Thursday, February 20, 2014

Legend of the Giant Skulls

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

As I have stated, reading historians is like watching someone else eat. It has no purpose. A memoir though is something interesting in the extremely odd bits of information which exude in passing from the author in something they have experienced which is quite astounding.

In the Philippines there is locally a set of islands called the Babuyane Islands which were noted for cattle production for markets. One of the islands named Fuja, had a most interesting history which no one literally knew of.
On this island were stone buildings which were not of Spanish construction. The one called the Castle had arched doorways, which is something in antiquity a Greek Spanish invention in requiring geometry and that blessed cap stone to anchor the other cut rocks into place.

Fuja was home to urn burials by the Filipino coastal people in the past, but it was something on the plains near the Castle which was of particular attention, said to be seen yet in 1910.
On this plain were numerous bones strewn about. The thing is about these bones is the skulls were said to be of immense size.

The United States military officer recording this, Cornélis de Witt Willcox, in anecdote stated the present population lived in stone houses like those found in Ireland, but the key being that there appeared no link between the peoples residing there with these great sized heads laying on the field.

The officer surmised it was some great battle which had taken place, but it begs the question as to who it was, as Spain had control of this region for several hundred years. In humid locations, bones tend to be overgrown or deteriorate in a short time frame, and yet these skulls were in the venue of Spanish control and no record of them is accounted for.

Theory would point to perhaps a mass suicide as in that Haley's Comet era, even the Filipinos were all convinced the end had come, and were refusing to gather crops as it was lost effort. Theory would also point to perhaps some pandemic which killed this population of large sized skull humans off.

As I was curious of this, inquiry was made, and it seems these were not humans, but a primate, a large primate like an orangatang nature. Too large for trees, they were a sloth type slow moving creature which the islanders viewed as competitors.
There was something about Chinese merchants in their potions wanting whatever off of these primates, and having the islanders kill them in a surround.
Humans apparently were killed in this operation, but it appears this was the source of this bone pile.

It appears these grande orangs, were just another branch in that primate pool God created which was Darwin'd out of existence as that model unlike monkeys, chimps orangs and gorillas were unable to successfully compete.
They were ominvores, and while not killing humans, did battle and kill each other to eating as the chimpanze will accomplish.

The architecture upon inquiry was Korean built with Japanese oversight. It was a garrison to oversee trade manned by Japanese military.

I guess  I was hoping for a more interesting story, but I suppose the grande orangs end is best, or else some Jane Goodall would be crawling around in jungle fever teaching them to smoke and do sign language so all could be deluded into thinking how people are evolved from apes........weapons lab get ahold of them and what would have been done on the hybrids.

Odd how Hollywood makes Jessica Alba animal people all attractive and Steve Quayle turned them all into demon seed.
It seems people only pay money for the freak show instead of reality.
