Tuesday, January 20, 2015

land monopoly

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

"Any rational person must admit that a nation's prosperity does not lie so much in the amount of its wealth as in a just distribution of that wealth among those who have produced it.

That nation is the most prosperous whose laborers hold warranty deeds, rather than leases of their homes, and a hundred cottage homes and gardens owned by a hundred workingmen is greater evidence of national prosperity than a million of property in the hands of a single individual.

The ownership of home is the great safeguard of liberty, and it is impossible for a people long to remain free who do not own their homes. History bears us out in this statement, and we trace with minuteness the connection between land monopoly and national death."


My children, the warped usage of finance against the peoples of the west in which inflation has been utilized to rob the poor and monopoly gain the riches to the feudal few, is a remarkable new adaptation in human history, for never before were there free peoples in such abounding numbers, challenging the feudal elite. The free peoples had land, homes, savings, all gleaned from keeping the financial work of their hands.

In order to end this free people status, a simple scheme of high interest loans to the masses, high taxes on their property and high prices due to monopoly and usury fees on their own money, created the greatest rapine in world history, as prices were raised on what people had to steal it through taxes which flowed to the conglomerate monopolies and in inflation deprived the mass of people the ability to educate, house and care for themselves.

It was the greatest enslavement of world peoples in human history, and all done without bars. It was accomplished by using the people's own laws against themselves and criminalizing the people.

I will repeat in this a 21st absolute as proven by the usurpation of a foreigner in Barack Hussein Obama Chin to the US Presidency, and that no ballot is going to rescue the people of the west. It will either be a revolution in which they are slaughtered or slaughter the culprits, to have a counter revolution from some "ally" infect them again to their own assassination, or it will be by invasion of the Eurasians who will inflict their own tyranny on the west.
It ends with Christ coming in a final war, but this American system of gulag can not and will not stand. It is a cancer and it will consume itself in violence or kill all in violence who oppose it.

"From the days of Esau to the present time two classes of people have existed upon this earth, the one class who live by honest labor, the other who live off of honest labor."


Whenever the majority becomes so numerous who live off honest labor, instead of the majority being those who live by honest labor, the process of national death begins and concludes with those fighting over the corpse of that dead nation.

Nuff said.
