Monday, January 19, 2015

dakota pipeline

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The media hype has been KEYSTONE XL, but the reality is something by a Mr. Mammoud as the representatives of Big Frac, has been quietly processing a way to bleed North Dakota dry of it's oil, and I have news for you idiot children of oil booms, as North Dakota's nuts suck up into their abdomens in fear of falling oil prices, as they have been spending money like crack whores, exactly as in the 1980's when these buffoons were capped before by the cartel......that the real story is DAKOTA PIPELINE.

A Dallas-based company proposing a $3.8 billion oil pipeline across ... The Dakota Access Pipeline would stretch from the Bakken formation in ...

Oh yes, this is not for Americans in the least, but it is Chicago, New York and Texas investors in taking North Dakota oil, for a new pipeline which the Obama regime is in full favor of, which cuts across North Dakota, all through South Dakota, into Iowa and yes, to the big refineries in Chicago, and pushes the surplus oil down to Houston and Gulf states.

That means no jobs in GOP states, and all of that sweet crude being burned by the metropolitan Obama voters in cheap oil prices for them.

The dolts of cow chip South Dakota willingly will sell their souls to anything as the Gorilla Project promised a massive refinery in on the Missouri River in southeast South Dakota. Problem is, this appears as no refineries for South Dakota jobs to pollute that region, as this is about oil for Chicago and Mexican Texas.

You have to get this, Keystone is about Canadian dirty oil sand crude to be sold to China. Dakota is about sweet North Dakota crude being marketed to Obama enclaves as it is premier gasoline. In this, no one in UMMMM DAKOTA as Rush Limbaugh calls it, is going to get the big load of perpetual oil. This instead goes to the money market investors. It is the new age of stealing the resources of poor GOP states, just like the Indians got beads for Mahattan and the Nig got a nice boat trip to be a slave.

You never hear a word of any of this do you? Not from Big Rush and his Big Frac cronies pushing all of this pollution and stealing. The people on this pipeline route do not want this thing on their lands, but it will be pushed through by the Obama regime all to benefit those speculators in the same way slaughtering whales made Bostonians wealthy and dead buffalo made Chicagoans rich.

See the cartel is going to pump like hell in cheap oil prices, depleting the North Dakota reserves in order to not have to pay that GOP state more money to become a competitor to the cartel, and when oil goes up, North Dakota will be left high and dry......and just like a penniless crack whore with a big socialist spending tax agenda.
