Thursday, October 16, 2014

Someone to Watch

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I first made mention of former South Dakota Governor, Mike Rounds here last year in his bid to unseat brain dead Tim Johnson and now a Tom Daschel penis implant. I have been watching Mike Rounds and today he released a statement charging the incompetence of Birther Hussein over ebola.
This may sound bland, but the reality is, name one other Republican who has done this with common sense.

Op Ed: Ebola & National Security.
In America, we know potential attacks on our nation are real and it’s a prime responsibility for the government to protect our borders.  The latest threat to our national security is the Ebola virus and the greatest protection against it is simply keeping it from entering our nation; yet the president is not willing to implement a travel ban from countries where Ebola is most prevalent.
We know the first confirmed, fatal case of Ebola in the US was a man from Liberia who recently traveled to Texas.  CDC protocol calls for isolation of potential Ebola patients so the virus doesn’t spread, and others who’ve had contact with suspected patients are quarantined.  The next logical step would be implementation of any means possible that could keep more infected patients from entering our country, yet the president refuses to take those steps. 
This is the latest example of how White House inaction is putting all of us at risk.  It’s inconceivable to imagine a reason why Barack Obama refuses to restrict travel to the United States from Ebola hot zone nations like Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. 
I’m joining a growing number of leaders across the country in calling on the president to do what’s best for everyone in the United States by using his authority and constitutional duty to immediately call for a travel ban from countries where the Ebola virus has already claimed thousands of lives.  An outbreak in America has the potential to be even more devastating.  It’s commonsense, and he shouldn’t be playing games with our lives at stake.

As an additional note in this, Mike Huckabee has been campaigning with Governor Rounds and Rounds accepted Rick Santorum's endorsement. For those who do not know, It was Governor Rounds who signed in South Dakota's pro life law, which that murderess Stephanie Herseth Sandlin illegally overturned as a stooge for the aborticide industry.

Mike Rounds appears to be trustworthy. He put in 12 years as Governor there, and is as far from Mutard Dennis Daugaard as Obama is from Ronald Reagan.
He is someone to watch as a common sense leader which the Senate has none of.
