Sunday, January 18, 2015


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was a few moments previous in another post moved to compose this concerning the strengths of western Christian peoples had brought about their demise in the lines, "Another Lame Cherry treatise in matter anti matter for the enlightenment of the feudal mind." and it occurred to me that the world is really in a Nigger Age.
As I do not prefer to terms this a Neo Dark Age in seizing upon a past title, the reality is, the world is in English terminology of the Hamite skinned peoples of India as "nigger", by this 21st century Designer Negro manifested upon the overthrow the world for the anti Christ, in the shadow of a new dark age morally, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Every vesture is retarded now into some propaganda, some debauchery, some plague or some psychotic state. The Lame Cherry diagnoses all of this as a new dark age of the devolution of mankind and it truly is a Nigger Age due to it being the blackest time of humanity, since the Deluge of Noah wiped the earth clean of the reprobate mass such an abomination to all that is Light.

I have felt in this under siege and so very isolated, but never contemplated that it truly is an era now to progress to the Great Tribulation, which thee entire world is degenerating in decay and it can be felt with fear. The world is in convulsion and it is a matter of time before the heavens convulse in shaking their stars from their places.
I do not mean to be figurative in this, but literal. The Lame Cherry has become some type of monestary in the islands they were like Abbeys or Castles in being the isolated visages of civilization in a world shrouded in the darkness of war, plague, sodomy, famine, rapine and flat world ignorance.
The world literally has been hijacked as the intellectual elite did in the flat world inquisitions, criminalizing normal Inspired thought from their feudal enclaves.

The great retardation of the planet and people has engulfed humanity as a shroud. Those enlightened have been censored, criminalized and cut off. What has been left is the missionary position of singular keepers of the information not a deception against the world.

The Lame Cherry is one such vista as the Shining City on the Hill is a mosoleum of darkness with only a few candles lit upon this mass burial site.

It is the Nigger Age, niggardly rationing sound intellectualism with a deluge of flat world propaganda. It really is as the days of Noah, in people are not being drown by water, but flooded by inhumanity drown in their own spiritual vomit.

I had wondered what I should term the brier patch in exile. Perhaps Cherrytun, Cherry Abbey or the Cherrystary in a monastary, but I think I will found it the Cherry Arc, in a play on words of the Ark of the Lord and Noah's Ark, in this arc is the light between heaven and earth, the flashpoint between hammer and anvil, welding something more in a thorstone.

I do not like this in being so isolated or "silolated" in nothing in this world is left to inspire and all is left to Inspiration by God.  I have never had the luxury of sitting back and just enjoying the mental prowess of others in Spirit, emotion or intellect. Instead I have always had to create the saw mill and nail forge to build the house. I may never now in doing this so long appreciate others who may exist in Inspiration, but it would be nice to at least see some garden gate adorned with a trailing pea, a pretty calf lowing in the sun with a cottage in a light in that window, instead of this scorched earth nomadic darkness.

Maybe the Arc of Cherrystary.



1:22 pm central, Thursday May 22