Monday, October 13, 2014

Pinstripe Mafia State

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I had a conversation recently with the first American who entered the Soviet Union after the fall and ran the first trade shows, which just so happened to be backed by the Russian mafia. He was a well versed gentleman who had been on Wall Street, the world markets and as a business man, and his damning assessment was America ended approximately 8 years ago.

For all the Rush Limbaugh dogma of "find something you are passionate about and do it", the reality is any American attempting to start any business is going to have to have business licenses, packaging, distributors, and if you have a product that means FDA, USDA or OSHA is going to be breathing down your necks, and this gentleman stated that in his hoops though regulations that even Homeland Security is reviewing everything.

I have informed you that the Obama regime has cemented Conglomerate America to wipe out small business and that is exactly the anectdotal observations of this American.

I will give you a bit of information he was privy to, in the big port out of New Jersey on the east coast, there are 40 acres of empty double stack containers sitting there, which have dumped Chinese goods into American markets.
All that is available to fill those containers if lumber.

I expand upon this so you get this. Some of you might remember when lumber was affordable in America. The reason it is not affordable is because there are not forests, but because the big conglomerates like Weyerhauser of PBS started shipping all the United States lumber to Asia, mainly Japan and China.
So you get this, in 1776 when America started her revolution, one of the chief gripes which continued into the War of 1812, was that Americans were being sheared, because all Americans had was lumber, apples, wheat and whatever, which England took and then manufactured back into products costing Americans a fortune.

There is no industry in America and it is all by design that jobs are in Asia and America is nothing but a salvage yard, pig pen, forest plot and yes auction block for the Chicoms. You do not know this, but at the pork sales in America, all of the best pork goes to Peking and Americans are sucking the hind tit. The same holds true in the Obama junker for clunkers which sent all of those crushed metal cars to China. China takes old computer software in recycling too, as much as driving up prices in forestry products which is pricing you out of a home, and the Chicoms are buying up American farmland, and no one in Mockingbird is telling you about any of this.

If you would like to know what the USDA is about now as much as the FDA, it is a reality of all of the employees are employees of the petro chemical, agri business and big pharm. The scam on pharmaceuticals is the reality that the regime in the United States funds the lion's share of that production, and the cost is the regime buying the drugs and then selling them back to you. It is a national socialized or Nazi state run conglomerate industry and the board is how to work Chinese to death, while Mexicans are worked to death taking American jobs, while the funded Wall Street portfolios create this "balance of trade" buying poison or human slave trade.

This is a warning for all of you pet owners. The USDA and FDA is regulating pet food worse than human food. Yes you all have had experiences with a dog eating something that died
years ago and would kill you, but the dog pukes it up on your rug instead looking to eat it again......those regime agencies are regulating pet food, and the regulations are filling it with the same industrial chemical preservatives, poisons literally like ethylene glycol, and animal organs which are so toxic they will kill a pet.
It is why your pets are getting allergies, rubbing hair off, bleeding from their intestines and getting auto immune diseases. That garbage is coming directly from industry shills inside the regime agencies.

Let us return to New Jersey though and the port authority there. You will probably think, "You know I do not see alot of lumberjacks in the what are containers doing there waiting for lumber, which on last check comes predominantly from either the Pacific Northwest or the Southeast in the softwoods." (Hardwoods tend to come from Missouri.)

It all goes back to that nasty reality this business was relating in he could turn out a product for 1 dollar a package, but by the time the distributors, groceries, truckers and whoever else got their hands on product, that item was 5 dollars on the shelf.
I have bitched previously in the reality the LL Bean or Cabelas felt lined winter insulated bluejeans. You can go down to A HOLE Walmart and buy them for 23 dollars. LL Bean runs their pants at around 60 dollars as does that fraud Cabelas.
Same basic product, and my children, it is the same Indonesians, Chicomettes and Indians working themselves to death in turning out a product around 3 dollars in cost, so the American Conglomerates run up the price 20 to 60 dollars and that money is coming from your pockets in this "Rush Limbaugh and Equalz Obama free market capitalism or socio conglomerates" which reward the rich in Wall Street dividends and rob the poor in  inflation.

So ask yourself in shipping containers for lumber in New Jersey, how does that lumber get there?
By truck? no
By ship? no
By railroad? Yes and who is it that told you but La'me Cherry bought up with Wall Street rapine of savings accounts for retirees, but Warren Buffett an illegal monopoly of the United States railroads.
So Buffett being Obama's favorite nation rapist, got Canadian oil pipelines shut down so Buffett could ship all that North Dakota crude oil.......and it appears again, who is shipping all that lumber, but Buffett to his good Chicom business partners, which in turn drives up the price of lumber for Americans, as if you have not checked lately, the Columbia River ports in Washington are a hell of alot closer to China than New Jersey is.

That is how you drive up prices on everything in the fictional shortages, and by all the nation rapists like Warren Buffett driving up prices, hauling things to New Jersey which should ship from the west coast.

All of the debt trading is still going on wholesale and unregulated, and that is where the money is all being created. It is the biggest scam on running, and all it does is protect the rich who are the whores running this system of pillage in laundering the money.

This is nothing but a legalized extortion and graft racket skimming assets, creating counterfiet funds and turning multiple billions of people into slaves in this geo political feudalism.

I informed you that America is dead, and yet the denial continues.

I will return to the point I made here previously in Mark Levin blaming biofuels for driving up wheat prices. I already explained in this that Levin like Limbaugh answers to Big Koch and Big Frac, who get market share reduced when poor agricultural states produce ethanol, so Americans import less terror oil.
Levin lies to you with Big Frac propaganda, and I exposed how wheat ground is not corn ground. But I did inform you that corn and soybean ground are the same crop structure.

OK, who buys soybeans? Do you? You eat that shitty tofu? You boil up a plate of soy meal for the kids? Hell no you do not.

So who buys those soybeans produced by poison Monsanto? Why it is Chicoms who feed that soybean meal to all of their pigs.......but wait a moment, you were just informed that the Chicoms are buying up all the best US pork at the auctions, how can that be?
It is because in Obama ruining the dollar, it is affordable for Chicoms to have American corporate hog farms grow the pigs here and simply in Walmart and Buffett slave trade balance things out in gouged Americans consumers, buying through the Chinese imports, the bacon for the Peking girls and it is raised in American on those ghastly corporate farms.

I want you to get this too as you idiots are so ignorant you never figure anything out. When America had thousands of little dairy farmers eeking out a living, the price of milk was set in Wisconsin cheaply, but suddenly all the corporate dairies took over, and now milk is as high as gasoline.
Why the corporates just like Brentwood crude oil and Chicago commodities seized the markets and now are gouging consumers. No you could not pay 3 dollars a gallon to a 20 cow dairy keeping a family farmer making a living, but now you can pay a corporate 5000 cow dairy 5 bucks a gallon for that same milk.

Do you get the criminal enterprise in this? It is literally in every thing offered to you now in being a racketeering which the mafia used to be put in prison for, but Buffett gets put on magazine covers.

America is a pinstripe mafia state. 
