Friday, May 23, 2014

The Lame Cherry Statement

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the education which is placed here, there are in most instances a reality presented which has been censored. It may appear at times that I am pro Adolf Hitler or pro Vladimir Putin in making strategic points meant to explain a reality that just because one is American, does not make your leaders all pure.
Some of thee most heinous and degenerate leaders have come from America. Thomas Jefferson was the American Cassius. Abraham Lincoln was quite dull. Woodrow Wilson was an intellectual thug. Franklin Roosevelt was a traitor. Bill Clinton was a degenerate. Jimmy Carter was an intellectual toady. Barack Hussein Obama Chin was a murderous foreign agent sowing global genocide.

That is not to say that the Americans did not have great leaders in George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Some like Roosevelt thought they were more intelligent than Washington and some like Jackson though they were more astute that Washington and created future problems for America.
Some of your greatest men in John Charles Fremont, Charles Lindbergh and Vernon Walters, should have been President, but were not given the opportunity.

The French betrayed and burned Joan of Arc and the English turned Winston Churchill out of office, after victory in the war. Each nation has it's moments as fools in chosing the worst and then blaming the politician for their choice.

Those who gain power, prosecute power and hold power, are the ones who write history as their sycophants eulogize the Thomas Jeffersons and the Franklin Roosevelts while dragging down the noble, as George H. W. Bush instigated in attacks upon Ronald Reagan.

I make these realities known that the blame for Adolf Hilter lies in the French Clemenceau, British Lloyd George and American Woodrow Wilson. Do not torture people for a decade and then not expect that people to rise up and retaliate.

There are stories from those who knew Adolf Hitler, that he was a nice man and Adolf Hilter was a nice man who was driven by passions. For the first time in history, the Lame Cherry will reveal the real reason Adolf Hitler arose to power and the forces which drove him.

Adolf Hitler was quite human and not what the propaganda states. He was passionate as all Germanic peoples were in being tortured, humiliated and punished, in being deprived of dignity by the Allied Powers after 1918.
Germany was looted, divided, robbed and blamed as the people were starved and impoverished. It is logical that a savior would arise who detested capitalists who had ruined Germany and loathed communists who were behind the revolution which forced the Kaiser out.
The only reasonable political movement was fascism, or national socialism for Adolf Hitler, as it would bring military order to the nation again, self esteem, coupled with a secure life for all German peoples.

Adolf Hilter knew as all did that Ashkenaz finance robbed every nation and Ashkenaz intellectuals fomented discord, and under the communist menace was calling for the obliteration of the German people. Logically that would create an contempt of an avowed murderous adversary, and as Germany was fought for by Germans, Adolf Hitler and other Germans, did not desire Germany to be handed over to Jews, Gypsies or anyone other race.
The Darwin era had brought forward the idea that the strong should survive and that all which did not protect the societal structure was a threat, and that included sodomites.

Adolf Hilter was a Catholic by nature and his biological father was an Ashkenaz Rothschild, so he was a product of German Empire, Catholicism and convert Jewish finance.

In the same era of the Great German Depression and the Great American Depression, Adolf Hitler bravely led Germany, and the people gaining their finances back and their nation back, rewarded him with rulership. Franklin Roosevelt in fear, extended the American depression to gain political leverage for FDR's socialist agenda and in which he seized power.
What is never explained is Franklin Roosevelt was a national socialist as Adolf Hitler was a national socialist and both enacted the same structures, gained the same power and had an agenda of world dominance.
Adolf Hitler's was instead German dominated in Europe while Franklin Roosevelt was Soviet dominated as Roosevelt was a 5th column communist sympathizer, suffering from the psychopathy of necromancy for Woodrow Wilson who failed the peace of 1918 in the first World War.

In understanding that background, the pivotal point comes in September 1931, when Adolf Hitler was involved in a love affair with his housekeeper, Geli Raubal. This troubled woman commited suicide and the impact was the transformation of Adolf Hitler.
Herr Hitler's housekeeper a 15 year old girl named Rosa Krautenbacher with her sister, Anni, would lay in their room at night which was about Adolf Hitler's study and listen to him crying. There were orders Geli's name was never to be mentioned, the subject brought up and the date avoided.

