Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What if Mr. Putin sparks an American Revolution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a serious question for pondering with all the utter criminality in the stealing of the NBA Clippers from that Sterling fellow and now his being banned from entering a basketball arena in America without being a threat to anyone..........

Do you get that people in an American was just banned from a public event for his personal creed?

The question literally in this is, we know that during the 1980's the Soviet KGB funded numerous peacenik operations against Ronald Reagan, culminating in the anti Pershing missile protests throughout Europe.

The question in this now is, how long is it going to be, before Vladimir Putin figures out that he has admirers in the American Christian right, the American sportsman right and the American right, which he literally could begin funding in the right wing.........not the left wing, who would bring down this 1600 Penn Avenue regime, and install as in 1780 America, a friendly Republican form of Government in France perfered over the British in that Revolutionary War?


Masked gunmen tighten grip on eastern Ukraine...


Putin 'to visit Crimea' for military parade...


Long History Of BLM's Aggressive Cattle Seizures...

I am not talking about some  Eric office space Holder BATF Hutatree wag the Obama operation, but a literal operation based in enough elements of the military industrial complex, federal law enforcement and political operatives.

How long is it going to be, before some Chicom shipping containers arrive with enough material to make it a situation that Americans who desire a friendly relationship with the Putin Kremlin will accept French type backing for a 21st century Revolution?

The reality is now Obama is stealing American food, creating shortages of ammunition and is now going to charge Americans tolls to drive on their own roads when Americans have no money.

I have stated that someone is setting up a situation where there will be a crackdown. What happens in this though if Mr. Putin starts running operations with American allies in America who want God, Guns and Apple Pie back, and conclude that black people stealing NBA teams like Obama stole General Motors and Buffett stole American railroads is nothing but a massive new extortion and crime syndicate?

I am quite serious about this. How long would it be, before a few words from Mr.  Putin to American Patriots set this entire thing in motion, and with FSB intelligence assistance, before Edward Snowdens started popping up all over these United States?

Ask yourself, what if Vladimir Putin sparked an American  Revolution.

How many of you are representative of a people who would not only welcome it, but back it by silent affirmation and later peals of joy if it was a success?

What if the fuse of Ukraine lights something in America?

Something to think about.
