Friday, August 15, 2014

Rest in Parkinsons

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was wondering why Lou Gehrig the Yankees baseball legend would say he was the luckiest man in the world in suffering from ALS?
Kent Hrbeck of the Minnesota Twins actually has that gene too in his  system............but the wonder is why is it that Michael Fox goes herky jerky all over the set and is alive, but Robin Williams decided instead to Rest in Parkinsons by a necktie exit.

I suppose some will now look at depression, Parkinsons and other Robin Williams struggles as even more sympathetic in him having so many problems, but I suffer from depression which makes Lincoln's look like a party and I have enough medical chit affecting me, and .........I never get any more sympathy or help from rich people than Robin Williams did.

I don't suppose all that coke that Robin Williams cranked up his brain helped that Parkinsons.....if that is what it was, but was not all this Obamacare meant to keep rich people like Robin Williams from going tits up or into the rigor mortis fetal position.

This is just such wasted space. It is though a reality in by everything that all the world judges things, Robin Williams was a success. He was rich. He was at the White House. He was educated. He was reproducing children.........and yet in the Jesus list, what you got is Robin Williams doing the same end that Judas Iscariot chose.

In Judgment is being rich going to mean a thing? Being an Obama buddy? Having a degree? Not in the least.

Is making people laugh going to make a difference in Judgment? Not in the least, no matter how good it made any one feel or how much people adore you........does not matter one whit.

Robin Williams violated life and left this life. He takes nothing with him, but his record on the actions which God Judges people.

Did Robin Williams have Jesus as his Savior?

Did Robin Williams do good works? Good works alone do not get one into matter what the Pater Pope teaches.

Did Robin Williams follow the 10 Commandments?

To do the top 10..........

Thou shalt not have any gods before Me.

Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain.

Thou shalt not make idols.

Remember the Sabbath day.

Honor your father and mother.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Thou shalt not covet what others have.

Not being one of the intimate friends of Robin Williams........I figure he violated the first three Commandments with his Obama intimacy.

I know he had that adultery thing going on.......and being a sodomite equalizer like all Obamites, that abomination cements the sex sins.......and Robin Williams was front and center in baby killing, so that takes the murder Commandment too at more dead than Hitler was claimed to have offed.

Robin Williams takes that to Judgment, without Jesus blood washing the sins away. You know people by their fruits or the weed patch they are growing in. One never hears Jesus in that group, unless the Lord is mocked or replaced by Obama.

No one is examining any of this in the literal way it matters. It does not matter what some talking head eulogizes Robin Williams over in excuses or what some wife makes excuses over. What matters is what you do in this world, and the first matter in this is submitting to Jesus.

Personally, I would think being rich and diagnosed with Parkinsons would be the most liberating of things, as you could free yourself of all the burden life is. You could get up and live each moment, cherishing each moment as never to be again.
Every bug, every blade of grass, every color would be more vivid. You could notice and enjoy things as a child in seeing them for the first and perhaps last time in this world.

It would be a wonderful adventure, and then when you could no longer be functional, you could fend for yourself, and in doing that, be naturally weakened and like all normal things which die.....just let that warm embrace gather you in.
Be a great deal better in having Jesus on the other side, but then that is another normal thing a person would do in banking on Christ and not banks.

With that we leave this all forever I hope in the mortal words of wisdom from the Mayor of Kansas City.

You stay frosty Kansas City, you stay frosty.........
