro phase of the Barry Machination, and Chicago was handed to Obama Chin with Michelle Obama as the Afroid stepping stone in community organizer.
For politics, all of his elections were frauds and manipulations. He was backed by Muslim money and David Axelrod criminally gained access to the records of his Republican opponent. The same dirty deeds were the  2008 campaign when he used thug tactics to rough up blacks at the polls and rough up Hillary Clinton's followers at the primaries to gain that victory........and the Lipstick on a Pig reality is Obama Chin stole the  2008 election by flipping 10 million GOP votes from John McCain and Sarah Palin.
In 2012, he repeated the act in stealing the Presidency from Mormon Romney.

Barack Obama has never accomplished a thing, including Obamacare. That was Pelosicare as she carried that entire water on that in that mob of traitors in the democratic party passed that bill illegally and the propaganda press was the cover as it always has been for Obama.

That machine with the press, including the internet drones, tried pulling their race cards on this blog, and this blog knocked them all from the deck, giving all the opportunity of free speech in America. The only reason people have a semblance of speech in America is because this blog cleared the field so entertainers of Mockingbird in Rush Limbaugh can dare to use the word HUSSEIN with Obama.

One must comprehend the American political system. There were only five Imperial Presidents in George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.
In each case, when these stellar lights appeared, there followed the Imperial hero an absolute drought of presidential leadership, for the political parties then produced in the absolute power only those candidates who were capable of Cassius backstabbing.
When Richard Nixon was removed, the disaster of Jimmy Carter only hastened the extension of Richard Nixon's Imperial Presidency in Ronald Reagan, who in the subsequent Presidents and occupants of the White House have proven pattern in being absolutely unimpressive, no matter the press.

For those who assume Franklin Roosevelt was overlooked, he was not. That usurper of power, like Woodrow Wilson, were both socialcrat despots, in each gained power through election overthrow in Wilson by the Teddy Roosevelt Bull Moose party upsetting the GOP win, and the engineered 1929 Stock Market Crash which installed FDR who was a Constitutional criminal in never leaving the White House.

For those who wonder of Abraham Lincoln, President Lincoln was a tyrant in good humor form. His murder undid the great legacy of the right of return to Africa for the Negroid and Reconstruction, so while he was promoted by martyrdom, he never transformed into Imperial President, which with success he might have been elevated too after the Civil War brought peace.

In the case  of Barack Hussein Obama Chin or the image in the Fang Jinn, he is nothing of the sort of an Imperial President. He is more akin to the sociological psychosis of the Jimmy Carter experience in Americans having the person chosen for them who appealed to the mobs hatred of America.
Carter sought to tear down the Imperial Presidency and the mob experiencing that rejected him. Birther Obama has sought to become more than an Imperial President in lusting to be the Nimrod "god king" which had him bowing his way through the orient where such "sons of the gods as kings" lead there.

It was all a failure though, and except for the work of usurpers in Congress answering to the cartel, blackmail in the Supreme Court, the Mockingbird of the press propaganda protected by the police state, the reality is the utter ruin of America, the world and Birther Hussein Obama Chin, as the public since 2009 in the rising of the Tea Party has sought to abort this illegitimate bastard and that is what the 2010 GOP victory in Congress was about.

Obama was the messiah presidency on the old world order. He was the puppet installed in order to control the state apparatus so cartel forces could exploit the nation. That is what all those despots were about from Lenin to Castro to Mugabe to Mao to Obama.
When one sees cases of Coca Cola in North Korea, when trade there is forbidden, one is seeing the Rockefellers banking and running oil in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The conglomerates have always ruled and it is by them that their puppet is above the law as they are above the law.
It is why General Electric takes in trillions in Obama "contract bribes" and pays not one cent in taxes.

Obama is a fiction, a foreign agent. If the hand of God appears, there will be an iron fist to guide America through the ruins. If no hand of God appears, then it will be a further succession of the dismal drones with names like Madison, Buchanan, Truman and Bush who are simply spacetakers on the national scene as Americans wearied of Imperialism allow patrician puppets to be installed whose best attributes were being manipulators of the party system.

I look at the above and am quite pleased as this is quite a University lecture of doctrinal reality. All by the Grace of God, but in reality a very good assessment using historical example to expound upon the American system and to expose those who are incorrectly utilizing the term of Imperial President.

That should bring this to a close as the masturbators have already clicked onto some other link, as there is nothing to be learned of here that does not have the scent of genital discharge.

nuff said
