Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hoping Charity Goes Tits Up

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So TL and I had no room for an old furnishing ok in the living room. So we go to Goodwill and ask......and they say, "Sure dump it off......thank you for asking as most people just dump it after hours".

So the move has been etremely taxing in what we had to do in trying to save money in packing, loading, unloading.......and we still got things to do in a reload and we get a U Haul to dump this furnishing at Goodwill...

Out pops this damned hair lip.......looks it over, and says, "Why we have standards in there are a few stains on it, so we will not accept it."

What the frick is that????????? It's a god damn charity and I have been in that store and it stinks like musty old rat's ass. The furniture looks like moth's ate it and this damn hair lip insults it.......and then says, "How about taking it to the Mexican place as they take everything."

You got to remember that we loaded today and loading is done........we have no means of moving this thing........and what the hell do we do with it eh????

So we go over to the beaner store and I inform TL that I am dumping it without I pull out, get out and start pulling it out........and this old fuck head comes yelling out the junk pile in, "WAIT A MINUTE WHAT HAVE YOU GOT THERE!!!!!!" in a real ass hole way.

Apparently a big thing that sits in living rooms is far too complex to convey to an ass hole what it is.

So the ass hole comes over, and is chewing my ass about things, and I tell him, that we were told to dump it off there.

That really stutters his ass, and pisses him off even more, and he starts bitching at me more, and I in turn tell him "Sorry", and he picks through it and says, "Sure we can use that."

....and then says, about getting some wheels under it, and to unload it on the curb. Which we do.

I think the old fuck started wondering if perhaps we were some rich people who supported that charity, because he comes back and is all nice about things and smiling.

Old fuck ran that lot like some Gestapo whore in another woman was asking for what he decided on things if he wanted what she had to give.

Oh yeah, he asked if we wanted a recept..........yeah rich people always take a tax deduction for their Hillary Clinton underwear given to the poor..........we say, "No" and old fuck says, "Great", and that ends things, and I am still pissed off about all of this.

I mean what the hell Mexwell. You got people giving things for the poor, and you got assholes denying them those things. Then you got these pricks out there who are acting like God Almighty in terrorizing people who are giving things away.

Sure I am sure that people just dump wonder they did it at that prick Goodwill, as hairlip was not taking a piece of furniture with a few stains on it.......what the hell do think they are getting diamond tiaras?

Charties in America suck shit. The assholes they employ are all assholes.  That is my experience and it all is now a gimmick and not worth anything as all they do is gouge people who are poor on the prices......yeah never any free grab bags are there at these charities.

I leave this at that...........Goodwill sucks and so does all of the other charities from personal experience.
The pieces of shit that gravitate to charity work are the same turds who are banging Filipino teenage girls as fat old missionaries and old fucks at charities acting like they are God.

I pray God gets all of them from the charities to the rich propping up this racket. That is what the Holy Ghost is predicting in Bible Study. God will not pass over America again. I just hope these bastards are rotting in the streets literally.

Use car swindlers having the archbishop pray for you..........yeah you probably  got cancer because all you do is cheat people.

To R and S......we are moving back to the animals, the brier patch. Something really feels like a cut off now of all things in something is building......dust off our shoes.
I know all the working people have pains, but I ache right now in screaming pain from packing :) Not even a few pulls of the Irish brew and a two advil have done any real service past a half hour.

I met some good people today, but the pissers really pissed me off. Thank God for that brier patch. Amen and Amen

Nuff said.
