Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dead President's Club

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the Ed Klein book, Blood Trail.........I am sorry in I can not remember the name as Limbaugh calls it Blood Clot, and it reminds one of Blood Letting, to Blood this book from the insiders is like Cassius and Brutus bringing out the knives, as the Obama's are shown again as delusional, lazy, uppity and condescending, while the Clinton's are depicted as:

The Chelsea Diet where she loses weighty by lopping off pounds of Webb Hubble daddy lips from her face.

The Bill cadaver whose hands are shaking probably from snorting more dope than FARC ever produced and thin as a Holocaust trench occupant as Bill plans his funeral for the primary or election to give Hillary 3 million votes.

The Hamrod, who has heart disease to a terminal condition and when coupled with her brain bruise, these people are walking morgue stock.

The Obama's have taught me one thing, and that is I prefer American rapists and thugs in the Clintons destoying America than foreigners like Obama Chin anchored in America by Muchelle's two ton ass.

I ponder all of this, as Oprah has written off the Obama's in being traitors to Oprah, which is the worse sin any Afroid or Chinoid can ever commit, is an honest sadness for the Clintons. I know it is reckoning, but they are not going to get the vote flipping software in e votes as Bill wants to die to buy a few votes that way.

Seriously, America is approaching in the next few years, a 1972  AD year of our Lord in President Richard Nixon's era. What I mean by that, is in that period, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman and Lydon Johnson all died. People since Ronald Reagan were under an impression that America always had platoons of former Presidents in there was President's Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush41 and Clinton all appearing in the Bill era. In surveying the reality though, The Bush boys look about end of the line. Carter has been plotting his funeral which no one cares about for centuries to rewrite his Mr. Jennifer Garner history, and with Bill looking cadaver status, and Obama already in cold storage on June 13th, 2013, around 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, America might resemble the Soviet Union after Brezhnev is burying a dead President every few days.

I am going to be blunt in this. Hillary Clinton is a sickly old woman. When she was tuned up a few years ago, she almost died. She is fat, droopy and you can see by her ashen skin, she is not feeling good. 2016 AD in the year of our Lord might see a clearing of the decks, including 1600 Penn Avenue, where that person who is chosen to be Vice President will be utmost.

It does not matter if it is brain buster Joe Aaron Burr  Biden, as he is prone to go tits up as quickly as Hillary.

Just as a side note in this, Jeb Bush in stealing the GOP primary looks like a female heart attack version of Hillary Clinton looking to fill and open grave, so we literally are talking about DOA Oval Office in this lot.

The point of interest in this is the Vice President, probably American, and it comes to a point that Rahm Emanuel has been so roughed up by liberals in Chicago in both the Hillary and Barry camps, that what was once the sure choice of Mrs. Hamrod Clinton, is not so sure as just a Mayor who his own city hates.
Yes I know that popularity does not matter in the puppy press for their own liberal traitors, but all the same we do need to ponder if it is  someone like Guano Castro of Texas for that border buster vote, who just might be Hamrod's choice who will be President as Hillary dies after wild celebration sex with Huma Wiener on Inauguration night.

Yeah the Obama's want to choose a new idiot foreigner, maybe it would be Huma Wiener, but the reality is that with the Mrs. and the Jinn being shown the west coast exit, their chosing who soaks up the warm Jinn mysts at the Oval O.

Hillary will not pick a woman no more than Obama wanted minorities around him. Hamrod will desire center stage. Her perfect choice is a hatchet man like Rahm Emanuel who is perfect for the job at bending at the waist and laying waste to the earth.

Mrs. Clinton is not going to allow any light to show on subordinate. She will only allow a Vice President who will glorify and protect her when she is gone. Do not miss FDR exiling all of his parade of Vice Presidents, in allowing no contenders to dethrone him. The Clintons want this. They need a hatchet thug, but need someone who is going to cement a new version of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton to Reagan status.

