Friday, May 23, 2014

7 Course Jew

*Note: I tried to find a pretty NBA cheerleader, but these are some of thee most ugly looking women on the planet, so the honor falls to The Iceman George Gervin,  from the day when the NBA was real and had players like number 44 who scored about that many points a quarter.
Larry Bird, Julius Irving and George Gervin were the best players in the NBA for a generation.

Geraldo Rivera on FOX, aka Jerry Rivers on For Obama Xtra, stated that most of the NBA ownership is Ashkenaz Jewish owned, and is therefore the old Jewish Negroid coalition at odds, in rich Jews owning the servant Black.

This interests me personally, because I wondered what the allure was to the Ashkenaz wealthy for the game created by James Naismith. I am not being satirical in this, but what is it in Jewish persona that some were tailors, some were bankers, and a greater portion was on the stage, or owned movie or studios, and now in mass they own basketball teams.
It is an American thing, as it is not like you see the Israeli state with hundreds of basketball teams as a national pastime.

Rush Limbaugh quoting Jewish Daily Forward says only 3 Jewish players, no coaches, but half are NBA owners, and 1/3rd of the NFL, but just a few rich Jewish people own MBL and NHL teams.
JDF did not look into soccer or if bowling alleys are owned by rich Jews.

I have always championed Ashkenaz Jews as they are extremely successful monopolists, and had to have laws passed against them, as they overtook industries.
I can not find the connection between cloth, stage and certain sports. I know the Ashkenaz arise from an Asian region to the east of Turkey and north of the Kurds, but they did not seem before their conversion to Babylonian Talmudism have any sort of national past time for games involving leather covered things, have Greek type amphitheaters or were they a nation of loomers.
I could understand the Mongol being attracted to leather covered balls, as they used to cut heads off of enemies and then play a sort of polo with the head while riding horse. For what is a head but a leather skin covered ball, and that is what the NBA is.
I just have not come across any information about the Ashkenaz having a history of being attracted to what began with their introduction into Germany, England and now this new type in America.

There are numbers of rich Afroids in America, and yet we find no Othellos, or for that matter major sports owners, movie studio or television executives or something like Afroid Manhattan Bank.
Obama does not factor into this, as he is east Asian and not black, but then he liked playing basketball until a Latino gave him a lip bleed, and then he went to play golf like fellow Asian Tiger Woods......playing an Scottish game.
As you see, in the hash tag in this, after the images start entering the factor, the original banking group, tailors and NBA owners start failing in stereotype, when they reach the image of Obama.

Now understand, I liked basketball once. I liked playing and I liked Larry Bird, Lou  Alcinder, Kevin McHale and Bill Walton, but I never wanted to own an NBA team. I do not even bother with sports now as trying to live life is more interesting. Maybe if it was like Kim Jong Un and Dennis Rodman being the only people court side, I might like owning a team like that as I dislike crowds, but it is interesting why Ashkenaz like owning NBA teams full of black stock.

OF COURSE THIS IS A SHAKEDOWN OF RICH ASHKENAZ IN SPORTS BY SPECIFIC ELITE ASHKENAZ BY THEIR CONDUITS IN MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA VIA GERALDO AND JDF IN THE SAME WAY BILL GATES WAS SHOOK DOWN BY WARREN BUFFETT FOR THE CARTEL.......but shhhhhhh you are not supposed to notice that Afroid Magic Johnson was part of an Obama regime criminal conspiracy to defraud Clipper Sterling of his NBA franchise, and is now for 2014 election contributions to liberals or face Eric Holder IRS Tea Party type terrorism investigations to ruin them, as this is what I informed all of you before is Obama CANNIBAL CAPITALISM in they eat their own.

That is the important part, the other is satire to make a point, and my legitimate forensic psychology studies into why human groups respond in the way they do.

There is now though a definitive pattern which the regime minder group Southern Poverty Law Center is not noting in a targeting of rich Ashkenaz Jews. It degrades to now the NBA Jews are gathered against Clipper Sterling like the Sanhedrin for Jesus to cut him down, before Rome in the Obama regime crucifies the whole nation.......of Israel.

Poor Donald Sterling, signs over his NBA team to his wife Shelly, and now the NBA for the regime is going to have Magic Johnson biotch slapping her around.

You know Geraldo Rivera was really right in this, in the Jewish Afroid alliance in Ashkenaz males always abandoned their mouthy women off on Negroids to make them bend at the waist from exhaustion.

Jews really do not get lynched. They instead get crucified and their women legally raped by some mercenaries of Rome of some ethnics. Magic Johnson is the Africanus in this, the NBA Jews the Sanhedrin and there sits the Roman regime leading Clipper Sterling off to the cross as the wife bends at the waist.

Say didn't Steven Spielberg make a movie on this in Schindler's List? There was that fetching Jew girl from Army of Darkness giving some sugar to Nazis in Negroid uniforms and being beaten for it at the Nazi Basketball Association of concentration camps, with lots of naked Jews doing shower scenes?
Yup, black wearing Nazis putting the wood to Jews like Concentration Camp Sterling, while the NBA monopoly sells off the poor Jews for profits, so they can keep the league to fund the reich or now the Berlin speech giving Obama regime.

This cannibal capitalism among Jews is something this blog is not in favor of, as apparently the leftists relish a Steve Spielberg movie, sort of like snuff film.

What is most important is the shakedown of rich Jews, not for the regime, but that perhaps billionaire and millionaire Jews will instead donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to this blog, as I think they should keep their banks, keep their movies, keep their tailor shops and keep their NBA......just not the Federal Reserve, just not crucifying Mel Gibson, just not rainbow cloth and just not eating their Sterling own.

Odd how all this works out.
