Friday, October 17, 2014

from little fists

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a vast difference between brawling and fighting. That must be understood, and there is a difference between intending to injure someone and intending to defeat someone who has done an injustice to you.

I provide here what civility was in 1868 America on the banks of Big Creek Kansas for the children of the 7th Cavalry. You will note in this the Spartan attitude of the mothers in this, in battle was not something feared, but something expected of their tiny tots.

"The son of one of my friends came in to his mother one day, and said that he had been beaten and kicked by another boy. " Well, what are you going to do about it ?" said his military mother; " you are not going to let him get the better of you, are you ?" The little son, possibly six years old, not more, replied, energetically, " No, you bet I'm not." " Well, then, after supper go out and find him, and I don't expect you to come in with any story of being worsted in this affair."

All this had gone from the mother's mind until after dinner, when, without explanation, he came to her again, and asked if he should change his clothes. " Why ?" she queried. " Because these might get all bloody;" and then she remembered that it was the time appointed for the thrashing of his tormentor."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon 

Libby Custer tells of the tale of her own godson in a fisticuff of cherubs not fearing to tread.

"The officers, in a spirit.of mischief, incited the elder to " go for " the younger. They were too young to do each other harm. I can now see Davie coming down in front of the quarters, his legs full of swagger, his tiny face red with rage. Jumping on my godson, George Yates, he pounded and pommelled the two-year-and-a-half boy for a few brief moments; but the smaller of the two rolling uppermost, kept the top place, and returned the civilities offered.
Then the young officers who, not being fathers, did not look upon this fisti-cuff as serious—applauded the winner.

The under boy in the fight crawled out, and while he ran bawling to his mother this little son of a very brave father shrieked threateningly, in the borrowed language of the frontiersman, " Got a pistol in my boot!" His little fat legs with *'low-necked stockings" (as another bright dot dubbed his socks) and the small kid shoes looked anything but warlike."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

I relate the above to show just how America has been turned to a people which have laws protecting the thug while subduing the normal militant conditioning necessary to a peaceful people.

I frequently tell the story of Elmer Keith. His family was out of Missouri and settled in Montana. One day a bully beat up Elmer and his little brother. They came home, and the father looked at them and said, "Boys, I am giving you a week to whip that bully or at the end of the week I am going to whip you."

The Keith boys did council and laid a plan where they hid behind some bushes with some bat sized sticks, and at the bully's passing, jumped out and almost beat the kid to death.
When the truancy officer appeared at the Keith home, the father told the officer to get the hell off of his place as if he had been doing his job on that bully, none of it would have happened".

Later a new kid arrived and the bully was showing the kid around and gave his own counsel to the kid in the words, "You can pick on any kid you want, but leave those Keith boys alone as they are crazy."

I am not one for fighting, as it wastes effort in there are only things to kill for and never things to fight over. God has been merciful to me in killing evil people, not often enough, but when it came to the bulge, God put it on, and that ended the problem. Sometimes it took longer than I deemed necessary, but all the same, God did the deed and I only lifted a prayer.
I make this point in while Libby Custer relates of the boys of the 7th being little Minute Men, there was an instance where George Custer should have and should have carried through on his threat.

It was after the battle of the Washita, in which the Elliot group had ridden off chasing two Indians and gotten ambushed. Captain Benteen in some deluded way thought that General Custer had abandoned the men, when Custer had sent out a search party which did not search very far as the hills were crawling with thousands of Indian terrorists, and the entire command was in danger of a Little Big Horn.
Benteen in turn decided to smear General Custer in the press with lies over this event. To this General Custer while in anger said, "I will horse whip the man who said it".
Benteen of course stated that he was the man, and Custer retired from it in stating he would see him later.

Benteen was the betrayer of the Little Big Horn who directly caused the murder of hundreds of the 7th Cavalry. From a meeting Col. Richard Irving Dodge had with Benteen in the Black Hills, it was recorded that Benteen was a rude, sullen and caustic prick as he refused to pay his respects to Colonel Dodge who was commanding, while Benteen put his command on a barren hill, baking their brains out.

Benteen was a sociopath and a bully. While it certainly was not something a commander should have engaged in, and I have no idea if 160 pound George Custer could have taken the older and probably 160 pound Frederick Benteen, I am convinced that George Custer should have invited Frederick Benteen out to the river bank, clopped him over the head with the end of a whip, and while Benteen staggered about, horsewhipped him as promised.
I do not believe in giving any bully a fair fight. They engaged in terrorism and should be put down senseless as soon as possible without risk to the offended, and then the offended can work them over. I have always been in favor of broken trigger fingers, highly bruised testicles and the odd broken kneecap or ankle as in their later brooding, they will not be able to retaliate in shooting you, taking away testosterone tends to take away aggression and with a gimp leg, they are not going to be running after you for years.

Custer might have faced court martial, but then if the whipping took place off the military reservation, it is not like the army could do anything about it.
It would have probably saved General Custer as Benteen would have been mustered out being all gimped up.

The Custers though tried to make peace, and Benteen apparently loaned money to Mrs. Custer which certainly was a financial cuckold of the General which should never have been allowed.

The point is for the good of all, George Custer should have beat the bajesus out of the bully Frederick Benteen in a way in which he would have gotten away with it.

In these Obama criminal times, the afflicted upon is criminalized for defending themselves worse than the thug. George Zimmerman, a Blacktino, was almost murdered by Treyvon Martin, and who was hounded by the police state, but George Zimmerman, defending his life.

All children should be taught how to defend themselves by experience, and how to weigh every situtation to their advantage, as bullying is human nature as animals do it all the time. It is what Americans were taught and the nation did  not fall victim to a rule of thugs, but in fact it became more civilized.
The problem with any nation is when the laws start protecting the most offensive in the most offensive weapon in their tongues inflicting on others.

It is an amazing thing how a broken lip and a broken tooth giving pain for days, reminds those mouths to not bully others the next time.

Even if George Custer would have gotten bettered, it would have been better as at the Little Big Horn, Benteen would have known that he would have gotten another pounding for not bringing up packs.......or shot on the field to end his reign of terror.
