Saturday, December 6, 2014
british mistakes in world war
In another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This blog has shown the mistakes in the Axis powers in how they should have won the world wars, but it has never been examined how the cartel of Europe cropped American, French and Britain of her best sons, and how it was all unnecessary as a better source was available for military fodder.
The Gentleman's Agreement of 1897 for German Genocide was also a genocide of the British and American racial lines to bring about the ruin of those peoples too.
In practical terms, the English had been hiring war done from 1776 onward. The Hessians of Germany fought in her American wars and it was Egyptians who were hired to fight in the Sudan in that disaster. Local armed militias were how the British Empire existed for over 150 years, until they were suckered to run their best into German machine guns. Those German machine guns though were burned out by Russian hordes at Stalingrad, and there is the reality of this, in if the French, Dutch and English had simply put into combat those billion 3rd worlders to absorb German bullets, as Mao did the Americans in Korea, the reality is, the empire would have stood and America would have not perished under the Obama regime.
It is not a matter if the Indian and Indonesian would have fought, as they could have been armed with single shot Martin rifles, and then just been of use running away for German guns to mow them down, as the reality is the piles of dead south Asians would have used up all the German resources, ending their power to make war.
It would matter little if Indians fought as if they survived, the British would not have fed them, and this horde would have ate Germany out of rations as the Indian tried to walk back to Asia.
It all may sound cruel, but no one blamed Stalin for foddering Russians or Asians, and no one had a problem with Mao foddering Chinese under American howitzers. So the reality is, Britain, France and America could have won the war, done Asia an immense favor, as much as Germans, in they would have simply burned up their barrels and not perished, if the sub Asian was utilized for the only purpose they were good for in being expendable.
Frankly in military doctrine for the IVth World War, the Lame Cherry advocates a conscription of these Asians to burn out the barrels of those opposing the civilized world......excluding the Asian Ashkenaz as they are not a part of anything civilized in causing all of this homicide and genocide.
Honestly, the IVth World War, should sort things off in a sort of Mexican standoff. Yes Mexico should be at odds with America, and be cleansed by nuclear vapours to remedy that problem, and as Mexico is allied with Chicoms, that is a good basis for this war.
I honestly move that a Anglo American Japo Indochinese alliance form, allied with a German Russian alliance. Term that the civilized world at war with the second world.
The difference is the AAJI with Germany and Russia would this time hire it all out to Indians and Indonesian two billion to the Chicom 1 billion with Muslim furor and Mexican tacos.
This projects out, with key nuclear bombing or bio bombs in Africa to thin things out there to a few token blacks for genetic purposes, to an even match in India and Indonesia would burn out Chicom barrels, and toss in a few nuclear exchanges, it would thin out Muslims and break up China too.
This is the key to the IVth world war from the civilized standing as instigated by the uncivilized cartel. It crops billions in what the cartel desires, but the first world shares in the good life, and in not having their gardens all WMD scorched earth.
I see great promise in this, compared to the alternative of Europe and Russia destroyed. Join Christian Orthodox Russia Putin to Christian Lutheran Germany, with a Christian Anglo American Asian alliance, and hire the Hindus and Muslim Indonesians to fodderize with Chicoms and Islamocommunists.
Fight it all out in Asia where no one lives and in the mountains as George W. Bush set the order in array, and let the vodka, tea, schnapps and beer flow.
The Japanese could manage Asia, and America could give the right of return to the Afroid with Chicom linked Africa depopulated in bombing there.
The British and French were foolish in world wars, as they stopped hiring it out. In the IVth World War, it is necessary to hire it out again with first world commanders of 3rd world hordes.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, pointing out how the cartel made fools of 4 great powers to their genocide, and to make the world consider a protocol of for the IVth World War in putting those 3 billion Asians to some use for the benefit of humanity.
Why should the civilized world perish in cartel machinations, when logic states that Mexico, Africa, China, India and Indonesia should be thinned instead.
If you desire Armageddon to fulfill prophecy, just save 200 million of the turban wearers and march them off to Jerusalem where the Pater Pope and his anti Christ have their tents pitched and have at it. Russia, Germany, France, England and America can watch it on Youtube.
See all of you are in the box and none of you think out of the box, as the cartel has you mind programmed. Employ their same accepted operations for your benefit and suddenly your eyes are opened to reality and given impossible choices of your genocide, becomes impossible realities for the best survival of the Atlantic and Pacific peoples.
No one ever speaks to you as I do, for the power elite speak at you as primates. I instead in your ignorance tell you why your sky is falling about you in your menagerie. You just need to be told what to do, and looked after by a proper master, who gives you boundaries for your benefit of worshiping a God to mind you and guns to kill things not like you. You have not been tended by someone who understands your needs and that is why you are miserable.
The West and East really need someone with my insight and abilities leading for what is to come.
nuff said