Fraulein Krautenbacher describes Adolf Hitler in the 1930's as a quiet man who smiled and was kind to her and her sister. He was extremely polite in her first contact of a request he made in coming to the kitchen in asking for coffee and gingerbread biscuits for his study.
Those types of examples are censored from history, in Adolf Hitler having as a friend a Jewish girl who he would make little flower cards for her, leave only the propaganda of some beast, when that is not the case at all.

Ask yourself for a moment if some industrialists and military leaders had planted a bomb to assassinate Franklin Roosevelt.  Would Mr. Roosevelt have announced that his opponents were fine men, or would FDR have unleashed all hell on them, as FDR did against Charles Lindbergh?

When one leaves the propaganda behind and strikes the issue of what would you do, then Adolf Hitler in reality becomes a leader doing exactly what any leader would have done, and did do, for their national survival.

My purpose in this study is the confession that I am a Christian Conservative who promotes a Republican form of Government as the most just for a responsible people in awaiting for Christ to return to establish his rule. I am a Continentalist as America has become a feudal regime in the 21st century. In noting that, not all peoples can be entrusted with Republican Governments, as even Americans under Wilson and Roosevelt murdered their Constitution and created mob and feudal rule.
Some peoples belong better to Monarchies and Parliaments. The Germans like the Japanese perform best under a militant Emperor with a representative body of the people, much like Vladimir Putin rules Russians, as the Russians require a firm hand, and some peoples like Chinese or Egyptians do best with an illusion of democracy while having some charismatic nationalists leading them in Muslim name only.

The problem in all of this is that people have too much loyalty to their butchers while blaming other nation's tyrants for doing less than what your butcher is. There are so very few George Washingtons and Ronald Reagans, Louis the Great and Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I and Winston Churchills, and, Aribus and Kaiser Wilhelm II, that the lesser demogogues get away with upstaging them or murdering them, as all peoples are too trusting.

Adolf Hitler was the only logical conclusion for the German people as Winston Churchill was the only logical choice for England. The Germans simply were taking back what had been stolen from them in an unjust Armistace in which they were lied to by Woodrow Wilson, Clemenceau and Lloyd George.

For those who will bring up, "Well, Hitler killed the Jews", perhaps it should be answered what the Jews expected in finance for robbing nations, and what the Jews in intellectuals expected for creating communism to plunder nations and rule them, and what did Jews in politics expect in that communism calling for the extermination of Germans to gather what kind of harvest for them?

I will revisit the hard facts in this again. Adolf Hitler was calling for a Jewish homeland to remove them from German lands, but was stopped by the allied powers. It was the Jewish elders who sold their ghetto people into German forced labor camps. When a shipload of Jewish refugees arrived in America, Franklin Roosevelt sent them away.
When one sees starving Jews in a concentration camp, one neglects to realize a question in, "Would it make any sense for German production to starve a work force? Would it make any sense in starving a work force in knowing those workers would be sick and spread disease epidemics which Germans would catch, for the Germans to do that?"
Yes even Charles Lindbergh bought the propaganda in jumping to conclusions in the concentration camps, when the reality was Allied bombing had destroyed German transportation and supplies which were feeding those Jews and providing medical supplies.
Take any dog kennel, and have someone deny you the food and medicine to run it, and then get blamed for it, and see if you would agree with the charge.

Is forced labor an evil? Americans had a great problem with it as an evil, after they used Chinese to build their railroads and Africans to work their plantations to their wealth. The British had all their Indian coolies working to death on their rail lines. The French had Haiti which is still a festering postule of humanity and Russia had her Stalin in the gulags of Siberia, so why is the question is it only evil for Germans to engage in it, when it did not matter when Asians, Africans or Slavs were involved.

None of this is to confuse that Adolf Hitler was walking on water. It simply treads waters that those damning Germans were guilty of the same evils while butchering Germans fighting for their lives.

If Hitler would have won the war, then all those things published about him, would have been said about concentration camp Franklin Roosevelt, Gulag slaugherer Stalin, Fag Charles DeGaul and old Winston Churchill would for the good of his nation, sat down and had a cigar with Adolf Hitler, and noted what a charming man he was like Fraulein Krautenbacher did, as Herr Hitler allowed the English to manage the empire for him.

The Lame Cherry statement is not the belief in tearing everyone down as it leaves peopel with no one to uphold. It is though if Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were good for their evil.........then Adolf Hitler was too.
