Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What if Mr. Putin sparks an American Revolution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a serious question for pondering with all the utter criminality in the stealing of the NBA Clippers from that Sterling fellow and now his being banned from entering a basketball arena in America without being a threat to anyone..........

Do you get that people in an American was just banned from a public event for his personal creed?

The question literally in this is, we know that during the 1980's the Soviet KGB funded numerous peacenik operations against Ronald Reagan, culminating in the anti Pershing missile protests throughout Europe.

The question in this now is, how long is it going to be, before Vladimir Putin figures out that he has admirers in the American Christian right, the American sportsman right and the American right, which he literally could begin funding in the right wing.........not the left wing, who would bring down this 1600 Penn Avenue regime, and install as in 1780 America, a friendly Republican form of Government in France perfered over the British in that Revolutionary War?


Masked gunmen tighten grip on eastern Ukraine...


Putin 'to visit Crimea' for military parade...


Long History Of BLM's Aggressive Cattle Seizures...

I am not talking about some  Eric office space Holder BATF Hutatree wag the Obama operation, but a literal operation based in enough elements of the military industrial complex, federal law enforcement and political operatives.

How long is it going to be, before some Chicom shipping containers arrive with enough material to make it a situation that Americans who desire a friendly relationship with the Putin Kremlin will accept French type backing for a 21st century Revolution?

The reality is now Obama is stealing American food, creating shortages of ammunition and is now going to charge Americans tolls to drive on their own roads when Americans have no money.

I have stated that someone is setting up a situation where there will be a crackdown. What happens in this though if Mr. Putin starts running operations with American allies in America who want God, Guns and Apple Pie back, and conclude that black people stealing NBA teams like Obama stole General Motors and Buffett stole American railroads is nothing but a massive new extortion and crime syndicate?

I am quite serious about this. How long would it be, before a few words from Mr.  Putin to American Patriots set this entire thing in motion, and with FSB intelligence assistance, before Edward Snowdens started popping up all over these United States?

Ask yourself, what if Vladimir Putin sparked an American  Revolution.

How many of you are representative of a people who would not only welcome it, but back it by silent affirmation and later peals of joy if it was a success?

What if the fuse of Ukraine lights something in America?

Something to think about.


So much fun in a Lame Cherry holiday

This is most interesting in here I sit at library and Blogger refuses to allow me to post to drafts. So  I am of course doing a test to see if this program will allow me to post anything live or if even those breaking updates will now be deprived to the public.

All of this gets really old, as I had to come to this place and intended to publish my work so as not to end up with 100 posts taking days to upload, but once again here is a lovely drama that no one else ever experiences, as none of this happens to anyone else, but the popular girl.

Lovely, now I have an oversized 27 year old boy who smells as if he last bathed in cigarette smoke as a food group inside the womb of his great grandmother, as his feet are propped up on a footstool and he is reading a sports mag from 5 inches away in a nigger green down coat in his little boy haircut.

Makes me wonder in I broke the story to save that old Sterling owner of the Clippers and exposed another criminal conspiracy involving the Obama players and the old guy can not donate and people out there just do not appreciate it, as the few poor folks can not be holding up all this for donations.

I need to post this to see if it is a waste of time in Blogger eating it like the other posts or what is the current affliction in trying to post things here.

The crash is upon us  my children when the official stats are .1% then the real numbers have been an implosion for some time. It appears if the reset dates are on schedule, and wait until the hyper  taxes on income with no rebates take this all into summer.

Yes while I suffer from second body smoke. Am surprised this man boy with his MLB hat is not setting off the smoke detectors here and the sprinklers are not activating.

What the hell is he smoking besides........oh hell yes, I know that smell from Ohio.........that is f*cking stem end tar from Indiana blend marijuana.

If I wanted a Rocky Mountain High I would be in the casket cuddling with John Denver in Reefer Springs Denver.

testing 1 2 3.


That went well, but am being blocked from posting to archives..........well the ending of this blog has now gone to new levels......after exposing Clippergate.

I am still suffering from weed head poisoning here you ungrateful rich the hell would you like to sit with more than your dope head kid huffing weed smoke at you as he now has his little white fag sports shoe pointed toe to the ceiling as he lays in his chair reading all the drama of baseball.

All I do is suffer and toil in doing this blog.

Update par trois as I know you care.

I have just been given a symphony by dope head boy who yawned like his cavern was gaping to Grand I was most interested in he was in need  of a nap.

Dope  head has his dirty gay shoes on the footstool now, and has just brought in a laptop which shit here charlie chan man.......but bright he is now picking wax out of his ear......with headphones on and these glasses that make him look like Seinfeld in those coke bottle glasses when Lloyd Braun being nuts was the episode.

Oh and his breezing by left a plume of marijuana smoke fire alarms are going off though.....and I hope no one phones DEA and they pounce on me as this guy must live in a huff bag.

Oh great we have an infant somewhere making noises like Obama is molesting it.

How is your day going with your big stock portfolio eh?


I am laughing my ass off here at the library at this moment inside.

