Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Ode to Helen

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am watching the rich in the metro in the neighborhood here in the billionaire owner of this complex. What I have been observing is a huge outflow of people, moving in and out. This little nook is a sort of safe zone, even if the one neighbor stated when she moved here, someone got knifed in the alley which I overlook every day.

I have been busy this year in trying to keep my sanity. My reaction to being vulnerable is to surround myself with things, and it happens to be plants. I have a forest on the deck here in TL has crotons, lilies, mandavillia, hibiscus etc..., along with my apple tree and maple forest and vegetables.

When TL came home this past week, TL got into a conversation with the neighbors here and I had seen them looking at the weeds I have growing here. I found in the mail room on the board pasted some bags of seeds. I never turn seeds down, and picked them up, and in having no room, I put in a seed, into the half dead mandavillia which TL has.
The mystery seed sprouted, as it looked like an oreo, and it was pronounced a "bean". It was a pretty thing in purple color and it did absolutely nothing all summer, until fall. Then it began to send out flower spikes and introduced itself as a Scarlet Runner Bean.

The bumblebees, hummingbird moths and hummingbird likes this plant and in gaining notice the neighbor gals requested seeds, so I went today to drop them off from the ones I had picked up.

They are both very nice ladies in their 80's. Both are ailing with things. The one has her daughter paying for her rent now, as she can not afford the over 1000 dollars per month. The other who has had a broken hip, knee replaced and is not the best of shape is going to have to move.

This is what I have noticed about the "fringe rich". That group of people who once could afford to live in safe neighborhoods in being retired, are being thinned out now in Obama inflation, and it is a national problem starting with poor people like my Mom and onto this lady Helen.

Helen was so sweet to me in inviting me in. She said although we had only met once, that she was certain she could call on TL and myself if anything ever happpened, and I confirmed she was correct.
She then shared with me a bag of hot peppers her relatives had given her in being neighborly.

TL worries about all the good people here in what they will go through after we are gone. Helen said it was time we moved on, but even with family to at least look at them from time to time, what is coming is not anything for old women to be going through.
I was watching this gal we checked on last year, as I thought she had escaped a mental rehab facility as she looked lost, but she meanders around here and belongs, but she does not drive, and stumbles along to the pharmacy for her groceries as it is close, and there is major traffic here to get at the fast food and grocery places.

This is an exclusive and it is "DISPLACED RICH CREEP" or the reality that there is an absolute trend of erosion which is moving up the scale to beyond the middle class, and into the rich who are starting to have to move out of their homes.

For you rich people this is going to come on you like the 29 stock crash. It bothers me as Helen told me today how much she enjoyed the garden, and that made me smile, as she probably did enjoy the garden more from her view than mine, as I am too close to see it.

I fully expect that this trend is going to aggrevate, as the other gal was telling me, that her monthly premiums in that Medicare B additional insurance will be going up too, and this is a gal with heart and stomach problems.

These are good people and while I rightfully give rich people hell here for how Scrooge they are in stealing from me or being too coward in making a donation, thinking the NSA does not know who they are, but there are some good rich people in this world. Granted most are 80 years old from another generation or the younger ones were raised by Helen, but there are good people out there and I do worry about them too, as this world is not going to be kind to people in precarious situations in raised rents or a gas pump being shut down.

No one gave a damn when 90 million working people had their jobs crashed from them in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, so Obama could get installed at 1600 Penn Avenue, and no on cared when these people were abused in not being able to find a job. I doubt that anyone will care when the Helen's of this world get put into a worse situation. I suspect though the rich reading this, will care when they lose half their investment portfolio in value, while the regime spikes prices to cover all of this Obama debt.

I can tell you that when Saudi Arabia is dropping the oil prices for crude that it charges, that is an immense barometer to how bad things are in this world. A price drop means the Americans are in a depression that is over the edge, and it means that this ripple effect will touch into Russia, Iran and other less than friendly US nations, who depend immensely on 100 dollar a barrel oil in which every dollar counts to keep revolutions from unfolding.

It is what it is though, and I lament that my Roma tomatoes are going to have to die by my own hand, as I have no room to take them. So much will die, and I simply hope that things hold long enough to get us out of here.
