Friday, January 23, 2015

The Fallen Image

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In observing the image of Obama at the State of the Union, the assessment which all missed was what you have before you is the entity which did indeed wow the crowds in 2008. This was the community organizer on display in the form of the shapeshifter. This was the wow which gave the speeches which intoxicated the Oprah mobs to tears. It did not say a thing, except profanity in the profane of equating that being a black American is equal to a perverse sex act or some creature which does not know if it is man or woman. That is the blasphemy which the image proclaimed.

The only reaction the image produced was when the people rightly clapped in thanksgiving that it would never be elected again. To this the image barred it's fangs and lied as it did all night in trying to manifest as a combination of Dr. Martin King and Ronald Reagan, that it had won two elections.
No the image of Obama's benefactors stole two Presidential elections from John McCain and Mitt Romney. In McCain's case it was proven that 10 million GOP votes were flipped and in Romney's situation it was the same like number which by electronic means became Obama and liberal democratic votes when Obama was still necessary to enact all the cartel's programme.

What was on display was the end of the democratic party. This is what Obama's image did to the DNC. It took the Bill Clinton reformed Reaganesque party with Newt Gingrich, and turned it into a super minority in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord.

Thee most bizarre thing were those crotch munchers in Muchelle, Jill and that ugly woman from Sodomsota who was featured, having written a letter praising Birther Hussein in all that could be done in taking a married couple down and out and giving them a job and home.
The bizarre in this is the reality that within moments the image and the tearful Sodomsotoan, were lamenting that she was in massive debt. See that is what happens when poor people buy inflated 250,000 dollar homes and are conned into going to college, taking loans that cost tens of thousands of dollars for a career that it will take them to their dying day to pay off.
That is mass slavery, and that is the legacy of the Birther image. The death of the DNC and the selling of Obama voters to slavery in working for the socio conglomerates all of their days.

There is nothing uplifting or American in any of this. This is the image of Obama in legacy. This is what Obama did in the image in taking George W. Bush 1.87 gas in 2008, driving up gas prices of green looting, and then bragging in 2015 at 1.89 gas prices that Americans will save hundreds of dollars a year.
What abotu the thousands this has all cost Americans for 6 years of this regime which they will never get back?

The GOP was no better in that store window dummy response by that skirty from Iowa. It takes a great deal of idiocy to make the image of Obama look intelligent, but this woman did it. This is what you get when you trust in the National Gaurd, something not too bright, but at least John Thune will be pulling her handle to make her light up in McConnell votes, instead of Obama with Harkin.

The image was polished and there were not any tells, other than the reality if you listened to a Sean Hannity medlay of Obama over the years the next day on the radio, that you heard Obama a southerner, heard Obama the stutterer and you heard the shapeshifter at the highlights of it all.

The one certanty which you can count on in this, is that everything the image promised and spoke of, it will do the opposite. It is focused on things that have already been enacted in prego leave and free college. That free college is not free, but is just another money funnel to the cartel, and the selling the soul part will be, "You got something free, so now you are required to give things back in your life."

I only state these things as others have not, and to point out that the image of Obama is faded. There is another coming which is darker still. That is where the energy flow is, and image Obama can con legacy with Persian nuke treaties, but someone darker still is going to take credit for what is to come sa the spoils belong to the victor carving his name on the Obelisks and not the Horn of African who dragged it all up to glorify itself.

Let's not bother with luggage..........
