Monday, November 10, 2014

Annie Got Her Gun

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is no surprise that I love old photographs of nester days, and enjoy studying them for all they tell. In the above photo, I was interested in the gal photographed with a gun was indeed a gal, apparently all decked out in her woolens.

The photo puzzles me, because these are some very well furred coyotes and there is not any snow about the place. That limits areas unless it was a dry winter, but that fur on those yotes is the key in this, as it is quite heavy and if this is not Montana, it must be some Rocky Mountain state where she was collecting these pelts.
She has 23 hides which is quite a territory she was working, as a coyote family has a quite large area they feed in being larger predators.
The cherry in this is she has herself a very large tom bobcat. Montana has lynx, so this mosies this down south further, and as this is a very big cat, I am leaning to this being in that four corners area.
It has some development as that light wheeled wagon was not built for a great deal of offroad work.

Without seeing them, I make it her team was light and fast, and doubled for her in checking the lines to spell her saddle horse. She probably ran a cloverleaf hub in a twenty mile loop north, south, east and west.

Her gun looks to me like a Marlin. It does not have that 92 Winchester look to it. It was probably small in a pot gun or a 22, as no one would be blowing holes in a hides.

As not puppies are about, this is a trapper, as calling was not practiced, and it means she knew here stuff. That would mean a wolfer knowledge of the old gland formulas and fixatives.

She was doing right well in her catch, as she did not have to sell it off in parts for supplies and she is in fine rig. She knew her business and her traps point to as much as her meek nature, she kept her mouth shut, did her job with skill, was not noticed and was a good killing machine.

She seems a bit scrawny, but those coyotes just do not get pealed on their lonesome. She probably could outrun any man and be like an otter in a fight in a large man would come out the worse for it.

Annie would make any 10,000 Americans now.
