Friday, January 23, 2015

Cromwell Compatriot

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is never mentioned that one of the greatest champions of Americans was Oliver Cromwell. He was Puritan himself and the strongest supporter of the rise of Puritan Religious Freedom in the New World. Literally there was a time when the only true religious freedom could be found in Rhode Island and the other Puritan outposts.

To this, after the Lord Protector's, twice smashing the armies of Charles I, smashing their allies in Ireland, and then smashing Charles II's attempt to subjugate the English by Scottish armies, Oliver Cromwell wrote to the Americans in this excerpt from Theodore Roosevelt's history of Oliver Cromwell.

"One of Cromwell's letters of about this time is to the New England clergyman, John Cotton, in answer to one which showed the keen interest taken in Cromwell's triumph by his fellow-Puritans, who, across the Atlantic, had begun the upbuilding of what is now the giant republic of the New World. The letter is marked by the continuous use of scriptural phrases and protestations of humility, so ostentatious and overstrained as to convey an uncomfortable feeling of hypocrisy ; yet, without doubt, there was a base of genuineness for these expressions. Beyond question, Cromwell felt that he was doing the Lord's work; and was sustained through the tremendous hours of labor and peril by the sense of battling for justice on this earth, and in accordance with the Eternal Will of Heaven."

I place this reality before all, as Theodore Roosevelt was an inheritor like his patrician class of the sword of Cromwell and the musket of Washington. In this, Roosevelt oft lurches into the hypocrisy factor in Cromwell questioned in his subserviance while being ruthless to his enemies, both foreign and Christian, while Washington could afford in being tolerant in victory to different religious sects, which were weak minorities as there was no Church of England or Vatican attempting to land a king and cut off Washington's head.

Time is the proof of what is tolerance and what is ruthlessness. America has now had over 100 years of Theodore Roosevelt's big tent. America according to the image of Obama is now not a Christian nation. The inclusion of witchcraft, Islam and whatever else device, as Obama was assisted by the Jesuit black robes of the Vatican in election theft is the crop of tolerance which Theodore Roosevelt advocated, as much as Jewish vote fraud for Obama in both elections.

Oliver Cromwell was right. One is ruthless in suppressing anti Christian religions, because every one of those religions when given opportunity, either raises an army, gains a foreign alliance or turns to terrorism against Christians.

The real history is censored of the fact that Oliver Cromwell was the head of a Christian Protestant military which would have been slaughtered if the Stuart royals, Irish or Scottish patriots had been given the chance, and they indeed butchered numbers of Christian Puritans when given the opportunity.

Tolerance has brought about the destruction of Christianity in the west. Tolerance only works, when tolerance has an army backed by armed Christians, with their boots on the throats of opponents kept in a minority and without political power or wealth. Then the Irish Catholic can believe what he likes, as long as he has no priest to lead him at the behest of the Vatican.
The same is true of the Muslim or the Jew or the Hindu or the Marxist. You can believe what you will, but you will not have a leader and you will not do it in public.

National genocide is the result of tolerance, for adversaries prove to use western laws against their own peoples in criminalizing the Christian Citizen.

Oliver Cromwell ruled England and ruled the Commonwealth, but you will find that he took great care in championing American liberty in governance there in the most intimate of ways.
Cromwell, the ruler of America, spoke not as a ruler, but as a compatriot and a fellow servant of Christ. That was not hypocrisy, that was the reality of the Christian Republican Protector of the British Commonwealth.
