Thursday, September 11, 2014

Concordant Limbaugh

editors note: if some things seem months behind, perhaps someone with Limbaugh millions should have donated so things would not be in drafts so long as someone's existence might depend on it.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a reminder of a horizon point which is out there for Rush Limbaugh. It is one of several scenarios existing. It is the prominent one though as was posted here and still the most likely to come to be.

I repeat this to remind all that this was before Crimea and the super power status of Russia emerged with Vladamir Putin.

In the inquiry, Rush Limbaugh was in the future going to be seized by Russian troops, invited into America in a Hillary Clinton's tenure at 1600 Penn Avenue. In this horizon event which reached focal point, the lovely minder Katherine would be raped by the troops, and Rush Limbaugh would be stood up against an outside wall and shot.
His corpse would be dragged to the ocean.

Considering the malevolent, MIC oil soaked ejaculation of Mr. Limbaugh as of late in script, attacking Mr. Putin over Russian Crimea, and charging Mr. Putin is Mr. Soviet, when what Mr. Putin has been engaged in is saving Muslim Syrian lives and saving Russia from cartel balkanization for Russian genocide, it appears the horizon point is building, as any Russian troops capturing Rush Limbaugh would deem it appropriate to shoot him down.

I doubt that Rush Limbaugh will have anything but pleading in the custody of Russian troops. Bribes will not save him nor will MIC his masters.

Just a reminder in the rich who think they are immune to things, will find themselves facing hell as events generate.

There is upon inquiry an 80% chance the above is the horizon event which will become focal point.

One with a half brain should assess where they sell their soul to. They should assess if God is working through Mr. Putin as a Cyrus now for God's purposes, as being pro Christian, pro family, pro heterosexual and pro children are right things.
The reality is God is not going to work through the anti Christ and God certainly is not working through this global murdering anti Messiah image of Barack Hussein Obama. Knowing that is evil, then perhaps oil soaked mics at the EIB might re assess what that 30 pieces of silver in who it is selling out.

Just saying what the trend is.
