Monday, January 19, 2015

Thank you to Richard and Stephanie


It is with all humility that I type this, but this is a stove update as it just was installed this morning after many a satanic trial.

It was an odd thing in regulations and installations, and I was wondering why I was upstairs screwing in stove pipe screws when everything had to be according to Hoyle. It is as Williams and had a thermostat, a first for this house and I got an earful from the installation person, as he is an always expert and I wonder about that.

He was saying how nothing lasts forever any more. A furnace probably has a 15 year life span at this date and he was mentioning range stoves in the kitchen probably last only 5 years when 30 used to be their life span.
It is odd as I mentioned to TL yesterday in stepping over a galvanized threshing machine auger, how that has been laying on this site for probably 70 years and it is still as sound as the day it was manufactured. Installation man looked at my pick up and offered 500 dollars for it for his kid. Nothing like low balling and taking advantage of the poor. That is junked price, so I am not looking to subsidize people richer than me.

Our biggest trial now is probably the animals as it is in the 40's today and they are outside for the first time. Have to keep them well, and just in the house for night time sleeping and I hope that will be weaned off soon enough.

Baby Belle is interesting in she is..........well an omnivore, not by our doing. The other night we had chicken skins off the chicken we baked, and they were for the cats, but Belle knocked off the bag and TL found her eating in they were all gone.
The other day, Belle dug a paper towel soaked with bacon grease out of the trash. I got that away from her,  but it seems she is liking the taste of fat or at least extra roasted chicken skins and bacon fat. That is all verboten in things, but all the same, I never heard of a cow doing that.

Had Belle and Daisy outside yesterday and they both tried to drag me around, but I was good enough anchor. They do well on the rope and halter, so after the ringworm heals up, it will be more of that.
Bad news is TL is healing from what appears a ringworm spot. It is trying to have this non stop satan shit dumping on us. This 3 weeks in getting this stove is just wearing.
In conversation this morning, the dude said he almost shipped it back and the dealer was telling him it would be a 3 to 4 week wait for another. I still think if I had the time and the summer, that I could get an old kitchen stove and rig up a blessed better furnace than what is now being foisted on the world.
The day comes, I am going to put in that mason stove and finish an invention for heating I have been working on for a few years. Just too much time to not have to do things which need doing. With all the other, got to finish the shed, got to finish the goat milk shed, and then try and get the garden stuff and that if no more satan eruptions, we should be at least not behind 6 months on stuff.

I want to thank Richard and Stephanie for their help and I pray they take care of themselves first. I appreciate those who offered suggestion on things as people caring always makes a difference.  I hate being a beggar and I am fuming about the Limbaugh types who........always sound so humble in sucking market shear out of the lambs, when how the hell real can Levin or whatever on FOX is when they are multi millionaire stooges of Mockingbird and a 30 dollar steak just means chomping on it as much of a 5 dollar steak.
The butcher was saying they are making no money and he hoped beef prices fell. Sorry about that, but have a few beef, I hope the other prices fall and the beef stays high.......there is too much speculation in the beef market though in idiot Craigslist hucksters are in it whole hog and screwing with prices in speculation.
Look if you can get a cheap fatted calf and raise it........not name it, not pamper it, then beef is affordable just like when the Prodigal Son was appearing to the rich daddy.

I wanted to post this as I do not have time......been up since 6 doing things and still have things to do as always.

Yes John Thune of South Dakota is looking for Net Neutrality, against the Obama regime FCC regulations to shut down the internet, namely this blog. I guess when I am  gone to image Obama censorship, then I won't have to harp about donations and all of you rich people will have clear consciences in not being reminded how big of tight asses you are. Why do something responsible, when it is easier to steal and have a few others fill in the chasm.
Oh well, they won't be able to shut down God talking to me.

I think that is about all for now, I am grateful and thankful very sincerely. Is hard being on the receiving end, but then someone had to bake Elijah's bread in the famine.

Just thinking in planning out the week ahead.........God help all of His children in Jesus Name Amen and Amen

PS: It is hell trying to post even a thank you in the drag on this wire.