I just witnessed a fight between an old Asian Lady who just gave hell to the dope head for his putting his feet onto the footstools here as people put their papers on them. He told her to be nice and she told him it was not nice to put his feet on things.
She left..........I mouthed THANK YOU to her......and then he started in on me on not knowing he was doing anything wrong.

Sigh....he sighed, and now has his feet back up on the furniture, after being  told he was a pig.

This is absolutely the absoluteliness last update on this, but I know you are all interested in the pig doper left, sighed and I think was busy wiping off his dirty footprints on the footstool.......apparently surprised he was a pig and left tracks all over everything.

Pig doper has now been replaced by a blonde who uses perfume as a chemical weapon, dressed in black top, hair pulled back and attempting to be quite intellectual in studying apparently to advance herself.

How can I win when I have plumes of weed smoke up my nose and now my sinus are being assaulted by noxious fumes that would make mustard gas a welcome relief on your cheerios in the morning.

I really need to go home or a gas mask.....but wait we have a guy who looks like Malcolm McDowell, dressed in a blue suit and carrying a bag in a bow looking like Elton John queer.
He is wrestling with a man looking to read the sports page.......the man told him he would be done in 5 minutes........probably wants to masturbate to Magic Johnson's butt.

How the hell was your day now eh?

I actually have this poster as a magnet on Mom's fridge. It was sent to me before I was downloaded onto a hard drive.

Just donate and pay me a farewell shot as I have earned it again today!!!!!!!


War Holiday

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I enjoy dichotomy. One was the enjoyment of then Lt. General Philip Sheridan in requesting to go see the war in Europe between Germany and France. This would be the war which would set the foundations for World War I, in the French did not like Germany taking German speaking regions and making them German.

It was amusing when the President in US Grant asking Sheridan which side he wanted to accompany in the French or Germans, and Sheridan said, "I want to be with the winners so it is Germany".

President Grant wrote a letter of introduction for General Sheridan for the Germans which went over well with the Prussians.
Grant hated the emperor of France in Louis Napoleon as he was the one with Austria invading Mexico and a usurper and a charlatan.

"LONG BRANCH , N. J., July 25, 1870. "Lieutenant-General P. H. Sheridan, of the United State Army, is authorized to visit Europe, to return at his own pleasure, unless otherwise ordered.

He is commended to the good offices of all representatives of this Government whom he may meet abroad. "To citizens and representatives of other Governments I introduce General Sheridan as one of the most skillful , brave and deserving soldiers developed by the great struggle through which the United States Government has just passed. Attention paid him will be duly appreciated by the country he has served so faithfully and efficiently.

"U.S. Grant"

General Sheridan on reaching Germany came to the front and met Count von Bismarck, Chancellor already then of the North German Confederation. The battle of Gravelotte was to take place the next day and Bismarck was most interested in how Americans viewed the war, if it was French or German instigated.
The Germans cared what the Americans thought.

The area being warred over was due to the Treaty of Westphalia, which had German people in it, but had become "French" in the succeeding years.

Gravelotte would have 30,000 Pommeranians, not dogs, but that is a north region of Germany who would be involved in the battle. The entire French and German forces would number 400,000.

Bismarck was in favor of republicanism, but informed Sheridan that he knew Germany was not advanced enough politically to engage in this form of government as America had. He also did not like political life and would have been more inclinded to be a Soldier.
This part is interesting as Otto von Bismarck would become the force of European diplomacy for the next generation.

Sheridan would meet King William under a grove of poplar trees as that part of France in farming had these types of plantings.
King William was 73 years of age and warmly greeted General Sheridan. He too was most interested in how the Americans viewed the war.

The Germans were most affectionate to the Americans and desired their good will.

After the German victory, Sheridan rode off on a horse to find water, as the armies had drunk all the wells dry. While in the village a squad of sentries found the odd uniformed Sheridan, thinking him French and almost shot him.
Sheridan spoke no German, and just enough French to get shot, that he kept silent as one of the sentries examined his 3 star cap, and then pronounced again he was French again, which led to an almost second shooting.
It all worked out as a staff member of the King noticed the excitement and extricated Sheridan, who then received a rare pass from the King to travel anywhere, after all had an amusing laugh.

The battle was one of hundreds of dead horses and men, as typical of battle. It was though one which King William noted to General Sherman employed a great deal of like military sciences as General Grant had utlized at Vicksburg.
The German King was well aware of the American Civil War and was interested in it.

The German French War concluded a short time later in the French had been smashed, encircled and Louis Napoleon was caught in the last battle, and offered up the following surrender to King William.

"Not having been able to die in the midst of my troops, there is nothing left me but to place my sword in your Majesty's hands."

The Germans were a vigorous soldiery. They marched fast, were well disciplined and made few mistakes. The French were obstinant in battle, but gave way to the German tenacity.

It was an interesting holiday for General Sheridan, and Colonel Walker of Great Britain was also on hand, to witness the destruction of the French adversaries.

Bismarck drank to one thing by stating, "Here is to the unification of Germany".

German lands, the one thing that this was all about, the same reason of unification which Americans had just fought the Civil War over.

The German Peace was one to preserve the French Empire, to keep Alsace Lorraine and to keep the French at home to empty her Treasury as the best policy of keeping balance in Europe.

