Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ann Compton of ABC confirms June 13th Obama Death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

No more the photo whore as of yore

Newsbusters, that CIA laden Buckleyite site, posted an extended CSPAN interview with ABC's Ann Compton in which she in October 2014 AD in the year of our Lord, made two statements about Equalz Obama which point directly to a personality change from 2013 and how the puppy press is no longer allowed near the image of Obama for photo ops, in things have changed, since the infamous June 13th, 2013 date as exclusively covered here.

"I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals."

"I think most presidents have been far more forthcoming than the second Obama term, in terms of what the President is doing every day and we almost never get photo-ops."

I think most presidents have been far more forthcoming than the second Obama term, in terms of what the President is doing every day and we almost never get photo-ops.  - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2014/12/08/ann-compton-obama-he-has-profanity-laced-tirades-against-press#sthash.hGpBw6BZ.dpuf
I think most presidents have been far more forthcoming than the second Obama term, in terms of what the President is doing every day and we almost never get photo-ops.  - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2014/12/08/ann-compton-obama-he-has-profanity-laced-tirades-against-press#sthash.hGpBw6BZ.dpuf
Ann Compton ABC News

Of course AC never expressed any of this while being ALLOWED TO ONLY COVER CERTAIN STORIES BY THE WHITE HOUSE. That is her own verbiage and here is the quote from CSPAN

"We cover what we are allowed to cover. And when policy decisions and presidents are inaccessible and don't take questions from the press on a regular basis, I think they reap what they sow."  - See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2014/12/08/ann-compton-obama-he-has-profanity-laced-tirades-against-press#sthash.hGpBw6BZ.dpuf
"We cover what we are allowed to cover. And when policy decisions and presidents are inaccessible and don't take questions from the press on a regular basis, I think they reap what they sow."

This is conclusive proof from one joined at the Obama hip, that something has changed from 2013, and that the press is being kept at bay from the image of Obama. Shapeshifters seem to have their own profane way of expressing themselves in being questioned about what murder and mayhem they are feeding off of.

Enough of this, and thinking of being off to the mulberry patch..............

Google hates Newsbusters.........it refuses to allow NB links or cut and paste.
