Monday, January 19, 2015

How to fix Economic Depression

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Congressman Charles Lindbergh in 1917 AD in the year of our Lord in his pamphlet, "Why is your country at war?", correctly assessed that it was the ruthless wealthy who instigated wars and that they exploited the masses of people who were not millionaires.

This Minnesotan was correct in his assaying of the facts, but it is one thing to call a spade a spade or see a polar is a lethal danger, and another thing how to remedy a danger rationing death to all in the 21st century.
Mr. Lindbergh though did just that, after noting that in the 19th century, inflation had driven up prices by design over over 300% from the year 1800 AD in the year of our Lord.

"In the last century the special privilege granted to capital over himianity has added over 300 per cent to the cost of human necessities, and the practices which we now follow are wanton waste that absorbs three-fourths of the earnings of the toilers. That would be saved under any honest system.

Without confiscating a single dollar of the capitalists holdings, it can be done. All that is necessary is to take from capital the special privilege of unrestricted accumulation accomplished by gross abuse of profit charges.
The cost of living can be reduced to one-fourth of what it is now, and no one be injured by the operation, unless it would be called an injury to those who would be deprived of the privilege to exploit the rest of us, which it is not their right to do."

Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles August), 1859-1924. Why is your country at war?

It must be quantified in this, that what Congressman Lindbergh is speaking about in 1917 was not green recycling in too much consumerism in wanton waste, but in the exploitation of Americans in over production, so speculators could steal the grain or pants being produced, ship them to Eurasia at inflated prices, driving up prices for Americans.
You would know this now as Big Frac with Obama driving up your energy prices while shipping American gas and oil overseas to exploit all in "shortages".

The quote for you to focus upon in Mr. Lindbergh is this: "All that is necessary is to take from capital the special privilege of unrestricted accumulation accomplished by gross abuse of profit charges."

To translate that into terms which will make sense, the foundation of this is Charles August Lindbergh stated that it was the making of the Federal Reserve as a middle man, charging interest to Government and Americans, plus handling fees, which was driving up inflation to the impoverishment of Americans, while foreign nations obtained low interest loans or bought bonds that Americans ended up paying for in the future.
In addition it was speculators, in commodities setting prices to exploit the masses.

In this, one can see the mirror image of Obama 21st century economic rapine in Soros drives up food prices, Buffett drives up transport costs, Big Frac drives up oil prices, as the Fed pays Chicoms to buy American debt impoverishing all.
If one adds the debt traders which set off the 2008 AD in the year of our Lord Obama super depression, one has the entire structure of rapine as it was in 1917 AD in the year of  our Lord.
There is also an additional feature not yet manifested in 1917 AD in the year of our Lord, and that is this massive national socialist Welfare Conglomerate direct money tap from the US Treasury, which is fed by TAXATION WITH EXPLOITATION by the IRS stealing money from the masses, as Rush Limbaugh seeks to protect the exploitation system in saying poor people pay no taxes which is proven ridiculous, as I pay a greater share of income tax than Limbaugh, Koch or Obama ever did, and I like all poor people pay more of the dollars I have in excise taxes in phone, fuel and inflation than the rich ever do.

According to Lindbergh Law, all that is required to fix this, is to not allow the special privileges of the elite to continue in confiscating your money at high taxation, loansharking money and illegal price fixing.

Banks should only lend at cost of maintaining the structure. Vital necessities as energy should only for Americans be priced not in Brentwood England for American markets, but at maintaining the cost of production in America. Finally, only allow a consumption tax on non vital necessities for government operation as America always operated on until this evil Money Trust exploitation was foisted upon Americans.

Do this and deflation automatically sets in, as it did with Ronald Reagan's boom. It self generates and people have more money of their own to consume with, and this builds a vital economy.

None of this takes a dime in the accounts of the rich, but it does stop taking your pennies from all of your accounts which make billions of dollars in the Obama elite accounts.

All of this was known 100 years ago. Stop the privilege to exploit the US Treasury and United States Citizens and all prosper, including foreigners.

nuff said

* Lame Cherry fact by Charles Lindbergh: In 1867 AD in the year of our Lord, at the close of the Civil War, 98% of the people owned 95% of the wealth in America, and the remaining 2% owned only 5% of the wealth in America.
By 1917 AD in the year of our Lord in World War I, that 2% of the elite rose to owning not 5%, but 40% of the wealth in America.
Rush Limbaugh is often chastising the poor in America in the Obama 21st century, that the rich 25% pay the greatest portion of the tax structure, again in that 2% has now an underling pariah class it keeps around as political cronies, in other words the 2% now own almost all the wealth in America, and the poor own all of the debt.

In order for America to resurrect, the poor in these United States and the west must again control that 95% of the wealth.
