Thursday, September 11, 2014

other ways

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

My children, there is a fine line in Spiritual Gifts and the bastardization of witchcraft or the possession of the occult.
In the Bible Joseph had his Goblet of Prophecy. Outside it is said that Solomon utilized the pendant. Again in the Bible, the Priests utilized the Ephod, which was a designed crystal amplification device of inquiry to God. Jeremiah utilized the "object curse" in having the curse of Babylon read by his Scribe, and then having the Scribe, throw a rock into the Euphrates, and saying, "Thus shall Babylon sink."

In witchcraft this action of Jeremiah was called sympathetic magic, but it was part of God's Will, so it was not an abomination, as when Saul consulted the medium to contact Samuel the Prophet.

The problem is not that the forces do not work, and is why God states not to use them, but the problem is the forces do work, and they can mislead.
There is a reality of God. There is a reality of demons. There is a reality of the Saints, and the dead. There is the reality of people in their wills. There is also the reality of psychic signatures or charges of energy which people, demons or God can leave which can be picked up.
All that energy is what must be sifted through and as most people are clueless to what is being received or touched by them, it is not all God and True. Much of it in the matrix is no different than cafe gossip, which is forming an energy pattern which people mistake as "reality".

I research a great deal, for Spiritual, scientific and just interest in subjects, as this God Light which is mirrored in all matter and then is moulded and assembled to structures, does fascinate me. When I find things I share the information to educate, so curiosity does not kill the cat.

I am going to provide three venues in this subject utilized in those who "see". The first most are familiar with in the crystal ball. There is a misnomer in this, because people with the Gift, do not have to have crystals to "see". Elisha was not utilizing an ephod as he had spiritual ability.
The "crystals" are quartz and beryl, which vibrate at specific enhancing frequencies. In an old manuscript, I was reading of the scientific aspect of this in paranormal investigation and the author likened the crystal to the gas of argon, which again is an element which when excited amplifies and energy charge.

The Chinese utilized the metal disk. In this metals all of signature frequencies which have attraction or advantage in each element.

The last is the Shiva-lingam of India. India is one of thee most occult places on earth. From hanuman, their transsexual monkey demon that Obama kept in his pants rubbing for luck, literally, and has initiated all that trans gender sodomite thrust from the regime, to the shiva, India is but the extreme of the bizarre manifestation of darkness.
What is of interest in this is, what the Indian employed as it takes in a great sphere of energies which I warn people of constantly. Shiva is one of the three major demons of the Hindu epic. It is the destroyer or in the west satan or the Abaddon in Hebrew.
This is where it is interesting as lingam means, phallic, or the penis structure of the male power. The Hindu literally would unleash the destroyer energy linked with the cock stones to focus upon for divination. This would be the very height in the worst of the occult and are three examples of the satanic in the Hindu, the natural or witchcraft in the metal disk energies, and the human perception of the matrix, using the crystal ball.

In each of these three, some fool would show up like the boys going to cast out a demon, who soon were told that the demons knew Jesus and knew Paul, but did not know them, and attacked the idiots.
In the satanic destroyer forces, it must feed like a cancer and nothing can be paid to rectify the debt once established by use. In witchcraft, the neutral or earth forces unleash in Newtonian Laws of opposite and equal reactions. In the layman of the crystal spheres, there is the energy "touch" which is either passive or seeking, for information, and it is a message from a clatter of numerous imprints, which then imprint on the person.
That person taps the wrong source, and they become demon influenced, and then possessed. If a person does not cleanse, then they are changed by the frequencies they come into contact with.

It is a complicated thing, but it is why all mediums feel sad and vibrate at a low mournful tone, in they are touching the troubled souls and spirits and reflect that misery. Their is something in this that they "feed" not off the energy, but are filled by the energy and that is why they continue on to fill that void, which only God can.

There are amplifications in this also. A lightning storm, crystals, candles, to ley lines, all charge the person to some effect, and by this they touch Prophetic Gift. It is as the 19th century study of it explained in, the water of the soul is softer than the barrier rock to the matrix, but given enough will and time, that soul will erode the barrier to the matrix and the contact will come rushing through to change the person.
If the person is a channel or a medium in using the demonic as "guides", in thinking they are angels of light, that individual does not have the Gift, all they have is an ripped open door to them, which the occult is possessing and broadcasting through.

All of this is the oddest of things for Edgar Cayce,  literally killed himself in his viewing, as it requires great energies to touch all of this, but as stated, it excites the person in feeding them while draining them, as it fills the void in the person.

This glimpse provides a view of why people should never touch this, as few can handle this in the proper form, and of those it is still a struggle in dealing with it. Most people can not handle the information of future events any way as they are frightened or slump into apathy.

It is though something to understand so one does not touch it, so it gains possession of them, as satan is always looking for a way to destroy you.
