Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Shadow Times

There is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter which is not of the matrix, and when I have time, I will delve into explaining the matrix wave more fully, so people will understand the reality of Prophecy, the matrix divination and channeling of demons. The last is something which should never be done.

We are approaching a horizon point in the next years which is going to be a shroud over the world for the mass genocide which it will impart. I do not state this lightly, but it all now revolves around whether Vladimir Putin succeeds in becoming the Cyrus protector of Christian Europe from the anti Christ, which require Germany to remain neutral, or a blood bath will be unleashed from Praque to the Rhine to the Italian and Scandinavian lands.

The headlines are pure and simple.


This is the covert war which is continuing against Vladimir Putin and all Russians. It is meant to piss on Putin the way David Cameron attempted to golden shower Mr. Putin in Australia mocking Mr. Putin in his bringing warships to the summit.
This is a nuclear power with superior weapons than the west. Russia has not disarmed as Obama gutted American nuclear deterrents.
Mr. Putin built from oil revenues in the Bush 43 years, an immense Russian doomsday city for all Russia in the event of nuclear war.

What you have to comprehend is while Americans have been economically raped by Warren Buffet, Image Obama, Big Koch, Big Frac and Big Can, Vladimir Putin has been creating an expanding middle class in Russia, where Russians are vacationing globally, as they have that much money.

The cartel in using Saudi money and OPEC oil is now making war against the two principle nuclear parties on this planet in America and Russia. The cartel is going to gut Big Frac in North Dakota and the American west. The cartel is going to submarine Canadian oil tar sands in bringing America cheap oil for right up to the 2016 elections.
This will pacify Americans, and help alleviate the massive Obama tax confiscations, but by 2017, your gas is going to be at 5 dollars a gallon, exactly where Big Frac and Big Can want that oil price raping your finances. There is going to be a recession in the North Dakota region, as oil exploration stops, and as wells are again capped as they were in the last time that state had an oil boom.

What this entails for Russia is a huge recession and unrest in Russia. That is what a coup against Vladimir Putin looks like as Hillary Clinton is installed in America. The Catholic oracles though do not point to a Putin being ousted, but a Russia driving it's tanks into Europe, exactly as Adolf Hitler and Tojo of Japan did in World War II.
The oracles speak of Prague being ploughed as I have related. There is going to be a wipe out of the Eastern European front line. This will then be destruction to the Rhine, France, Italy and the Nordic lands. It runs to the reality of this blood bath, being checked by Americans using a hybrid weapon which eats the flesh off the Russian tank drivers in an area as wide as Texas from the North Sea to the Mediterranean Sea.

For those who think this is not such a bad deal, in these oracles it speaks of Chinese ally of Russia invading Alaska for oil, and a retaliatory strike by Russian nuclear submarines upon America.......all before Vladimir Putin is assassinated.

So we are speaking of perhaps 250 million dead in Europe and America combined. Is that the kind of policy you want to inherit in Islamic Cartel policy and Chechen revolution policy, which does nothing for you in making your life better, as the money you think you save in gas prices, will be gouged from you in another way.
There is a gleaning coming on America, and it is going to be against the food growers first by the Chicago cartel and it has already started. God hated German big farmers in Martin Luther's day, and Dr. Luther detested them too. It will come around again as all of those big farmers have been buying equipment and land at 7 dollar a bushel corn, and corn is around 3 dollars now. The cartel never lets these idiot farmers keep what they pay them to ruin the world of food. Did not in 1929, 1977, 1988 and they will not let them keep them more than the Dotcom bust let all you idiot investors keep your money then. It is all coming back down, and it means to pit western Europe against Russia to draw America in to pit America against Russia for a cleaning of the field for the cartel to rule.

That is the reality. I would like to have my place to hide on to make me more effective in protecting people, but if I suffer, I get crankier than I am now

That is the reality of what is coming without any doubt, as the people who rule the world are engaged in an assassination war against Vladimir Putin and Russia, along with drawing America into the mix to do the murder work for it, as Obama was in using the US military to drone all those terrorists who would not be dope dealers for 1600 Penn Avenue.

What fills me with consternation most, is how stupid you rich people are. You think you are going to somehow be spared, when history proved you were robbed as much as every other poor person. You have no sense, and just keep whistling through the graveyard.
An intelligent person seeing a group dropping oil price worldwide and Big Frac and Big Koch can not stop it, and sees Chechnya becoming terror central and Russia can not do anything about it......would figure out that the big players are moving the board, and conclude that when that happens, global 1929 crashes set the stage, as economic wars turn into world wars.

Why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave.

Instead, it ended up hurting itself as well as the Russian rouble, energy stocks, infrastructure development and more. ... Low oil prices, pushed down further by Opec's meeting ..
Allot of grave are being walked over this day.

"Love is blind, but hate clears the vision precisely."

- Lame Cherry