Personally, for the good of America, General Pershing should have only been an observer in World War I, and General Patton should have only been an observer in World War II, for if Pershing would have been not Woodrow Wilson illegally involved in Europe, there never would have been a World War II or a Cold War.

The forenoon of September 19 the King removed to the Chateau Ferrieres—a castle belonging to the Rothschild family, where Napoleon had spent many happy days in the time of his prosperity. His Majesty took up his quarters here at the suggestion of the owner, we were told, so that by the presence of the King the magnificent chateau and its treasures of art would be unquestionably protected from all acts of vandalism.

Personal Memoirs of P. H. Sheridan, General, United States Army

Uh huh, Rothschilds hosting a French Emperor and then having a German King protect all his "treasuries of art".
No need to inquire where all that fortune came from in fomenting these wars.

nuff said


Washington the Virginians

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

George Washington is the first American and will always be the definition of an American, even if Americans have no comprehension of who this gentleman was.

This gentleman shockingly was British, and a loyal subject of the Crown. He was a son of the colonial age and in his Virginia, the capital of Williamsburg was a village of a ruling house and a college. Norfolk, the sea port, was a town of 7000.
Virginia was then a equal division of half a million people. Half white and half slave. The population was scattered out on farms and plantations, with gathering spots.

News would arrive from the north once a week and traverse from the south, once a month.

Virginians were an agrarian and cottage people. They went not to sea, but grew what they could glean in farming for the crop of tobacco.

It was a settlement of civilization. To the west, over those haunted mountains were savages and beasts. Virginia was at the birth and youth of George Washington, a land of scattered farms and isolated lives.

There was not a District of Columbia. There was instead a swamp, much akin to the duck swamps which were what was New York.
Roads were through woods and down rivers. Virginia was like some Red Ridinghood fairytale.

No one came to Virginia from the mother country nor to see what was there. Strangers were few, and they amounted to Yankee pedlers and trappers from across the mountains bringing in their packs of furs.
When news came it was distant and old, from the English ships which came to dock.

The planters though were the nation of Virginia. It was not the plantation with all of it's later conditioned response of envious evil from the masses, but the planter had cleared out the wilderness and there through hardships imported crops, livestock, slaves and spouses who in numbers died, with only those surviving the American germ, rose from rude shelters to the white painted houses and shanties which became a planters village in a self sustaining planter state within the state of rugged individualism.

Virginians were cavaliers. They raced horses, hunted, had cock fights, fox with hounds, fished and rode horse over their estate. When they complained to the Crown for education and religion, the stern reply was, "Damn your souls! Grow tobacco!!!!"
There were no schools in George Washington's Virginia.

There was no government, but the House of Burgesses, which served at the whim of the Crown. They were able to govern themselves and did well and were passionate in their politic.

Virginians stayed at home. That was their life. They were hospitable to strangers and kind to their slaves. Their world began and ended as far as their eyes could behold the wilderness horizon.

A Virginian was a indentured servant, both convict and redeemed. They were farmers. They were hunters, traders and merchants who were the freemen.
Lawyers were seldom seen or heard with doctors fewer still, and the educated class was of the clergy.

The Viriginia clergy, made their way by planting their own lands and reaping the harvest. They were the companions of the planters and drank, played, hunted, shot, warred, fought and lived as Americans in not the most decent of manners, but in a way which guided the restless American wild masses.

They were the aristocracy of the soil, English and Hugeunot in race. They had come to an American wilderness and by God's Grace survived long enough to become a people.

This is the place which George Washington was formed.

It will surprise all that George Washington's real name was Wessyngton. His line from England was that of the north ruled by Saxons and Danes. His Norman progenitor was Sir William de Hertbern who in the 12th century took the name De Wessyngton in England.
These Normans were a fruitful and successful race being men of the crown and conflict. They were knights and gentlemen.
In America, the line would be John Washington, arriving in the New World to escape Puritan poverty in the old. John would be a Soldier, surveyor and planter. He would produce a son named Lawrence, who upon his second marriage to Mary Ball, produce a son on February 11th, 1732 at Bridges Creek, the Washington estate.
That son would be George Washington.

President Washington's parents were devoted to each other. Lawrence was affectionate and loving. He managed his estate well. On the death of Lawrence, Mary Washington, became the matriarch governing the family, and she was a strong woman, of great sense and business prowess.
Her favorite book was Hale's, Moral and Divine Contemplations.
Her attributes were ascribed with the word very, in very sober minded, very silent and very dignified. The young Mother, now a widow, would become the public persona of George Washington.

"Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience."

George Washington was the primest of male virtue in being faster, stronger and more powerful than other boys. In his planter's world, tempered by his Mother's virtue, was studied in his education in the learning of self control.

Afforded all license and strength, the boy George Washington would become the Virginian who possessed the virtue of being able to guide himself with God, Truth and Honesty.

"He expressed his sense of his own insufficiency for the task before him, and said that as no pecuniary consideration could have induced him to undertake the work, he must decline all pay or emoluments, only looking to Congress to defray his expenses."

Henry Cabot Lodge. George Washington
