Monday, October 13, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really get infuriated over ignorant asses who spout off about things they have no idea of, and whose purpose on hating spite on someone who is deceased, has nothing to do with the person, but some psychopathy this ass has over some failing in their existence.

If I were to ask if General George Armstrong Custer was an Indian killer who hated Indians? You would incorrectly answer "of course he was", because you have been lied to, to cover up his assassination.

General Custer began the first civilization of the southern plains in an winter operation, planted out by General Phil Sheridan. The Washita Campaign, began when 2 white women were gang raped by 200 Indian males, which drove them insane.

At the Washita, General Custer's 7th, absent most of the Kansas volunteers who were supposed to arrive, but got lost and almost perished, they caught the winter encampment of the southern Cheyenne, and killed less than 100 bucks and captured about a like number of squaws and children.
The command burned huge stores of rations and robes, and shot 700 mustangs, depriving the tribe of their means to rape, rob and murder Americans as terrorists.

The campaign continued, with the same lying and treachery by the Indians, and the 7th was in the field again working to bring the Indians to the reservation system, where they would be educated, given religion and taught to farm to feed themselves as civilized people are all engaged in, as that is how society operates.

In this General Custer brought Indians in when he could have obliterated them. In the case of the remnants of the southern Cheyenne, they held two white women, who if General Custer had attacked, would have been murdered.
An attack would have also had a summer campaign in hunting down scattered groups of these terrorists with more white people murdered.

So when the command came upon the Cheyenne, General Custer was the only one who advocated not attacking, but by clever ruse, gained as hostages the Indian chiefs, who had by ruse, attempted to slip the village away.

The net result was General Custer, ended the terror threats on the southern plains by astute tactics, which saved Indian lives.

"We arrived here yesterday, having marched three hundred and fourteen miles. I will rest two days and then start with my entire command for Camp Supply. I have been successful in my campaign against the Chey-ennes. I outmarched them, outwitted them at their own game, proved to them they were in my power, and could and would have annihilated the entire villaofc of over two hun-dred lodges but for two reasons.

1st. I desired to obtain the release of the two white women held captive by them, which I could not have done had I attacked.
2d. If I had attacked them, those who escaped, and absent portions of the tribe also, would have been on the war-path all summer, and we would have obtained no rest.

These reasons alone influenced me to pursue the course I have, and now, when I can review the whole matter coolly, my better judgment and my humanity tell me I have acted wisely. You cannot appreciate how delicately I was situated. I counselled with no one, but when we overtook the Cheyenne village, and saw it in our power to annihilate them, my command, from highest to lowest, desired bloodshed. They were eager for revenge, and could not comprehend my conduct. They disapproved and criticised it. I paid no heed, but followed the dictates of my own judgment — the judgment upon which my beloved commander (General Sheridan) said he relied for the attainment of the best results."

Elizabeth Bacon Custer. Following the Guidon

General Custer was brilliant in Indian strategy, but being an outsider, he was maligned by the insiders who favored incompetents like George Crook. Being who he was, the Grant Administration hated him for outing their criminal cartel and for that he was assassinated. Too, General Custer, by depriving the organized religions of Indians to exploit under their control, but placed them under BIA control took away their "collection plate" donations and empowering the religions.

The reality is, General Custer in every situation was against attacking these ignorant savages, as it was a point of stupid violent mob having to be shot down, and no one desired that.

That is the reality of George Custer, who is nothing like the man the experts malign or Hollywood attacks. If he had not been assassinated with his command at the Little Big Horn, he would have brought the Sioux and northern Cheyenne in as he had the southern Cheyenne and the north would have not had a decade of violent warfare.

No one speaks of this, but this blog. The Truth must be understood in this, and the reality taught. Otherwise the propaganda continues to lead people to being fleeced in white people and enslaved in Indians.
