Wednesday, October 15, 2014

tham thar gals

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I always think of uppity patricians in where they all arrived from the womb from. By that I mean, they were not born with running water nor were tooth brushes flying off the cave walls to give e Pepsodent smile.

Elizabeth Custer related a tale of the American West in the 19th century, but it would have been as much in Africa, Asia or Europe, as people were all the same the world over.

There seems there was this widow woman, as no mention was made of a man about the premises, and she had a brood of seven daughters. Do not think in romance that this was some Indian princess type fiction, in Indian princesses never brushed their teeth and their diet consisted of eating the guts out of animals they killed as that as the choice cut to an Indian.

So this passel of females resided like so many gophers in a prairie dog town, on the trail where the cattle were driven to market, and one day a passerby happened to sit down by the fire, as the old hag was bent over the flames, smoking on her pipe.

One of the young uns happened to appear from tending the milch cows, and started drying her homespun dress before the fire.

The Mum looked down and said to the kid, "Sal, you got a coal under yer fut".

The girl continued with the drying of her dress and inquired, "Which fut Mammy?, not lifting a toe to check as her feet were so leathered up from not wearing shoes, that she was standing on 451 degrees and could not feel it.

Probably is why walking on coals is not such a big deal in people who never wear shoes. as they have so much hide on their soles that they stand an inch taller from it than normal.

I am quite sure that all these females were gathered up as prizes by some male who thought they had the prize of the harem, and they went on like breeds and border people, to produce a race of two legged creatures who now drive around in Mercedes and inhabit mansions, when just a stone's throw in time ago, they were "tenderfoot" who asked a bouncer to pass the gravy, and had a gun pointed at them, being informed, "Anyone who calls sop as gravy, had better apologize or eat dust".

Nothing like city feet being tender and getting educated on subjects, and finding allure in a callouse footed woman, and going off and procreating with other sorts who are no steps removed from the primates eating bananas.

I know where all the affluent people came from, and how behind your closed doors, you ain't much different from the dogs scratching flees or cats licking asses. Only difference is primitive folk aren't bright enough, not to do what city folk, do with the doors closed...or at least that used to be it before the 21st century.
