Friday, January 23, 2015

the acidic love apple

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I swore I was done with vegetable trials, as I have enough trials with life, and how many varieties of things can I seed save to preserve eh?

Thing is I got the bug on it and TL is exploring the beauty of different seed varieties, that I have seen a few tomatoes which I intend to explore.

There is a Rossa Scicilian which has captured my eye, as I do not eat seeds in things as in times past they bothered me, and this one looks like a cross between a stuffing tomatoe and a real tomatoe which I think might make still think I am typing in the laptop as I forgot to reach for the mouse.........any way, am checking Paypal for that huge donation eh......

So this tomatoe seems to be something which would work for like chicken salad on a hot day or something like that. I always wanted to try that Iowa yellow peach fuzzy tomatoe to, just to see what it looks like.

There is this Marizol Purple too, which I desire as it says it is acidic. To me a tomatoe should be that way, and I do not see why people were bitching about acidic tomatoes as there are huge numbers of that type, from the Rose which I really like to whatever you can name like Kellogggs Breakfast.

I want to try a keeping tomatoe too, as I will probably not like the thing, but having a few dozen tomatoes for January might be nice if they do not taste like a basement. That variety I have not decided upon yet, nor the stuffers you could bake, but when I think of the varieties I have to get into the gene pool again from my collection of Big Boy, Backfield, Azoychka, Rose, Black Krim, Red Fig.........and I forget now, all I see is too many tomatoes to be messing around with as it all takes time and effort.

I have decided I am going to design and build a seed like the incubator I designed and built. Just be something like an old microwave oven I will gut, then a few little light bulbs, a thermostat which will set to 90 degrees or fan, and that should be about it. Be like an incubator without a fan, and one which I can sprout wee baby seeds in. Mom's place is like living outside for temperatures, in the spring it is far too cool to do good work in sprouting, so the necessity is to build something not too large which I can get things sprouting in, and not the window sills.

Am going to grow that sweet bell pepper ..........just a sec, as the NSA is bothering me again on this moves the monitor settings and to be fun, it starts searches for things before I am done typing as that always wastes alot of time.........

I forget the name of that northern pepper.............probably because it's name is King of the North. I have had good peppers on them in numbers......would like to try a sweet brown one too, but will have to see, the main  thing is in restocking my seed supplies and then freezing half the numbers so that I have seeds in the future.
Thing is I keep mine dry and warm in plastic containers and they honestly keep viable for like 10 years, so never have had a problem with tomatoes in keeping seed around.

Just too much to do now, and I need more garden space to keep things from crossing and being a problem. Feet are cold as I type this as I am cold, even with a flannel shirt over not a Jimmy Carter freeze by the fire fan.......and spring is too far away for comfort.

I would like to try Porter, but then I remember I have Riesentraub to hit the seed bed again along with Silvery Fir  Tree. Want to do that Fir Tree one in the heat, to see if that will make it taste better......heat is what tomatoes need and makes good tomatoes for the most part.

Keep thinking, and I find Bison from Oscar Will of North Dakota whose genetics I have always been fascinated by as numbers of his crops were old improved Indian varieties.

Just a sec, got to load that tomatoe photo for the caption, so lazy people will not have to look it up to see what it is.

I want to try that Heinz Canner too, as it is deep red, and I always liked Heinz Ketchup better than Hunts, as Heinz was just darker and more paste like......too bad the company sucks now.

Gets to the point in setting publication dates, it is like shooting at ducks in the target keeps moving.........there we now have this set for 22 December., zero hundred hours.

That should be a glimpse of the Lame Cherry gardens in the love apple zone. Will try some corn varieties too, but I have to get my seed stocks back up to numbers and hopefully to acre size things. Taking a year off to do more important things, is still a year off that God has to make up some way. Oh well is a blizzard today, and spent the time moving critter and trying not to die from snow exhaustion. I think Mr. Pibb will cure that as ibuprofen is not doing a great deal of anything to make me enthusiastic about winter.

I love to go swimmin' with bow legged women.......

Can I help what the NSA puts in my head for songs to sing ?
