Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Obama Uteritis

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It would seem in John Kerry's peace mission success of Sudan in dividing north Sudan from south Sudan oil wealth from the Hitler Stalin Obama of Sudan or Soudan...........has a problem in an Islamic judge in Soudan has just sentenced the wife of an American in New Hampshire to be hung for being a Christian who refused to convert back to Islam, but is being allowed a bit more of time in this world due to the fact she is 8 1/2 months pregnant by an American.

As a democrat would refer to this baby in the hopper as tissue or a fetus, unless of course the female had a womb inside Chelsea Clinton, aka daughter of Web Hubble and Hillary Clinton, who like Barack Hussein Sr. has another father on her birth certificate in William Jefferson Blythe Rockefeller Clinton.......

Where was I as I was distracted by Mark Stein having an idiot caller on who is trying to sound intelligent as his validation for pooping in the pot this morning...........

Where was I?

Yes, if this was Hillary Clinton's grand baby or this was Birther Hussein popping out of a Filipino Chinese anchor wife and snatched up in baby bartering in Barack Hussein Obama Chin, then this Christian baby would matter, but as this is a Christian Nig in the oil soaked Soudan, made soakier by John Kerry, now Secretary of State for Birther Hussein's image, she can birth her American Christian baby for Muslim barter just like Elton John bought a white American baby with carte blanche sodomy.

I do not know if this Christian Sudanese woman, in the Darfur region which used to matter under George W. Bush, but does not matter under Barack Hussein, has ever had anal sex or muff dove on some nasty Muslim snatch, but if she had, then the Obama regime on sodomy would of course take interest and threaten Sudan like Obama does Nigeria and Uganda.
The problem in this is Sudan already has an image of Obama installed, but if a Mubarak, Assad, Khadaffi or Putin, were involved, then Obama Jinn would be in there with SEALS jacking a broom stick up Chris Steven's arse.

Oddly this is a tissue which is not a tissue, as legally this baby in the womb, is an American. So what John Kerry and Birther Hussein's regime is allowing is the Christocide of a Christian woman who is married to an American, a real American, unlike Obama, while endangering the baby through stress, and depriving this child of the Rights the child has in the Constitution in right to Religion, not being chosen for them by Sudan Muslims.
A slight problem in this, is this baby carrier has in her cell a 2 year old, who is an American child.

Sudan is holding 2 American Citizens hostages, and is about to murder this American ward for being a Christian.

When Colin Powell, Obama voter, Purple Heart recipient for stupidly sticking a pointy stick in his foot in Vietnam and person of interest in Powellgate and yes, who threatened some Hatian thug to fly a cruise missile through his front window, can overthrow a government, then certainly to save this woman, the Obama regime if it was interested in saving the life of this wife of an American and a child from Islamic enslavment and being made an orphan, could simply tell the turban head judge that a cruise missile would send him to hell, and then inform the head of the military and whatever else there, that if  this turban head did not release this woman, or if one more tear from her was shed, that they would all be eating cruise missiles.

In case you missed it, the Obama regime has special ops in Libya, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda and whatever else, which are all mortar shot to Sudan.  It is really simple in you threaten the Islamists and then if they do not release this American ward, then you kill them, and keep killing the seat fillers, until one decides that American babies should be in America, instead of their being in Muslim hell.

So this child, aka, Obama Uteritis of Soudan, is typical of this Obama regime in they enable the murder of Christians worldwide and the snatching of children to be Islamists, as Birther Hussein's image supports all of this American hating policy at 1600 Penn Avenue and outside 1600 Penn Avenue.

.....and you know why Muchelle Obama hasn't twitted one thing about this, is because Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is a beautiful woman who landed a real black man who fathered her real black babies.

That will be left as nuff said.
