Friday, December 12, 2014

chicken fried death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

John Mosby the Cavalry Ranger for the Confederates was a most interesting man in, except for General Lee and Stuart, he was constantly being worried over by other officers. If wounded  men joined him, the officers bitched about their return to their former ranks. If Mosby wanted men and munitions, he was denied, so he confiscated Union supplies and horses, and often used wounded Confederates.

I have always read the nonsense of Benjamin Franklin in eating porridge or however that fodder is spelled as the secret to long health........yes from a  fat man who had gout.

You can no more build a nation, win a war or amount to a blessing if you eat nothing but horse and bunny food. The human body requires meat, fat and carbohydrates, not vegetables or fruits as a main diet as you will starve to death.

John Mosby noted something I desired to pass along as it was a brief mention;

I did not play with foils. The person selected to feed the army was a metaphysical dyspeptic, who it is said, lived on rice-water, and had a theory that soldiers could do the same. A man, to fill such a position well, should be in sympathy with hungry men, on the principle that he who drives fat oxen must himself be fat."

Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916. Mosby's war reminiscences and Stuart's cavalry campaigns

So the South had as quartermaster a man in charge who had gut problems and lived on rice water. You could not catch a good case of diarrhea on fodder like that.

Just one of those amusing anecdotes to history. I could see though putting a virgin in charge of a whorehouse as where there is not temptation, there is not abuse of the wares, but all the same, you still got to know how to keep the whores in riding rig to do a bang up job.

I suspect that will be the next lunacy of  the Obama regime from Muchelle.....a vegetarian military too weak to pull a trigger and will collapse before going on patrol.
