Wednesday, October 15, 2014

That Pickaninny

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have a story I located in reading Elizabeth Custer's memoirs of the Great Plains. The Custers were progressive in employing blacks as servants and looking out for their emancipated rights.
Elizabeth Custer tells the story of a pickaninny, which I care less about it being some slur or what it is derived from, but the real moral of the story in a white Christian looking after a Negroid baby.

"The story that stays by lue is of a burly driver who fearlessly tended a little negro baby, whose mother had abandoned it by the road-side. It is the sarcasm and bantering that makes all of us hide our good deeds, or prevents our doing any at all in public—but this tender-hearted man let hundreds of soldiers pass him as his wagon was being dragged slowly along by the tired mules, and heard, quite unmoved, the ribaldry and the keen wit which comes from a line of soldiers, and which sets the company into roars of laughter, while he held the little pickaninny with one arm and managed the reins with the other."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

What I read in a story like that, is the same reality of Indian women throwing a baby in the snow to die, just to be rid of it.

One can never know the entire story of the black baby, except the child was born a slave. It makes no difference if the mother wanted the child to be free in leaving it by the road, like Moses a in bull rush boat, because this is not about the Israelites, but Hamites cursed by Noah and God.
The reality is, a woman dumped a baby by the side of the road, where the child could have been run over by horses, ate by a dog or fried in the hot summer sun.

The point is the woman could have fled her slave life of a home, food, clothing, and the reality that most slaves did not work as it is time and again proven in historical fact that slavery was not that profitable as no one could get an honest days work out of a Negroid, no more than in the 21st century, no one can get an honest days work out of a black,  and that is why Obama Chin imported all those Mexicans to work to death, as Mexicans give an honest days work for slave wages.
Instead the woman, who had been having all the sex she chose to have, chose to stay a slave and dump her baby by the side of the road.........and who was it that like numbers of white Christian Soldiers suffered and died in that war, but a white Christian male who saved this baby's life.

Of course there are white women in minority who dump babies, but there is a reality that in these other races there is a cruelty in them in not appreciating human life, no more than a liberal would.

I suppose it was better than throwing the baby down the well and fouling it with rotten baby flesh and giving all the cholera, but in either Obama women aborting babies in the Afroid race or dumping them along side the road is the reality.

Once again you never hear these stories and that is the reason the fiction of that bastard Obama is allowed to steal two Presidential elections. The same race which votes like a herd 98% for Obama is the same race dumping a baby by the side of the road, so they can go back and live on the plantation.

Unless the black is made to take responsibility for these realities, is castigated and humiliated none of this is going to end. The Lame Cherry is for saving the black race from their own worst enemy which is the black race.
They can not govern themselves in proof by welfare and affirmative action as they ran to dictator Obama re enslavement and genocide.

The Afroid in Americas was uppity and could not keep their mouths shut in racism which got Treyvon Martin self aborted, but you will notice at the end of the Obama regime, when the humilation of what Obama is as a massive stereotype failure has now the Bill Cosby's all silent with the John Fogerty's.

The difference which sets men and women apart from animals, is the Conservative Ideal of not just voting for some policy, but taking responsibility for that policy and then denouncing it when it is a genocide on people.

The black and black enabler must be held accountable for this destruction called Birther Obama, and it must not lay once again at the feet of some white man to pick up the tarbaby and rescue the race from their Negroidity.

How much more do Christian Caucasoids have to invest? They saved blacks in Africa from savagery and being eaten by lions by making them slaves, in giving them purpose in life. They emancipated them and gave them rights when they were not capable of the rights. The white Christian gave welfare at the expense of the white race, and then the white Christian stood by in 2 stolen Presidential elections by a faux Chinoid foreign agent who plundered America.

Now after all this destruction are whites going to be expected to work more and invest more in Christian virtue for a race incapable of anything but leaving themselves by the edge of road?

Those are the realities in white Christians have saved blacks from themselves and it is past time that blacks be made responsible for that debt in their failings in bringing their own ruin.

nuff said