Guano Castro is a logical peon to do the chores for Hillary. He is Texas, Beaner, young and sodomites will enjoy masturbating to him. I am not saying this is the choice, but am relating the reality that America is facing a probability of burying a crapload of White House occupants.

The best of this would be for Bill Clinton to assume the position in early October 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, so the widder Clinton would just have it all handed to her as the 3 Bush boys have to attend the funeral as Fang Jinn says, "Jeb Bush hates black people" in eulogy, and Jeb takes the back seat, as Bush41 and 43 have to mumble praise over the husband of the lesbian running for the White House.

I look at this in Bill's view, in what the hell could be worse for him, than to have loud socks old man Bush croak, then maybe fat Al Gore, then George W. going flatline, with Obama's corpse surfaces suffering from freezer burn, and then Bill goes saxophone horizontal.
Everyone would be tired of dead Oval O occupants, and all that would be left to discuss would be Monica Lewinsky. Hillary would croak over the coffin, and poor Bill would be wheeled out as Hillary was wheeled in, as everyone forgot the Clintons as Guano Castro of Texas started taking siesta and fiesta in the White House.

So poor Bill Clinton is facing the worst dillema of his existence. All of his bimbos will be old and hags.....well except for the assaulted Kathleen Willey and that rough sex Miss America, who being brunettes are ageless, but think of poor Bill in he is in a race of death as Obama is already in the chicken entre section, and there wheezing up is Bush41, fat Al Gore, George W. is getting new parts stuck in him, and then there is that mumified Jimmy Carter, who probably is going to take a summer to bury, as his directions for the funeral supper are so detailed, the peas must all be polished.

Could you imagine anything worse in Bill dying to help Hillary, and his corpse being lost in the Bush and Gore of America, as the American Mummy, Mr. Jennifer Garner's favorite subject of historical fiction, Jimmy Carter takes 3 years to bury.

Maybe Bill could have Muchelle and Val-erie Jarrett could straddle the coffin of WJBC and lesbian it out of the National Cathedral for a bit more edge, as I doubt Roselyn or Barbara or the Bush Twins will be putting on a show on their respective caskets......or even Al Gore with his massuesses in short little robes might appear giving him a last rub down to give him a global warming.

I think Bill Clinton will be like Ebenezer Scrooge in that Ghost of Christmas Future in laying there in the grey shadow dusts as the only people who care are those who are hoping to pull the precious metals from his teeth.

I can see why Bill Clinton hates the Designer Negro and the Image of Obama, as that cheats Bill out of all that black religion mourning which Obama will supplant. Bill deserves that, but it seems to be a reality that everything is working against the impeached occupant of the White House.

What Bill needs to do is to have the image of Obama in the Fang Jinn impeached, to get that black mourner group. He needs to make sure that all these ex Presidents get put on life support. He needs to have Al Gore back off the paid for sex to survive until after Bill dies.
Now get this, I  think the Bush family would go for this, as they sure do not want that Obama regime performing sodomy over them like they did Nelson Mandela. So the Bush folks go on life support.

Most people might not care if Al Gore bloats or not. That leaves Jimmy Carter, the fictional historical character of Mr. Jennifer Garner......and frankly no one really remembers Carter and those who do, want him forgotten. So the focus of the Clinton's would be to impeach Obama Jinn and leave the chicken entre in the cooler until after Hillary dies, after Bill. Then Guano Castro could do the service, and no one is going to care about a Mexican serving fiesta over a Chinoid.

That is about it on this subject as it only can be correctly covered here. I guess with all gone, at least we will have the Muchelle around to make up for the missing Ted Kennedy, Bill and Hilly, Barry and Jimmy..maybe, as maybe a few more should pile up as Muchelle does take up some political real estate of loathing as large as her ass.

....Oh Drudge red siren alert!!!!!!!!
Bill needs to get the two Obama girls to gyrate on his casket in those short skirts they wear. That is just what liberals love. Nothing like two daughters who do not look like their named father joining Chelsea for a threesome to elect Hillary Hamrod Clinton.
